On the first anniversary of the Mt. St. Helens explosion, a KATU narrator vividly compares the experience to a woman's bre--HEY, I SWEAR I'M NOT MAKING THIS UP! |
BEHOLD NEWS 8'S NEW HELICOPTER With microwave power! And Pete Schulberg! |
THAT BEER'S GOT LEGS! This ad would have scared me as a kid. |
GO OLINGER!!! SSSSHHHOOOOMMMM!!! Apparently the name "Olinger" once meant more than RVs. The guy is pulling so much weight in this ad, he's defiantly parked three vehicles in the MIDDLE of I-205. See for yourself... |
SMITHS HOME FURNISHINGS The earliest Smiths ad in the collection is a real curiosity...It plays the Indiana Jones theme while showing shots of their warehouse. Was this unintentional or were they actually implying they were the ones who wound up with the Ark? |
GEORGE LUCAS CHEVROLET Speaking of Lucasfilm...he says his name is John, but who does that look like to you? I now have every reason to believe he lived a double life as a used car salesman in Oregon. Listen to that music and tell me wrong... |
H.K. LIMITED AD Anyone remember H.K? Well, apparently, it was really tasty or something. |
KATU IS....THE NEWS SOURCE Big deal, they don't have TWO helicopters.... |
KATU IS....THE NEWS SOURCE AGAIN A second 1981 promo, this time focusing on the anchors. |
CHANNEL 8: OUR EPIDERMIS IS SHOWING Or something like that. |
LEAVE YOUR NAME ON A PIONEER COURTHOUSE SQUARE BRICK The Square was still under construction, and for the price of a donation they would engrave your name onto one of the bricks. Last time I looked, the names were still there....and my own name is on one of them; Dad paid for it shortly after I was born. Can you find it? |
THIS MESSAGE BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE GREAT KIDS OF BEAUMONT MIDDLE SCHOOL They must be pretty great if they can resist picking on Joanie here. I know I couldn't. |
A I'll admit it--this is from the KPTV 40th Anniversary special, not an original airing. I do have a tape from 1981 that has one second of footage...but it's one second. I get the word "river" and nothing else. Note to archivers: DON'T CUT OUT THE ADS. |
A SECOND NORTHWEST STATE OF MIND Update: I DID manage to find one taped in its original airtime. Only problem is, it's not the same one. But hey, now I have two. |
VARIOUS RADIO SPOTS OF 1981 If KINK FM can put an angry gorilla to sleep, why shouldn't it work for you? |
CASCADE RUN-OFF Do you recognize that music? It's part of the KPTV 10 O'Clock News theme. If KATU's using it, the tune must have been public domain. On a related note, "Emerald Yeh" was one of the best Asian names ever, though it doesn't beat current Multnomah Circuit Court member "Youlee Yim You." |
A.M. NORTHWEST CIRCA 1981 With Margie Boule and The Boz. |
60 SECOND A.M. NORTHWEST PROMO Their housewife focus hasn't changed much in 25 years. |
uh.....what? Seriously.... |
ARCTIC CIRCLE SQUARE PUMPKIN I hated Arctic Circle and I hated their advertising as well. I thought the yearly "Square Pumpkin" was a stupid concept and I also found AC's estimations on my childhood intelligence insulting. When I first saw that cheapie "C-Prize" I thought it was a pacifier! (But I think it's actually a...top, of some kind.) |
FACES AND PLACES Here's one for the obscurity books. |
PIG-MAN This is the only "Faces and Places" segment I could dig up. If the whole show was as weird as this one segment is, I want to see more.... |
OMSI AD Every OMSI ad I've ever seen has dealt only with the traveling exhibit of the month...an ad for OMSI itself is rarer than rare. It's not the highest-budget of productions, and it's made worse by the bad recording it got. Half of what you see is actually from a story on Mt. St. Helens--only the audio came in for the first few seconds. |
COMMERCIAL FOR MT. ST. HELENS MOVIE It was a cheapie film trying to capitalize on recent events, and it'd only be worth watching today if Tom Servo and Crow T. Robot were inserted. |
MORE RADIO SPOTS FROM 1981 That early KGON commercial does indeed rock. Wish I could say the same for Z100 in this era. See for yourself... |
PORTLAND POLICE MUSEUM Never heard of it. Judging by the fate of every other building that gets sold around here, this is now probably "THUY THUIY TRANH THRNHY FRIED BEETLE CUISINE." |
STAR WARS: COMING TO RADIO This is what you call "an old chestnut." |
MALIBU GRAND PRIX Never drive go-karts under the influence, like these unusually enthusiastic people are. |
HEY BABY! DRINK YOUR MILK! A locally-produced milk spot starring 1981's current governor and some ancient Blazer. |
KPDX TV 49 -- HOME OF THE STAAAARS! Before it changed networks more times than your boss changes underwear, KPDX 49 began as an independent station that showed nothing but movies. This video has their first station identification. |
CLIP FROM THE 1983 GRAND FLORAL PARADE Arguably, this is the best video on the entire site. |
PRESSING ISSUES OF 1983 Will Oregon adopt a sales tax? Will the government finally crack down on people videotaping copyrighted TV programs? Will a hobo win the mayoral race? All this plus stuff blowing up! |
RARE KOIN SIGNOFF SEQUENCE We've seen several signoff sequences on this site, but this one's a little different...it's what it looked like when KOIN temporarily went off the air for a few hours in the middle of one night. For the curious... |
PAUL LINNMAN GONE WILD You just never know what Paul Linnman's going to do next! This time, he's running a marathon! WHOA! (Note: Paul says in this ad "Brought to you by RC 100," not "Brought to you by Our Z100." Z100 didn't come in regular and sugar-free varieties back then.) |
VERA KATZ IN 1983? Egad, she must have gone back in history! And now she's altered the time-space continuum and Helen Hunt is in the NFL! |
THE NEW PERFORMING ARTS CENTER ASKS FOR DONATIONS Arlene Schnitzer must have been watching this while sitting on a pile of money. |
WAITIN' FOR SESAME STREET TO COME ON... This one'll take you back. Until the mid-90's, OPB used to play jazz music in between its programs, accompanied by still photos of either the program they were about to show or some serene view of nature. |
AROUND OREGON "Public Affairs" are what you call those community postings that air on local television during ads. This is a vintage 1983 example, set to an off-key rendition of "Jesus Loves the Little Children," from the normally secular KOIN. |
OREGON CRAFT AND FLORAL My mom spent a lot of time here. Though I remember it in detail, I can't say that much about it other than it smelled like straw and it only held appeal for older women. |
FRED MEYER HOLIDAY AD I know...the picture in the TV doesn't look like something you'd see from Fred Meyer. There was something before it on the tape, and I left it on. You'll agree...you'd have done the same. |
NEWS STORY ON TRI-MET Wow, look at those old buses! And look at that closing shot--82nd and Eastport, 25 years ago! Here's a bigger image. |
ROSE 100 FM This is after it was Solid Gold, but before it was Z. |
KUPL #1 When you think of KUPL, you think "fairy dust," right? |