KUSE: I can pronounce "crustacean" just fine, but I don't think I'll ever be able to spell it correctly. It's just one of those words with all sorts of "silent letter" sounds...makes it impossible. I don't know, am I being crazy here?

KUSE: Guys, I'm not even making sense anymore. I don't know what the fuck else to say to this crab. PLEASE hurry up.

MARE: Hang in there, Kuse! We're so close!

KNACKS: Don't exaggerate, Mare...we're getting there, but we're not "so close."

MARE: Dig faster, Knacks! Dig like your life depends on it!

KNACKS: Uh, Mare...our lives do depend on it. Hello, giant coconut crabs?


HARE: You see, Claire? A remote control car?! Did they really expect us to remain good when the fruits of such labors amount to nothing more than remote control cars?

CLAIRE: You're so right, Hare. We should feel totally justified in switching back to the dark side.

CLAIRE: Let's do something evil.

HARE: Yes, YES! What shall it be this time? Perhaps that old gag where we abduct a total stranger and burn their flesh inch by inch while singing showtunes?

CLAIRE: No, we need to ease back into this. Think smaller.

HARE: We could open tomorrow's LEGO gift early?

CLAIRE: That'll work.

HARE: Oooh, what do we have here? Looks like another random LEGO person! I'll build him, you blast him.

CLAIRE: Eh, that was fun when we did it yesterday, but two days in a row? Overkill.

CLAIRE: Besides, I think I have a better idea...


WAITERBOT: Jesus Christ, would you look at this place? Comatose drunks, cheese strewn everywhere...what a mess!

ROBOCLOWN: Waiterbot, there's always a big mess after a good party. It's kind of a cardinal rule.

WAITERBOT: Don't you DARE bring cardinals into this. You know my feelings on them!

UNCLE MILTON: Santa, come on! It's time to wake up!

SANTA: Huh? What? Where am I? Is it Christmas?

UNCLE MILTON: You're such a lush! Get it together, man!

SANTA: Did somebody stole, I mean, did somebody steal my cape?

HSSXXLLLO: If I didn't move a muscle for the next 72 hours, I'd be perfectly content.

JET: I'm wiped, too. That was one crazy party.

HSSXXLLLO: I really should get up, though. The house is a wreck. I go bonkers extremely quickly in the presence of garbage.

JET: Awww, don't go yet! I'll tell you a secret if you stay!

HSSXXLLLO: You're too persuasive, Jet.

JET: I know!

HSSXXLLLO: So...the secret?

JET: I'll tell you in an hour.


HARE: Oooh, now I'm being extra bad. I opened the gifts for December 22nd, too! We are now the proud owners of a chainsaw and a crude cannon!

CLAIRE: Deadly weapons? Talk about timing! It's like fate that we decided to revert to type at this precise moment, isn't it?

HARE: You know it, bitch!

CLAIRE: Thanks for witnessing our unavoidable catharsis, Man-Car.

MAN-CAR: Can I have my arms and legs back?

CLAIRE: No I ate them.


ROBOCLOWN: Wow, you guys really are a bunch of pigs.


ROBOCLOWN: Cleaning up your mess, Santa. It's exactly what I wanted to be doing at seven o'clock in the fucking morning.

SANTA: Well! Glad I could help!

SANTA: Say, there sure are a lot of bottles and cans in that trash pile. You're sure they're all empty?

ROBOCLOWN: Santa, seriously...it's time for you to go home.

MISTA SNOWMAN: I'm still holding it! I'm still holding ham!

WAITERBOT: I can see that, you icy reptile. It's starting to stink.

MISTA SNOWMAN: I know! It's completely rancid! It's moldy and gooey and it's probably filled with insects!

WAITERBOT: Insects, you say?

WAITERBOT: Ohhhh Chaaaaarles!

SMITH: I'm not eating that ham, sir.

WAITERBOT: This remains to be seen!

HSSXXLLLO: Thanks for helping me clean up, Jet!

JET: You're giving me room and board...tidying up every now and again is the least I can do.

HSSXXLLLO: Yeah, we should probably discuss the sleeping arrangements at some point.

JET: Totally.

HSSXXLLLO: Uh, did you hear that?

JET: The thumping? I did.

JET: What is that?!

HSSXXLLLO: I don't know, but based on every prior experience I've had with disembodied thumping...I'm a bit concerned.

WAITERBOT: What the hell is that racket?! Why must I hear these enormous thumps?!

MISTA SNOWMAN: I continue to hold ham!

TONY: Are you hearing this, Sam?

SAM: All too well, Tony. As part of my regeneration process, I attained superhuman hearing.

JET: What the frig is going on, Hssxxlllo?

HSSXXLLLO: I have absolutely no idea. Earthquake, maybe?

HSSXXLLLO: Wait...it's coming from back there!

JET: Maybe your neighbors are pissed that we didn't invite them to the party?


KNACKS: Hssxxlllo?! What the hell are you guys doing here?!

MARE: Holy mother of God, my nails are bleeding all over the place. My beautiful nails!

HSSXXLLLO: What are we doing here?! We live here, Knacks! What are you doing here?!

KNACKS: Hssxxlllo, don't you know what's on the other side of this wall?! You're living right fucking next to Arcano!

HSSXXLLLO: Kuse?!!! Oh my God, you're alive! You're all alive!

MARE: Not now, Hssxxlllo! We have to get out of here! We have to get out of here NOW!

MARE: Everybody RUN! Run as fast as you can!


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