What do
ya do when there's nothin' on TV?
Well, you turn that channel straight to the WB!
......Wait, is that good or bad?
Teaser with Mary Hartless
Local Summer Teaser with New Animaniacs Footage
The First Minute
Rare Earthworm Jim ad with animation from the
unreleased pilot!
Bumpers #1
Schedules: Road Map
Animaniacs: First day promo for new episode
Opener for September 24, 1995
That's Warner Bros.
That's Warner Bros #2
That's Warner Bros. + Animaniacs
Freakazoid and Friends
Freakazoid: Three Against Freak
Earthworm Jim: A Worm You Can Depend On
Earthworm Jim: Really Good Suit
Pinky and the Brain: "World Domination and
Pinky and the Brain: Taking Over Kids WB
Pinky and the Brain Prime-Time Premiere Promo
Freakazoid: "Nothing Will Stand In My Way!"
Freaky Halloween
Crazy Careers: Traffic Chopper Girl (the affiliate cut this off, not me)
Crazy Careers: Tortilla Chip Maker
Crazy Careers: Creator of False Teeth
Crazy Careers: Rollercoaster
Crazy Careers: TV Station Producer
Pinky and the Brain: People Love Them
Animaniacs: Change is Good
The WB New Years Eve Bash
Freakazoid: Montage
Freakazoid: The Superhero With the Power to Humiliate
Animaniacs: Monday through Friday (Wayans Bros)
That's Warner Bros: Professional Courtesy
Brain Drain: Of Mice and Men
Brain Drain: Original Warner Brothers
Earthworm Jim: "We're #1"
Kids WB Song (Despite the presence of Superman,
this first came out in Season 1)
Four words that would live in infamy: BIG KIDS GO FIRST
Put a Brain
in the White House
Sylvester and Tweety Mysteries: Granny
Superman: Superman's Story
Superman: What They Fear
Superman: Lois Lane
Superman: Super Sweepstakes
Animaniacs: All-Points Bulletin
Animaniacs: Ode to an Anvil
Bugs 'n Daffy: Party Animals
Bugs 'n Daffy: "Some Important Woids"
Freakazoid: Freakazoid and Cosgrove
Pinky and the Brain: Behold the Brain (NOTE: Pinky says a different line than what he said in the episode the clip comes from. He asks for "five minutes of the Macarena" in the finished show.)
Pinky and the Brain: A Tale of Two Mice
Crazy Careers: Mars Rover Designer
Road Rovers: Ready to Roll
Road Rovers: Ready to Roll #2
Waynehead: You Gotta Be Bad
Waynehead: Shoot Off Your Mouth
Washingtoons Day
Pinky and the Brain -- Pinky taped to TV #1
Closing Song
1997 Opener
Pinky and the Brain -- Pinky taped to TV #2
Animaniacs -- Half-a-minute Waltz
Pinky and the Brain -- Brain's Pledge
Pinky and the Brain -- Brain's Speech
Pinky and the Brain -- Two Mice Are Better Than One
Pinky and the Brain -- If Pinky Ruled the World
"Heavy Duty Dubbas"
"Heavy Duty Dubbas" with mention of
"Invasion America"
Calamity Jane
Captain Planet -- "chicken song"
Captain Planet -- Leaner Greener Kids WB
Captain Planet -- "Camptown Races"
Kids WB -- Big, Shiny and Brand-New
MiB in Four Weeks
MiB in Four Weeks #2
MiB in Three Weeks
Batman/Superman -- Six Days A Week
Batman/Superman -- Men in Capes
Batman/Superman -- Harley and Ivy
Kids WB -- New Weekend
Appear in a Kids WB spot with Superman
Halloween Maskaraid
Halloween Maskaraid #2
Tiny Toons -- What Toons Will Do
Tiny Toons -- Plucky and Shirley
Tiny Toons and Captain Planet -- Toxic Revenger
Kids WB: "Alien Attack"
Sylvester and Tweety Mysteries -- Tweet Temptation
"Turkey Day Takedown"
Christmas 1997
Pinky and the Brain -- Alarm Clock
Batman-Superman -- "Day Jobs"
Channel Umptee-3 -- "I am not a
Channel Umptee-3 -- Channel Surfers
Breakfast Dubba Clubba Cereal with Elmyra
Breakfast Dubba Clubba -- Daddy-O
Summer Heat
1998 Opener
Kids WB -- New 1998 Lineup
2oons Weekend
The Ol' Schedule Blimp
Animaniacs -- Y to K Bug
MiB -- Royal Kirilian Cruise Lines
Brats of the Lost Nebula
Superman vs. Batman -- "Who Kicks More
Batman/Superman -- Villainous Hand Gestures
Batman/Superman -- Dubbatone News
Pinky, Elmyra and the Brain -- Promo #1
Pinky, Elmyra and the Brain -- Promo #2
MiB -- Jay replaced by Bulbasaur
Batman/Superman -- Heavy Hitters
Batman/Superman -- Robin learns to drive
Batman Beyond -- Busy Day
Pokemon -- Poke-Fever
Tiny Toons and Histeria #1
Tiny Toons and Histeria #2
Batman Beyond and Men in Black
Big Cartoonie Show -- Daffy Duck
Pinky and the Brain -- Cartoon Secrets Revealed
Histeria -- with Lex Luthor
Animaniacs -- Someone's watching Wakko
Sylvester and Tweety Mysteries -- Incurable
Batman/Superman -- "World's Finest"
promo (not the original airing)
The Ultimate Animaniacs Super-Special (repeat)
Pokemon -- Charmeleon vs. The Brain
Pokemon Premiere Party #1
Pokemon Premiere Party #2
Pokemon Premiere Party #3
Batman/Superman -- "Rookie Superhero
Histeria -- Siren
Sylvester and Tweety Mysteries -- Chasing Da Bird
"Naked Day with Barenaked Ladies"
(Note: they changed the name of this promotion
midway through the week to "BNL Day"
due to complaints. This is, fortunately, the
original ad)
Happy Mother's Day
Batman/Superman -- How Super is Superman?
Pinky and the Brain -- Brain Seeks New Partner
Histeria -- Americana Week
Histeria -- Winter Blahs
Sylvester and Tweety Mysteries -- How To Avoid Backstrain
Big Cartoonie Show -- Wakko Says A Mouthful
Big Cartoonie Show -- Yakko and Wakko on Sharon
Big Cartoonie Show -- Who Wants To Be A Milooneyaire
1999 Opener
Kids WB
Season Premiere Weekend Promo
Batman Beyond -- On Weekdays
Batman Beyond -- New Season Promo
Batman Beyond -- New Season Promo #2
Detention -- Premiere
Detention -- Premiere #2
Big Cartoonie Show -- "How Big Can Big
Batman/Superman -- Batman vs. Golbat
Histeria -- "Smile"
Mid-day Saturday Schedule
Snow Jam with Lou Bega 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Batman Beyond -- "I love it when they do
Super Spooky Afternoons
"Batman Schmatman"
Christmas 1999 -- 3 Pokemon + Pinky and the Brain
Christmas 1999 -- "We Flush You A Merry
More from Christmas 1999
Sylvester and Tweety Mysteries -- "At least
he's consistent"
Sylvester and Tweety Mysteries -- Cooking Tip
Sylvester and Tweety Mysteries -- Chase is Half
the Fun
Histeria -- Spot the Mistake
Detention Pre-emption
Big Cartoonie Show -- Rose-Colored Glasses
Batman/Superman -- Villain Tryouts
Batman/Superman -- Sidekick Tryouts
Pokemon: Bumpers
Detention: Bad Mamma-Jamma
Batman Beyond: Comparing Bad Guys
Kids WB Super Slammin' Tunestakes
Histeria: Hersteria
Kids WB: Afternoons
Detention: Escaping (this is a MUST see)
"Someone is leaving Pokemon!"
Batman/Superman: "Who's faster"
Batman Beyond: If Terry Wasn't Batman
Detention: Emmitt's Phone Call
Histeria: Greatest Ideas in History
Animaniacs Week
Pokemon: Cliffhanger Week
Sylvester and Tweety Mysteries -- Cat Rules
Batman/Superman -- Bad Boys of Metropolis
Detention: Harsh
Batman Beyond: "Got Ya"
Pokemon vs. Histeria
Histeria -- "Smile"
Batman/Superman -- Advice When Visiting Metropolis and Gotham
Kids WB: "Going Turbo!"
Kids WB: Spring has Sprung
MiB --
Expect the Unexpected
MiB -- Swing Into Action
MiB -- Granny
Batman Beyond -- Max Week
All-New Super Saturday
Another All-New Weekend
Batman Beyond -- Villains Who Just Won't Go Away
Batman Beyond -- Villains Who Just Won't Go Away
Pokemon -- 2 new episodes
X-Men Evolution -- Premiere of Juggernaut
Cardcaptors -- New Time
Pokemon -- "Hi, Oak"
MiB -- Invasion of the Tiny Aliens Week
Batman Beyond -- "Things Get Ugly"
Jackie Chan Adventures -- "ANGRY CROW TAKES
Several shows -- "So you wanna be a
X-Men Evolution -- "The Cauldron"
Batman Beyond -- seizure-inducing montage
Halloween Screamathon
videos from the accounts of: FroggoFan64,
ttipoopreturns, flamebird30, oldcbsfantwo,
Therockhimshelf3, adonandumich
Some videos from PP's own collection
Do you have Kids WB videos to contribute? Let me know