KUSE: Okay, where the fuck is Knacks? He loves sushi! He can't miss this!
MARE: I'll go get him. Make sure Waiterbot doesn't drink all the sake!
KUSE: He won't. He says he can only serve it for some reason.
KNACKS: Wow, my very last MySpace blog entry of the 2006 Christmas season. I better make this one count.
KNACKS: "Dear friends: Merry Christmas!"
KNACKS: Too abrupt.
KNACKS: "Dear friends: I hope you're having a wonderful Christmastime."
KNACKS: Better.
KNACKS: "I'm having a hard time figuring out if this has been a good year that felt bad, or a bad year that felt good. It's been one for the books, I know that much. At the beginning of December, I was a little off. Most of you know that. Things that shouldn't have been bothering me, were bothering me. I was snippy, snapping and a bunch of other 'S' words that I won't repeat here, because I run a family blog."
"When I reflect on all that's gone on this month, yeah, there's some serious crapola. I spent much of the Christmas season pissed at my friends. Then I made up with them, and some of them got kidnapped. Then I had to fight these beastly, burly men who almost killed me. Then I got kidnapped myself, and by my old crush, at that!"
"On the other hand, there was a whole bunch of goodness. I became a godfather, I made a great new friend in Tigerboy, and in some roundabout way, I can be co-credited with saving Christmas entirely. Whereas most people's Christmas success barometer rests on the shoulders of whether or not Santa brings them a PS3, I can't help being proud of having something more meaningful."
"Plus, I got to tongue this really hot blonde for like ten minutes straight."
KNACKS: "When I joined MySpace, I was shocked by how many friends I found. You guys really made a lost soul feel special. I also got to approve a lot of YouTube-laden comments, and I always felt like a department director giving someone the go-ahead whenever I did. It was cool."
"Sure, when my 'real life friends' and I made up, I kinda stopped being such a MySpace addict. It doesn't mean I stopped caring. I just needed a better balance."
"Christmas is today, and like always, it's a good day. Everything that happened before, every bad thing -- it just doesn't seem to matter anymore. I don't know if it's Christmas that makes that happen or something else entirely, but I'm eternally thankful for it. And not that bullshit Thanksgiving kind of thankful. Christmas thankful. Really thankful."
"I don't know what the future holds for me, or for my friends, but I'm feeling pretty okay about it. I'm glad y'all hopped on the train and shared these trials and triumphs with me. You've encouraged me even in times when it couldn't have mattered."
KNACKS: "Merry Christmas, guys. I hope yours does as much for you as mine did for me. See ya around. Love, Knacks."
MARE: Knacks?! So this is where you are! Come on, we're having a giant sushi party upstairs!
MARE: Don't tell me you'd rather sit on your computer than be with your friends on Christmas!