MARE: This old circus needs to be Christmasized! Who wants to help me decorate?
LEGOTRON: Where are we going to get decorations, though?
MARE: Thin air!!
JAMES LIPTON: But for a slight twist of fate, I could've ruled the Ottoman Empire!
WAITERBOT: Give me that cup, you idiot. I can't complete today's LEGO gift without it.
JAMES LIPTON: This is no cup! It's a hat, plain as day!
WAITERBOT: Give me the cup, or I will rip your legs off and beat you with them.
JAMES LIPTON: Waiterbot PLEASE, PLEASE can I have my hat back? I really feel that it completes my look!
WAITERBOT: NO! This red cup is the finishing touch for my amazing LEGO Advent Calendar "Snack Tray" accessory. Finally, a gift worthy of sniffing a line from a hooker's ass!
JAMES LIPTON: But Waiterbot come on, I'm nothing without my hat!
JAMES LIPTON: Please, please please please can I have my hat back? Please please triple please!
WAITERBOT: Triple please?! Ha ha ha! I wouldn't spend the saliva to spit on you for less than a quadruple please. Could you imagine what kind of iple or uple you'd need to come up with before I'd even consider parting with my special cup?
JAMES LIPTON: Oh my God, you are being too cruel! I'm going to have a heart attack, I swear to God!
CHER: What's the matter, Knacks? Aren't you going to open it?
KNACKS: Huh? Oh, yeah...I was...but I think I just got a better idea.
KNACKS: Why don't we bring it home and let Kuse open it? Maybe it'll help make him feel better.
CHER: Oh, Knacks. Now I remember why I like you.
KNACKS: Do you like me enough to carry the box home? I have a bad back.
LEGOTRON: Mare, how does this look? Does it look a little inappropriate?
MARE: No, no, you guys are doing fine...just make sure there's an equal amount of lights in each section of that conveniently sectionalized wall. It'll drive me crazy if like, I see 3 then 3 then 3 then 2. Seriously, I'll go fucking bananas.
TIGERBOY: Mare, any thoughts on the garland? I don't want to overdo it.
MARE: There's no such thing, Tigerboy! Use it all! Saturate this circus in Christmas!
TIGERBOY: Hmm. You wouldn't be transferring the love and support that you wish you could give Kuse to overdecorating our simple little circus, would you?
MARE: Keep quiet. And that pole you're working with needs more garland.
MARE: Mista Snowman, what is this crap? Of all the people here, I at least thought I could count on you to know how to decorate for Christmas.
MISTA SNOWMAN: What's the matter? You don't like my flowers?
MARE: There's nothing Christmassy about them at all!
MISTA SNOWMAN: But Knacks told me that we were supposed to go green!
MARE: Well, it's a start I guess.
BOX: No Mom, it's the end. Nobody here wants to get screamed at when we're only trying to help you. You're being kind of belligerent. Are you drunk?
KNACKS: Come on, buddy. Cher and I carried this thing all the way home without opening it, just so you could do it!
KUSE: ....
KNACKS: Just open it already! You don't have to smile or have fun or anything...just open the box!
KNACKS: Oh COME ON! You gotta be kidding me!
KNACKS: Too bad Doctor isn't here. He coulda prescribed you some antidepressants.
WAITERBOT: HOLY SHIT, will you stop asking me that?! You know the answer! A resounding NO!
JAMES LIPTON: But Waiterbot, I neeeeed it!
WAITERBOT: James, I'm going inside now. I'm going to eat, read the paper and go to bed. Do not bother me for the rest of the night.
JAMES LIPTON: Fuck that, I'll follow your ass wherever you go! HAT! HAT HAT HAT HAT!
WAITERBOT: Try it, and I will kill you, and then I shall volunteer to do the eulogy at your funeral, and when the time comes to do it, I shall swerve everyone by singing the lyrics to Jimmy Buffet's timeless classic, "Cheeseburger in Paradise."
WAITERBOT: Well now this is interesting.
WAITERBOT: What kind of retarded, blind, limbless skunk ape did we hire to do our interior decorating?
SANTA-X: Psst, c'mere little lion...Santa has a present for you.
SANTA-X: Yes, yes, just a little bit closer. Help Santa out of this cage, and you'll get twice the Christmas presents!
SANTA-X: Who the fuck are you?! You broke that lion's concentration! Now you'll have to let me out of here instead!
SANTA-X: Great. I am so going to get blamed for this.