MARE: Gosh, I feel like I haven't seen the circus in days.

MARE: This whole month's been a blur. Don't you agree, Mista Snowman?


MARE: Really? Today's gift was vegetables?

MISTA SNOWMAN: And a mouse! But I'm more excited about the vegetables!

MISTA SNOWMAN: Okay Mare, no bullshit -- you HAVE to get me a juicer for Christmas!


CLAIRE: So, you guys finally made it up here, eh? Took ya long enough.

KNACKS: Shut up, Claire. You're an evil bitch, and so is that freaky rabbit standing next to you.

KNACKS: We're going to give you one chance to surrender. If you don't, it's clobberin' time.

CLAIRE: Oh God, isn't this precious, Hare?

HARE: Indeed. They must be on hallucinogens.

KNACKS: Enough! You saw what we did to your little friends outside! We're hardcore! We can SO take you!

KNACKS: What's it going to be? Give up...or DIE.

CLAIRE: Oooooh, a conundrum! What do you think we should do, Hare?

HARE: Well, we could surrender...or we could kill them and have sex on top of their smoldering corpses.

CLAIRE: That sounds good, let's go with that.

CLAIRE: Hit us with your best shot, kittens.



JAMES LIPTON: You went to the Advent Calendar without me! How could you do that?!

WAITERBOT: Quiet, you toad. Now that I have Paul, I have little use for your pathetic company.

JAMES LIPTON: But Waiterbot, we're supposed to be a team! Mare said!

WAITERBOT: Fuck Mare. Mare is a goat woman and we both know it!

KUSE: Is there a problem here?

JAMES LIPTON: Oh Kuse, thank God it's you! Waiterbot went to the Advent Calendar without me! He's trying to replace me with that weird photographer! This isn't right!

JAMES LIPTON: You gotta do something about this, Kuse!

KUSE: I'm not getting involved...I have my own problems. You'll have to figure this one out for yourself.

JAMES LIPTON: Fine then! I will! You just watch me!

JAMES LIPTON: Hey Waiterbot, remember this?! If you don't put me back on Advent Calendar duty, I'll burn you to death!

WAITERBOT: Oh PLEASE. Half the people here shoot shit from their hands.

JAMES LIPTON: Yeah, but that's just hand energy! I'm powered with actual, literal fire!

WAITERBOT: Bah! I am flame retardant!

KUSE: Hey James, have you seen Hssxxlllo around?

JAMES LIPTON: He's out back, chatting it up with that weird clown. Why?

KUSE: Just had to ask him something.


TIGERBOY: Ughhhnnn...

KNACKS: Owwwwwccchhhh...

CLAIRE: That was too easy. I barely had a chance to enjoy it!

HARE: Okay, but explain this to me again...why are we letting them live?

CLAIRE: How many times do I have to tell you?! We have to let our savior kill them, so he can collect their life energies!

HARE: What a raw deal. I was really looking forward to printing copies of the coroner's report, listing their causes of death as "Hare."

CLAIRE: Fred! Zombria! Take these sacks of shit to the dungeon!

FRED: Are you sure they're totally unconscious?

CLAIRE: Quite sure. I'm a good shot.


KUSE: Christ, you're a tough guy to find.

HSSXXLLLO: What's the matter, Kuse?

KUSE: That clown! That's what's the matter! I told you...if you can't figure out where that clown came from, we're going to have to kill him!

HSSXXLLLO: But Kuse! I think I'm getting close! I gave him some food earlier, and I swear, he was like *this close* to talking!

KUSE: One more day, Hssxxlllo. That's all I'll give you.

HSSXXLLLO: But I don't understand why this is such a huge rush, Kuse! It's not like he can hurt anyone from inside that cage! Why are you being so impatient?

KUSE: Because those circus animals were our friends, Hssxxlllo, and they deserve justice! Now how do you expect to make this murderer talk? I want to know who he's working for!

HSSXXLLLO: Well, I came close to getting answers by feeding him some bread. Maybe giving him a drink will push things over the edge?

KUSE: Sounds good. Where do we keep the drinks? I'll go fetch one.

HSSXXLLLO: Oh, I think there's a can of beer left, over on the elephant podium. You sure you don't want me to get it? It's a little messy over there.

KUSE: Naw, I want to help.


FRED: There! That should hold the little twits!

FRED: Heh, those kids are gonna have a nice little family reunion in there, dontcha think?

ZOMBRIA: I don't think. Thinking is for losers. I just do.

DOCTOR: Oh my God...not you guys, too!

DOCTOR: Oh guys are in rough shape. Shit...why couldn't I have become a real doctor? Why did I insist on only dressing the part? Shit.

DOCTOR: Hey, you better come have a look at this!

DOCTOR: They must've been coming to rescue us. Looks like they took a real beating. What should we do?

DOCTOR: ....

DOCTOR: Well?!

KUSE: Ah fuck. I guess we could start by checking their pulses?



KUSE: Hey, Hssxxlllo! I don't see any cans of beer on this elephant podium. Are you sure it's here?

HSSXXLLLO: I'm 100% positive, Kuse! It should be right next to the baby badger!

KUSE: Ah, yep. There's the beer.

HSSXXLLLO: Try not to shake it up on the walk back over here. I don't want the clown to think we're playing the old "shake the can and make it explode" trick on him.

HSSXXLLLO: ...heywaitasecond.


HSSXXLLLO: What the forest?!!


KUSE: Is there a problem, Hssxxlllo? You sound jittery over there.

HSSXXLLLO: What? No! There's no problem! No problem at all! I was just...I was just whistling! I love to whistle!

KUSE: I see.



HSSXXLLLO: NOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooo.....

???????: Sorry, kiddo, but you knew too much. On the bright side, there are far worse fates than finishing out your life as a normal, everyday rabbit.


LION: ....

???????: Don't fret, boys. It's almost time.

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