Okay......yeah, that's right, you're breaking into Bill's house so you can get access to his computer, and remove all that EVIDENCE. Since you can't completely avoid using any Microsoft products, he has all the data on you he needs; he knows about you wetting the bed in kindergarten; about the time you sat on that cat and killed it; everything! (Through the miracle of "cookies", you know....)

So you find Bill's computer room and flip on the switch. You click on the "My Files" folder and find your name, then hit the Delete key. HA HA! Now you did it!

Oops, the Delete key erased the entire Internet for some reason. Rats, you should have been more careful. Now we have to go back to telephones again.....what a drag. And when you return to the hallway, the rest of your Scooby Gang is there, and Carrot Top is SO mad about what you did that he puts you over his knee and spanks your fanny red!! "BAD BAD BAD!! BAD BOY!! NOW GO SIT IN THE CORNER!!"

You sit in the corner. You're a baaaaaaad widdle boy. (Hey, don't look at me like that; at least THIS ending doesn't involve a cow.)

Play again....