Note: From this page on we'll review arcade history in no direct chronological order.
WAAAASSSSS....not up? Oh well...
1982: Bally Midway introduces the first bartender game! However, the drink of choice is changed in just a short month. It seemed it didn't go well as beer...
Pupa Mario
Pupa Mario
1983: Hey, it's Super Mario Bros! No, it isn't. It's just "Mario Bros." After Mario defeated Donkey Kong and saved his girlfriend, she dumped him and he gave up his carpenter job and began freelancing as a plumber. There's no mushrooms or ANY fungus reference in this game...freaky. He's just doing his job. He's never met Peach...these obscure "transition games" are actually quite common among the histories of stars like this. Before Sonic got his break, he was in a 1983 game called "The Hedgehog." They changed the name to Dig-Dug at the last minute...
Now here's a game I actually remember...OutRun. It was among the many racing games the arcade had to offer in the late 1980's. This game was at Pietros' Pizza Parlor (now bankrupt), and I would go in there at age 7 and play this. Badly. The picture to the left is one of the many fond memories I have of OutRun, although they're all the same. Yes, they've just crashed
out of the windshield and now the car's going to land on top of them. Whee! Pedal to the metal!
1984: Midway rolls out two incredibly lame, stupid ideas for games: "Paperboy" and "Toobin". People avoid them in droves. After they see their day in the arcade, Midway releases them and re-releases them over and over for every home video game system on the planet. Makes sense...