KNACKS: I love you.

CHER: Whoa! Where did that come from?

KNACKS: Oh, I was reading one of those sad articles about people who lose relatives and then spend the rest of their lives wishing they'd said "I love you" more often.

CHER: Morbid! Love you too, Knacks!

KNACKS: Wow, today's box is enormous!

CHER: Think we're going for four deer in a row?

KNACKS: Only one way to find out...


WAITERBOT: Ha! Puny insect, you can't reach! If only you were seven feet taller, then this "hat" would be yours!

JAMES LIPTON: No fair no fair NO FAIR! Give it to me! I deserve it!

WAITERBOT: You deserve nothing but torment and agony for the rest of your days.

HSSXXLLLO: See guys? It's a little complicated, but if you connect all of these weird sites together, it seems pretty clear that Hare and Claire aren't acting alone.

MARE: But why would they advertise that fact online?

HSSXXLLLO: I dunno. They're weird.

KUSE: Eh, I'm not sure, Hssxxlllo. This doesn't feel like solid proof to me. We've got enough to worry about without adding unproven theories to the pot.


KNACKS: Okay, well, this isn't good.

CHER: Just so we're clear, they weren't supposed to be in the box, right?

KNACKS: Definitely not.

KNACKS: Cher, make a run for it. I'll hold them off for as long as I can.

CHER: Are you kidding?! I'm not gonna just leave you here!

KNACKS: I knew you wouldn't. I probably wouldn't have said that if I thought you would.

CHER: Stand back, honey. Let's see our would-be assailants match wits with HAND ENERGY.

KNACKS: Yes, yes! You just nailed the first appearance of hand energy for the 2008 season!

CHER: You're so lucky to have me.


DEATHRA: Ahhhhhh!

DEATHRA: And by "ahhhhh" I of course mean "haaaaaa." Hand energy doesn't work on demons from Hell! Everybody knows that!

MALFORMO: Let's eat them, Deathra.

DEATHRA: Oh, if only we could. The master has bigger plans for these two tricks.


HSSXXLLLO: Okay, what do you say to that then, Kuse? An official letter from my homeworld's research bureau, clearly stating that a demon god named Arcano exists and is at large.

KUSE: Please. Give me two seconds and I'll find a site that validates Bigfoot. Doesn't mean he's working with Hare and Claire.

HSSXXLLLO: Look, I just think it would be wise for us to cover our bases. According to everything I've read, this "Arcano" character could--


WAITERBOT: Let me think about it. Okay I've thought about it. Nah.


MARE: Can you believe these two? They're still fighting over that stupid cup!

KUSE: Jesus Christ. We really don't have time for this shit right now.

KUSE: Waiterbot, James, cut it out! We're trying to figure out what Hare and Claire and up to! We need to concentrate!

WAITERBOT: Don't talk to me as if I was some sickly child. I am older than you!

WAITERBOT: Besides, it's James's fault. If he were eleven feet taller, he'd have his hat and everything would be okay!

JAMES LIPTON: KUSE! MARE! Make him give me my hat back! He won't listen to reason!

KUSE: Okay, that's it. We're all under a lot of stress and you guys really aren't helping. Go sit on opposite sides of the circus and don't get up until I tell you to. I'll find a temp team to handle the LEGO Advent Calendar.

KUSE: And will either of you get dessert tonight? The answer is no.


MALFORMO: You are edible.

KNACKS: AHHH! Cher, this green guy is going to eat me!

MALFORMO: You are a talking snack.


CHER: Put my boyfriend down, you brute! Don't make me zap you!

DEATHRA: Stupid child! We've already established that your "zapping" can do us no harm! You are helpless! Helpless!

DEATHRA: Helpel-- ...huh?

SANTA: You motherfucking zombie trash!

KNACKS: Oh my God! It's Santa!

CHER: Santa Claus!

SANTA: I'm trying to sleep and all I hear are shitty zombies talking smack! Well no more! Santa can and will kill for peace and quiet!


BOX: Wow, can you believe it? You and me, taking care of business at the LEGO Advent Calendar. Just like old times!

LEGOTRON: The only reason I agreed to do this was for the chance to score a new head. Today better be one of those put-'em-together "LEGO guy" gift days.

BOX: Ouch...sorry about that, Legotron.

LEGOTRON: Oh for the love of God, what the frig? A lousy tree? We came all the way down here for a lousy LEGO tree?!

BOX: Let's build it.

LEGOTRON: Why bother? What possible use could we or anyone else ever have for a LEGO tree?

BOX: We can build it and carve dirty limericks about Cher into the bark.

LEGOTRON: That's just mean.

BOX: Well, it's oddly shaped and a little blocky, but I's a tree!

LEGOTRON: Gah. It looks like a prop from a middle school drama class's production of Tarzan.

BOX: What's that white thing on top of it?

LEGOTRON: I don't know. Some bullshit.

LEGOTRON: Wait, it's a cat. Cat's putting on quite a show for me up here.

LEGOTRON: I've really never been fond of cats.


KNACKS: Holy Christmas, that was amazing!

CHER: Santa...that was some serious MMA shit right there.

SANTA: Sorry if I got a little crazy there, kids. I'm just so sick of zombie assholes raining on everybody's parade.

KNACKS: But Santa, how can you be here? You weren't supposed to come out until Christmas Eve. Doesn't this break one of those weird Playmobil rules Mare always talks about?

SANTA: How the fuck should I know?! I've been in a box!

SANTA: Take me to your leader.

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