WAITERBOT: What madness is this? How can we not be there yet?!

HSSXXLLLO: Will you chill out? I told you, we'll get there when we get there.

WAITERBOT: St. Lukosville is not worth this level of patience!

HSSXXLLLO: I hope the LEGO guys are okay. They seem a bit irresponsible this year, no?

ROBOCLOWN: Stop worrying. How hard can it be to grab an Advent Calendar gift and make sure the house doesn't burn down?

HSSXXLLLO: Judging from past experiences...it's actually a lot harder than it seems.

MISTA SNOWMAN: Hey Roboclown, would you mind keeping your feet off of the dashboard? I just bought this car yesterday!


TONY: Wow, a new LEGO guy! We're becoming quite a troop! What's your name, new dude?

BISTRO: I'm Bistro. I'm a chef. I drink coffee constantly. Who are you guys?

TONY: I'm Tony, this is Sam, and that's Uncle Milton. Welcome to the crew!

BISTRO: Who's that guy in the back?

TONY: Nobody.

SAM: He's an asshole.


HSSXXLLLO: Well guys, here it is! The St. Lukosville Skate Park!

WAITERBOT: What a dump! We drove all the way out here for this?!

ZACK: Hey y'all! I'm Zack, owner and chief operator of the St. Lukosville Skate Park! You must be the ones who won our promotional package in this year's LEGO Advent Calendar, huh?

HSSXXLLLO: Hi Zack! Yep, that'd be us! Awesome skate park you have here!

ZACK: Thanks -- I hear that a lot!

HSSXXLLLO: Great so uh, here are our tickets. Feel free to check 'em out and make sure everything's on the up and up and whatnot.

ZACK: Nahhh, it's cool bro, I trust you. You all have honest faces.

ZACK: Just one wee little problem. It's kind of our busy season, and we're down to three skateboards and three helmets. Can you guys rotate or something?

ROBOCLOWN: Winter is your busy season?

HSSXXLLLO: Don't worry about it, Zack. I'm actually gonna pass on the skateboarding. I'm just here to relax and read my book.

ZACK: That's so convenient and boring!

WAITERBOT: Why do I have to wear the yellow helmet?! Clearly the red helmet should be mine!


ROBOCLOWN: Guys, guys, look at me! I'm skateboarding! I'm the first skateboarding robot clown in the whole entire world!

WAITERBOT: That clown is such a showoff.

MISTA SNOWMAN: Yeah, you show him how it's done, Waiterbot!

WAITERBOT: I believe I will!

WAITERBOT: ...I just need to accurately predict the wind and its effect on my positioning, thus guaranteeing myself the most hip hoppiest pipe plunge in the history of boarding!


WAITERBOT: Watch and learn, Mista Snowman. Watch and learn.

MISTA SNOWMAN: It's almost Christmas!

MISTA SNOWMAN: Wow, look at him go! Waiterbot, you're a pro!

MISTA SNOWMAN: You're a pro at killing Roboclown!

SKATER: Whoa, that was one serious wipeout! Are you guys okay?

WAITERBOT: Get the fuck away from me, filthy hipster cow.


WAITERBOT: mental note....chemical weapons assault...on the entirety...of st. lukosville.


HSSXXLLLO: So you don't like skateboarding either?

JET: Me? Nope, I just come here to hang out and drink apple juice.

HSSXXLLLO: Thanks for sharing, by the way. Of all liquefied fruit drinks, apple has always been my favorite.

JET: No problemo!

WAITERBOT: Hssxxlllo, I must speak with you!

HSSXXLLLO: Hey Waiterbot! Say hi to Jet! He doesn't like skateboarding either!

WAITERBOT: Hi Jet. You're a pussy.

WAITERBOT: Listen Hssxxlllo, we have to leave. I refuse to support a skate park that is owned by someone narcissistic enough to put giant stickers bearing his name on random oil drums.

WAITERBOT: I'll be in the car. Let's hurry this "trip" up, shall we?

HSSXXLLLO: But Roboclown and Mista Snowman aren't done skating yet!

WAITERBOT: Oh boy, Hssxxlllo...I seriously cannot impress upon you how little I care.

JET: Is that guy always so grumpy?

HSSXXLLLO: Yeah. But then again, he did apologize for insinuating that it was my fault that all of our old friends got attacked by giant crabs, kidnapped, and possibly killed by a green demon who shoots red laser beams out of his eyes.

JET: I see you've figured out that the skate park is a front for Zack's marijuana biz.

HSSXXLLLO: We probably should be going home soon, though. Those LEGO guys are loose cannons. Who knows what kind of trouble they're getting themselves into?



BISTRO: Grandmothers seriously are the best.

TONY: Agreed, grandmas are great. I love my grandma.

SAM: I love all grandmas.

UNCLE MILTON: We should spend the day writing letters to our grandmothers!


TONY: It's officially Grandma Appreciation Day!


I'm ready to go home now!

ROBOCLOWN: Thanks for having us, Zack. Your skate park is really something.

ZACK: No sweat, buddy! Drop by whenever you want!

ROBOCLOWN: You mean, for free?

ZACK: Nope I don't!

HSSXXLLLO: It was nice hanging out with you today, Jet!

JET: Sure was, Hssxxlllo! Look me up sometime!

HSSXXLLLO: You...you pronounced my name correctly!

JET: Haha, kickass.

HSSXXLLLO: Well guys, this was a great day!

WAITERBOT: Yeah. I broke my ankle, I probably have three concussions, and I had to spend the afternoon surrounded by drug addled pricks in baggy, crusty khakis. Amazing day, this was.

MISTA SNOWMAN: I'm a talking snowman!

ZACK: See ya later, dudes!

JET: Have a safe drive! If you get lost, call us!

ZACK: Weird group, huh? Did you notice all of the electrical wires coming out of that clown's head?

JET: I don't know, the rabbit seemed okay.

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