ROBOCLOWN: Waiterbot, we need to talk!

WAITERBOT: Not now, C-3P0. Can't you see that I'm busy with ham and wine?

ROBOCLOWN: Don't give me that crap. Get up and go apologize to Hssxxlllo. Now.

WAITERBOT: Hmm yeah okay let me mull that one over, Roboclown.

ROBOCLOWN: I'm serious. You really hurt his feelings. I don't care that you've made a gimmick out of these overbearing and rude remarks, but you crossed the line yesterday and you know it.

ROBOCLOWN: Go talk to him. Apologize. That's all I'm gonna say.

SMITH: Wow, he seemed pissed!

WAITERBOT: Bah, it's obvious that he only came over here to steal my ham and wine! Once he noticed the ironclad grip I had on them, he switched gears and ab libbed his way through some nonsensical tirade.


MISTA SNOWMAN: Okay guys, this is it! Who's ready?!

SAM: We've been ready, Mista Snowman. How long do we have to stand here? Show us the goddamned nudie pictures already.

MISTA SNOWMAN: But Sam! These digital photographs are truly hardcore! Are you sure you guys are all of legal age to view them?

SAM: Mista Snowman, seriously, enough's enough. Either show us the pictures, or we're walking away.


MISTA SNOWMAN: Tricked your asses, it's just a picture of a kitty in a Santa hat.


UNCLE MILTON: Is he always that retarded?

SAM: Yup.

UNCLE MILTON: I sell ant farms.


HSSXXLLLO:'s just that part of me feels like Waiterbot was right. I did let my friends down. I've had almost a whole year to figure out how to rescue them, and still, nada.

HSSXXLLLO: I'm starting to wonder if maybe I'm just afraid. Maybe my subconscious is holding me back from finding Arcano, because I wouldn't know what to do with that information even if I had it. After all, I'm only a rabbit.

WAITERBOT: Hssxxlllo! I've been looking everywhere for you!

HSSXXLLLO: Waiterbot, just leave me alone. I heard you loud and clear yesterday. I'm a failure, I let everyone down, it's my fault Kuse is probably dead, blah blah blah, so on and so forth. I suck, I get it.

WAITERBOT: Just stop talking, just please stop your talking! I cannot stomach that squeaking, infantile voice of yours!

WAITERBOT: Erm. What I mean to say is...I'm sorry. It was wrong for me to have said such soul-disintegrating things to you.

WAITERBOT: I'm really sorry, Hssxxlllo. I mean it.

HSSXXLLLO: You''re serious?! You're really sorry?

WAITERBOT: Indeed. You can thank Roboclown and eight bottles of Pinot Grigio for that one.

HSSXXLLLO: Oh my God! Thank you so much, you have no idea how much this means to me!

WAITERBOT: Good, then it was almost worth the puddle of acidic bile that began forming at the root of my throat the moment I began talking to you.

HSSXXLLLO: Come on, Waiterbot, let's go! This calls for a celebration!

WAITERBOT: A celebration? Go?! Where do you want to go, Hssxxlllo?

HSSXXLLLO: To the LEGO Advent Calendar, of course! We'll build today's gift together!

WAITERBOT: Hmmm. As much as I'd prefer to return to my lair and contemplate my revenge on Roboclown for sending me down this dark path, it would be extraordinarily easy to overpower Hssxxlllo if I happen to want today's LEGO gift for myself.

WAITERBOT: On the other hand, if I did go, then I'd have to with...


WAITERBOT: 4.25?!! What do you think this is, Trader Vic's?!


HSSXXLLLO: Man, today's gift really came in a lot of pieces.

WAITERBOT: Uh huh. Pieces in a high quantity...very interesting stuff.

HSSXXLLLO: You know, this might be the biggest LEGO Advent Calendar gift that I've ever seen!

WAITERBOT: Yes, gift sizes..enormity...stop the presses.

HSSXXLLLO: Thanks again for apologizing, Waiterbot. I really appreciate it.

WAITERBOT: Uh huh that's not a problem, you just, you just keep on keepin' on.

HSSXXLLLO: Exactly how much did you drink?

WAITERBOT: By all rights, I should be dead.

HSSXXLLLO: There, she's all finished. What a car!

WAITERBOT: True, true. As they say, four wheels...better than three.

HSSXXLLLO: Look at this! There's even a little compartment for groceries!

WAITERBOT: It's like something out of the future.

HSSXXLLLO: I think I better drive you home, Waiterbot.


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