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![]() ![]() Hey look, Christmas cookies! Three new varieties from Keebler, ranging from classic holiday favorites to wacky Oreo rip-offs with Donald Duck faces etched on top. Actually, these aren't a bad deal. The first two kinds are present at virtually every Christmas party -- they're the cookies someone always has to make even though nobody else eats 'em. Rather than making a loved one spend all that extra time baking, just set Keebler's boxes out and let nobody eat them instead. Time is precious during these final days before the Christmas; everybody could use a few more hours to find the perfect gift for some distant stupid aunt. ![]() First up, "Holiday Jingles." Just your standard sugar cookies topped with red and green pixie dust. Upon opening box, the first thing that struck me about the aroma was how similar it was to McDonald's McGriddles. Either the honey-drenched buns of Hell's breakfast sandwich shares some traits with these cookies, or Keebler has a thing for making their sweets smell like sausage. I didn't focus long enough to make a proper evaluation. I became much too busy trying to pick off all the red and green specks just to see if it could be done. It couldn't, so I moved on. And that's my story. ![]() Secondly, here's a box of "Frosted Mints." Okay, these really smell like Christmas. They're incredibly minty, literally to the point where the scent cleared out my sinuses. Frosted Mints were the cleaner shrimp to my moray eel. If you don't follow my meaning, take solace in the fact that I'm writing this in the middle of the night, and probably won't be able to understand it after I wake up. There's certainly things you can make your brain crunch on late at night if they're important enough, but churning out a few hundred words about Keebler cookies ain't one of them. I know I should be more conscious of what I type, but come on...Keebler cookies? My brain isn't going to turn itself on and go into emergency battle mode just to describe Keebler cookies. ![]() There's also some kind of "Almond Crescent" cookies, but I didn't buy 'em. They're out there, though. Believe the rumors. Our final variety is easily the best of the lot: "Magic Middles," the only cookie in the world that could've gotten two longtime enemies like Mickey Mouse and the Keebler elves to team up. We recently looked at Nabisco's "Winter Oreos," and lemme tell you -- these totally blow Oreos out of the cookiewater. Magic Middles' creme filling is thicker and brighter than anything Oreo's ever put out, and as an added bonus, the cookie wafers feature different Disney characters. Donald, Mickey, Goofy...all the big guns. The shocking red and neon green icing looks almost too unnatural to eat. Then again, we live in a society that scrapes off parts of cow ass, forms wands out of 'em, and hires various pro-wrestlers and guys with ten-foot meat-hair to advertise them as "snacks." If we can eat Slim Jims at the request of Randy "Macho Man" Savage, we can eat radioactive cookie creme. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() (click to enlarge) Mista Snowman, feeding Mare and Mysterious Boy enough turkey to kill a rhino, tricked his would-be oppressors into a tryptophan-induced sleep. He didn't know what was going to be inside Playmobil's gift box for December 14th -- but whatever it was, it was gonna be his. Because the Christmas spirit has a lot more to do with small stereo systems than anyone realizes, our latest prize is the tiny red radio shown above. Mista Snowman knows that his victory is only temporary. When Mare wakes up, she'll just grab the stereo and claim it as her own. Plus, it's not like Mysterious Boy is gonna stick up for him. Pauly Pooch might, but we haven't seen him for like a week or something. Didn't this thing come with a crow, too? Did one of our pals eat Bird before Playmobil had a chance to dispense yesterday's rations? With just a scant few hours before Mare wakes up and has a fit over Mista Snowman's unwrapping session, the icy hero makes the most of what little time he has left by cranking up the volume and bustin' loose with the snowmoves. Some were pretty basic, but one of the more interesting dances involved Mista Snowman holding his middle-ball over his head, shouting "I can't believe I can hold my stomach over my head!" I guess it wasn't really a "dance." The radio threw me off...kinda gave it a beat, y'know? Dawn approaches, and with it, Mare's awakening draws ever closer. Considering how much of a greedy freak she's been with gifts like thermoses and small benches, it's gonna be real scary to see how she reacts to this one. I hope she doesn't dust off the terrible, unspeakable "Mare Stare." Shit, I shouldn't give her any ideas. - Matt (12/14/03) |
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