Removed from Opus's "memorial" sequence, right after the "Opus Unit" strip:

Right before Milo meets the bum on the bus:

Right before Bill meets Jeane Kirkpatrick, this happens:

Right after the Banana attempts to hit on a woman:

Deleted from the sequence where Opus re-enters the scene with amnesia--and despite believing he's a completely different person, there's virtually no difference.

As it turns out, there are actually two strips in "Bloom County Babylon" that were NOT printed in papers: the one where Milo writes Opus's mother, and the one where he hammers the "Walruses Welcome" sign. These two appear to have been created for the book alone.

Even though I think this is funny.....what about Lando, huh?

This begins the "National Dandelion Park" sequence.

The strip after this one is missing: October 6. October 13 is MIA as well.

Taken out of the series with Steve Dallas's mother:

Please forgive me for the mental image the following cartoon makes you suffer through:

Cut from right before Steve Dallas tried buying a mail-order bride.

Given that vinyl had been around for decades by the time the CD player hit the market, one would think you couldn't really call it "state-of-the-art" anymore even when it was dominant.

Watch for an exciting batch of deleted scenes from "Billy and the Boingers Bootleg" Bloom County: The Complete Library Vol 4. My work here is done, god bless you IDW.