Most video game companies have a mascot that's synonymous with the company. Nintendo has Mario. Sega has Sonic. Namco has Pac-Man, and Sony used to have Crash until they gave him up(and who can blame them?)
So of course, now that Microsoft is trying to bully--er, nudge its way into the field of interactive entertainment, they need a mascot to make it easier for them. The X-Box has a lot of problems(some of their games, the elephant of a controller they give you, a lack of respect in Japan for machines bigger than a breadbox), but the most glaring problem is that there is no furry thing to make people stare at the X-Box and go, "Awwwwww."
Now, it has to be something that hasn't been tried before. The magazine EGM said, "Use a monkey." However, came up with a much better idea.
"Bill Gates, old boy, I have two words for you: Tonya Harding." --IGN
While there's no doubt in my mind that Tonya Harding would be the best video game mascot to date, I think my own idea is even better. You're all missing the point...when I think of mascots, I think of one that rose above them all. A character that redefined the very MEANING of mascotism. You all know who I'm referring to! It's.......
Is Bill up to it? You BET he is! He's the PEOPLE'S mascot. Full of 'tude, yet quietly resounding of dignity. And talk about recognizable--you'd never mistake this guy for Mario, or Crash, or any of these people! No, the rival companies would see Bill's picture on games, and then spun off onto placemats and cartoon shows and yo-yos, and they'd say, "That's Gates' boy!" with gushing admiration and jealousy.

Also, Bill has what Ninten-don't---teen appeal.

Bill was first introduced as a mascot for the almighty comic strip "Bloom County," and immediately found fame.
Bill hasn't had much work since Bloom County folded. He needs this job. And let's face it--a box this bad SCREAMS Bill the Cat. And if it's really that much of a problem identifying the two, they could spray-paint Bill a lime-green color, like they made Sonic "Sega Blue."

And does Bill ever have a resume! He's been an international celebrity, a Communist spy, the leader of several religious cults, had his brain switched with Donald Trump's, and attacked Mickey Mouse's estranged twin brother with a chainsaw. Well, these things all look good on a Microsoft resume if you want to get far.

And he's ran for President TWICE.
Is there any doubt in your mind now? Bill the Cat would be the greatest video game mascot of all time.

Or they could use a monkey; I really don't care....