The twentieth box contained several items. It might be the most valuable box. If you consider donkey saddles and empty gift boxes valuable.
Yes, the saddle fits snugly atop Mr. Donkey, affording those who'd want to ride him a groin area totally unirritated by his dirty animal hair. After that, there's two well-wrapped Christmas gift boxes. One of them is totally empty, but the second had something inside. After fifteen minutes of debate, we figured out that this special gift was some kind of mouth chain for the jackass. Sort of. Take a look...
I didn't put it on him - it doesn't look very comfortable. So much trickery in the twentieth box. Things kick off with the donkey getting a nice new saddle. Then he notices those two colorful gift boxes with his name on them. As he opens the boxes, he's shocked to find that the first is empty, and the only thing in the second is a cheap slave chain so his missas and massas can drag him all around the farm. The donkey wishes he was Jewish. :(