MISTA SNOWMAN: Why are you looking at me like that, Waiterbot?

WAITERBOT: You know very well why! Think you've stumbled onto some form of running gag, do you? Well, you have not!

MISTA SNOWMAN: I have no idea what you're talking about! I'm just here to spread cheer!

WAITERBOT: NO YOU ARE NOT. You're here to sing, and I won't have it!

MISTA SNOWMAN: You could always sing with me, Waiterbot! A duet of epic Christmas proportions!

WAITERBOT: ...or I could use my bare hands to separate the icy molecules that make up your person, rendering you dead and gone!

MISTA SNOWMAN: That won't work! Magic always brings me back!

SAM: Waiterbot! Mista Snowman! There's no need for physical violence!

WAITERBOT: Listen Poochie, clearly there is need for physical violence, and I am ready to supply it!

SAM: If you two want to settle your differences, there's a far more peaceful and effective way!

TONY: Two words, guys...



ROBOCLOWN: Still no luck fixing the computer?

HSSXXLLLO: None! It's completely busted! Now I'll never be able to find Kuse and them. This sucks!

ROBOCLOWN: Hssxxlllo, I don't know...maybe that ship has sailed?

HSSXXLLLO: Never! That's why I keep Tigerboy's mask out in plain view. It reminds me that there's still hope. I have to find them.

ROBOCLOWN: You're starting to sound like a broken record. It isn't attractive.

HSSXXLLLO: You don't get it, Roboclown. If it wasn't for Kuse, I'd still be dabbling in all sorts of evil plots and human sacrifices.

HSSXXLLLO: Gah, I need to get out of here for a little while. I gotta clear my head.

ROBOCLOWN: Wanna come with me to pick up today's LEGO gift?

HSSXXLLLO: Yeah, that'd be good. I need to walk this off.


TONY: Okay, so you both understand the rules, right?

WAITERBOT: Yes yes, perfectly! When I win this spelling bee, Mista Snowman must let me boil him into a non-speaking liquid!

MISTA SNOWMAN: And if I win, Waiterbot has to sing with me!

TONY: Okay then! Mista Snowman, your first word is "CAT."

MISTA SNOWMAN: Cat! C - A - T. Cat!

TONY: That's correct, Mista Snowman! You're still in the game!

WAITERBOT: Oh for Christ's sake...like I don't see where this is going...

WAITERBOT: It's obvious that you plan to throw easy words to Mista Snowman, and ridiculously hard words to me! You're trying to fix this once-honorable spelling bee with an unestablished difficulty curve!

SAM: Uh, no, actually, we're not. Not everyone has to cheat, Waiterbot.

WAITERBOT: Yeah? So tell me...what is my word, then? Petrophysics? Deanthropomorphisation? Inanthropomorphisability?

TONY: Waiterbot, your word is "TOY."

WAITERBOT: "Toy!" Ha, all too easy!


WAITERBOT: ..."toy."

WAITERBOT: What chicnanery is this?!


ROBOCLOWN: ...well, it's just that this obsession seems a tad unhealthy since there's nothing you can really do about Arcano, anyway.

HSSXXLLLO: Roboclown, you're a robot. You wouldn't understand. Real people have real feelings, and it's hard to just let go of them when stuff gets too hard.


HSSXXLLLO: Sorry. I didn't mean to offend you, I'm just frustrated.

ROBOCLOWN: I know. It's okay.

ROBOCLOWN: So what's that...some kind of LEGO lemonade stand?

HSSXXLLLO: Sigh. Kuse loved citric acid.

Caroling, caroling, now we go...

CHRISTMAS BELLS are ringing!

Caroling, caroling, through the snow...

CHRISTMAS BELLS are ringing!

Joyous voices sweet and clear!

SING the sad of heart to cheer!



WAITERBOT: There. Let it never be said that Waiterbot isn't a man of his word. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go puke until I die.

MISTA SNOWMAN: Wait, Waiterbot! That was fun, but we need to do a closing number! It'll be our grand finale!




WAITERBOT: What are your feelings on Bob Seger's rendition of "The Little Drummer Boy?"

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