Man, these toys suck so far. Another lamb? I'm getting pretty tired of all these lambs. Sure, this one is smaller, and thus not the same toy. Still, how many lambs does a nativity scene really need? Nativities are supposed to be celebrations of Jesus' birth, not zoo dioramas. It's a good thing my other lamb is really a midget killer in disguise, otherwise we'd be way over the normal lamb quota.
This new tiny lamb also has a moveable head, but he's posed for battle more than his larger sibling. This is a lamb with something to prove. He's a Christmas rogue. If I get any more lamb toys out of this advent calendar, I'll take back my earlier comment and start eating them out of sheer spite. What am I gonna pull off this thing at the end of the month? A jumbo lamb, or a blue lamb? I can't stand lambs. Lambs suck.