Winnie is strangely positive about Robb here, and I have no idea where she could have gotten that impression of him. His personality is intact in this script.

Jessie is.....jealous of Robb's "prettiness"? WT Royal F?

Another shortened scene. In the broadcast version Winnie says the house is missing "the kid in you," then leaves and the scene immediately changes.

We get a lot more in the bowling alley than we do in the final.

No betting in the finished episode.

Winnie says "You also thought I read your list" in the finished version. Much better.

This dialogue is all 100% intact in the final.

That remark makes no sense. I saw Dumbo a lot more on cable than I did on broadcast TV.

Also, it's interesting they actually admit where they cribbed that old plot point from. In the final they do no such thing.