Dan's Report from E3: Day One
Nintendo's booth is once again the largest booth at the show. Although there are no licensee
booths within Nintendo's booth, several different areas will highlight key titles from both Nintendo
and second parties.
The Nintendo's Sports lineup is heavily featured, with Kobe Bryant in NBA Courtside and
Featuring Ken Griffey Jr. Licensee sports games include World Cup '98, NFL Blitz,
NFL Quarterback Club '99,
NBA Jam '99, and Madden '99, among others.
Zelda takes center stage, literally, in the Zelda theatre. An almost
life-sized puppet of Princess Zelda will actually interact with the
audience (like Mario and Wario have at previous shows.) The Princess is
continually menaced by a gigantic Ganondorf,
enticing visitors to check out The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time.
has a huge presence at the show, with a display showing just a few of
the thousands of merchandised items for Pokemon. A gigantic Pokeball
will open to reveal an equally large Pikachu. Small Pokemon toys will
then be launched into the audience. I'm sure we'll see some impromptu
Pokémon battles break out with these little guys!
I've already seen so many things that I divided it into easy-to-digest sections: