LEGOTRON: You know Box, your mom's pretty hot, but she makes a lot of lousy decisions.

BOX: What's the big deal? There's no way he can break out of there.

LEGOTRON: Maybe, but why take chances? We should've killed Santa-X last year. Why are we letting him live?

BOX: I guess my mother hopes that we can exhange him for Waiterbetty and Doctor.

LEGOTRON: Yeah, if they aren't already dead.

LEGOTRON: We should kill this guy right now, Box. We totally could if we wanted to.

BOX: Nah. It's wrong to kill a Santa Claus. Even a charred, resurrected one who blights Christianity with feverish demon worship.

LEGOTRON: Can we at least throw rocks at him?

BOX: Oh, absolutely.


WAITERBOT: This is an insult!

WAITERBOT: What is wrong with these LEGO Advent Calendars? Why are the gifts always so indecipherable and without merit?

JAMES LIPTON: You Playmobil gifts are spoiled brats! As soon as you come across anything that takes a little effort to understand, you disregard it and run!

WAITERBOT: How DARE you call me a Playmobil gift! I merely commandeer the body of a Playmobil gift...I am not one myself!

JAMES LIPTON: I heard differently.

JAMES LIPTON: Hey, maybe this is the problem? You don't have that thing in right position. Turn it on its side, like the picture shows.

JAMES LIPTON: Holy shit it's 100% better!

WAITERBOT: What?! This is even worse! Now it looks broken! Nobody will have any idea what it's supposed to be, but they will still think it is broken!

JAMES LIPTON: Waiterbot, can't you see? The seven wonders of the world have just become eight!


CHER: Branches?

KNACKS: Apparently, yeah. Today's gift is a dead tree.

CHER: I really don't understand why it's our job to open Advent Calendar presents.

KNACKS: Either do I.

CHER: Do you think the dead tree is maybe made of solid milk chocolate?

KNACKS: Nah. You can only get Advent Calendars with chocolate gifts inside at dollar stores and ethnic pawn shops.


TIGERBOY: Reading Knacks's electronic journal, again?

MARE: Tigerboy, that thing you keep doing, where you approach people and reconstruct a benign observation into a non-rhetorical has to stop.


MARE: Anyway, no, I'm trying to find something to buy Kuse for Christmas. He really needs cheering up.

TIGERBOY: I thought Kuse was Jewish?

MARE: I just told you to stop doing that thing you keep doing, Tigerboy.


TIGERBOY: Maybe buy him a nice pair of running sneakers?

MARE: Running sneakers aren't romantic enough. I'm his wife, not some pushy uncle trying to vicariously reclaim the lost glories of my sports-filled youth.

TIGERBOY: What does that mean?

MARE: I don't know. I'm pretty stoned.

MISTA SNOWMAN: Are you guys shopping for Kuse???

TIGERBOY: I'm not, Mare is. Hesitate to ask, but do you have any idea what she should get for him?

MISTA SNOWMAN: It just so happens that I do!



SANTA-X: You aren't seriously just going to sit there and let me rot, are you? We used to be pals!

HSSXXLLLO: Well, we're not anymore. I'm just here to make sure nobody sets you free.

SANTA-X: Rabbit, don't be a fool! Switch back to the winning team, while Hare might still let you!

HSSXXLLLO: I made my choice. I'm one of the good guys now.

SANTA-X: You'll pay for that mistake with your life, Hssxxlllo. You remember what happened last summer. You must realize that Hare and Claire couldn't have pulled that off alone.

HSSXXLLLO: Do you have something you're trying to tell me, Santa-X?

SANTA-X: Maybe. Let me out and I'll tell you.


MAN EATING CHICKEN: I really enjoy chicken. It's fantastic stuff.

MAN EATING CHICKEN: Hey, you there...I have a question.

MAN EATING CHICKEN: Do my shirt pockets look like lady robot eyes to you?



MAN EATING CHICKEN: Well now you can't have any chicken.


KNACKS: A ha! Now it's starting to make sense!

KNACKS: Today's gift connects to yesterday's gift! We're not building a putting green...we're building a forest!

CHER: Okay, but why?

KNACKS: We're combating global warming! The Advent Calendar has gone green!

WAITERBOT: Pathetic! Your presents are pathetic!

WAITERBOT: Grass and a dead tree? What kinds of presents are those?

KNACKS: Ugh, when did you get home?

WAITERBOT: Pathetic!

WAITERBOT: But I suppose pathetic gifts are well-suited to one as pathetic as yourself.

KNACKS: Yeah, well, it doesn't look like you guys found anything better over in LEGO land.

WAITERBOT: What, you mean this? We didn't get this from our Advent Calendar! This is just scrap metal I found on the way home...I need it for one of my many projects!

KNACKS: You're a bad liar, and that's a horrible gift.

WAITERBOT: I am not a liar and this is a great gift!

WAITERBOT: Ah, and I see that you're still trolling about with my former concubine attached at the hip.

CHER: I was never your "concubine," Waiterbot. Don't be such a sick bastard.

WAITERBOT: Ha! You used to love that about me!


INSIDE A LION'S BRAIN: "Bones? They're feeding me bones?! This isn't dinner!"

INSIDE A LION'S BRAIN: "If only I could speak. Then they would know of my dissatisfaction. Perhaps Santa will grant me the power of speech for Christmas."

INSIDE A LION'S BRAIN: "Hey, what a second...what is that at the top of the tent?"


INSIDE A LION'S BRAIN: "It's a mysterious clown!"

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