KUSE: It sure is nice seeing my wife's face again!

MARE: Tell me about it. It was cool being a Doublemare, but I hated having twenty-minute debates about whether I preferred grapes or cantaloupes.

KUSE: Huh?

MARE: Until you've merged with another person, it's hard to understand.

MARE: So Pear...we cool?

PEAR: Yeah...we're cool enough.

MARE: Sure you won't come back with us? There's plenty of room at the house!

PEAR: Ehhhh...I don't think that would work out. I'm still an evil Mare, you know?

MARE: Totally understand. Just promise that you'll at least visit us sometimes!

PEAR: I sure will! And I'm sorry that me and Stare wanted to eat you.

MARE: It's okay. We're sorry that Jason sliced Stare in half.

PEAR: Yeah, speaking of which...

PEAR: You're really gonna keep him? Isn't that kinda...dangerous?

MARE: Oh, half of our roommates are just as bad...maybe even worse!

PEAR: But you can't honestly expect that you'll redeem him, Mare. Aside from the dog, this guy has no compassion at all.

MARE: Again...roommates!

JASON: ....

MARE: I hope none of them get pissy when they find out we're keeping him.

KUSE: I already talked to them about it. So long as he stays tied up, we're golden.

HORSEY: ...I mean, sure, I could have told you guys that I was a Mare earlier, but I just felt like you'd have never believed me. When Doublemare broke out that dictionary, you can just imagine how I felt. I was like..."man, God, yes, PROOF, YES!"

SANTA: Well Horsey, maybe it's the wine, but it all makes perfect sense to me.

HORSEY: I knew it would, Santa.

JAMES LIPTON: ...I mean, sure, I could have told you guys that I was stuffed inside Mista Snowman earlier, but I just felt like you'd have never been able to hear me. Let's face it, it'd be hard to hear anyone from beyond six inches of solid snow. I can't explain why, but I was like..."man, God, yes, PROOF, YES!"

WAITERBOT: James, all I said was "merry Christmas." If I wanted your life story, I'd hang myself.

JAMES LIPTON: Is that your Waiterbottific way of saying "thank you?"

WAITERBOT: Close. Fuck you.

WAITERBOT: Speaking of which!

CHARLES: Oh great, here it comes.

WAITERBOT: Nah, kidding. Seriously, great job on raising your stock this year. I'm actually impressed!

CHARLES: Really? Wow, I can't tell you how much that means to me! When I untied you guys, I started feeling a little better about myself, but then when I found out that Horsey was a Mare, it finally hit me: I really can be someone. I'm not just some one-note Man Eating Chicken!

WAITERBOT: Charles. I didn't want your life story, either.

KUSE: Hey everyone! Gather around for a minute, will ya? I have a few things I'd like to say!

KUSE: First off, Mare and I are really glad that we're getting to spend Christmas with you. We're also glad that we got to see Mista Snowman run his first Advent Calendar.

KUSE: As we celebrate, let's be thankful for each other, and for our new friends.

KUSE: ...but let's not forget our other friends. The dead ones, the missing ones, and the ones who just aren't here right now. Wherever they are, we know that they're thinking about us, too!

WAITERBOT: Is this a speech, or are you just rattling off every word you've ever heard? Four new ones: Get to the point.

KUSE: The point is...

MARE: They got it, Kuse.

KUSE: Okay fine.

SANTA: Merry Christmas!

WAITERBOT: Merry Christmas.

PEAR: Merry Christmas!

CHARLES: Merry Christmas!

CAT: Meow.

MARE: Hey, aren't you forgetting something? There's still one gift left!


MARE: Nah, you should handle it. It's your Advent Calendar, after all.

MISTA SNOWMAN: Thanks, Mare!

MISTA SNOWMAN: I'll be back in a little while. Keep everyone away from my carrots!

MARE: I'll do my best.

MARE: Well, another year, another adventure, and another twisted near-death experience.

KUSE: Yup, but we survived.

MARE: We always do!

MARE: Did you ever imagine that we'd make it this far? Evil Santas, Amalthean assaults, giant crabs...we've sure been through a lot!

KUSE: We have, but it was worth it. Wouldn't trade it for anything.

MARE: Awww. You're still a cute little grey monkey, Kuse.

MARE: Think we should tell them?

KUSE: Nah, let's wait until we find Box. They'll think we're crazy otherwise.

MARE: I bet it will look more like you this time!

KUSE: Hope you're wrong on that, honey.





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