SANTA: Hiya, Mista Snowman! Everything smooth down in Advent land?

MISTA SNOWMAN: Sure is, Santa! Things couldn't possibly be any smoother! I've even imported snowy trees!

SANTA: Sounds terrific. Listen, I'll be there in an hour or two. It's time for your review.

MISTA SNOWMAN: My what? Review? You mean, I'm going to see something that I've already seen?

SANTA: Come again?

MISTA SNOWMAN: RE-view. As in, view twice?

SANTA: No, silly. As the "official" keeper of the Playmobil Advent Calendar, I just need to make sure that you haven't like, set the thing on fire or anything.

MISTA SNOWMAN: Santa, is this really necessary? I'm doing a great job!

SANTA: I'm sure you are. See you in a little bit. Put some coffee on.

MISTA SNOWMAN: Horsey, can you believe this? He wants to check up on me! What if Santa thinks I'm doing a bad job? He'll kill me! He'll stop letting me open presents! OMG HORSEY, is this the end of Christmas?!

MISTA SNOWMAN: Well I'm not going down without a fight! I'm gonna spruce this place up, so that Santa will KNOW how serious I am! I'll need your help, though! I need YOU to get today's gift, so I'll have time to clean!

MISTA SNOWMAN: I'll never forget this, Horsey! Be careful out there!

MISTA SNOWMAN: Now to turn this barn into Santa's private pleasure cruise!

HORSEY: ....

HORSEY: ....

HORSEY: :) :) :) :) :) :)

HORSEY: ....

HORSEY: ....


MISTA SNOWMAN: Welcome back to the barn, Santa!

SANTA: Thanks. Ever get around to making that coffee?

MISTA SNOWMAN: Unfortunately not. I spent the past two hours thinking you said "coughing." I was completely ready to choke up a bone the second you walked in here. By the time I realized that you probably said "coffee," there just wasn't time.

SANTA: Okay. That's sucky.

SANTA: So, Mista Snowman...what has the Advent Calendar brought you this year?

MISTA SNOWMAN: Oh boy, so many amazing things! On December 1st, I got Horsey, but you already know about him. Then on the 2nd, I got a horse poncho and a saddle. Then on the 3rd, there was the stumble bumble wooden jumping thing, and a trough full of invisible hay. Then yesterday I got whips and a broken wheelbarrow.

MISTA SNOWMAN: Still don't know what today has in store, but Horsey should be back with the gift any minute now!

SANTA: You sent a horse to get one of the Advent Calendar gifts?


SANTA: And you don't think that there are any problems with that?

MISTA SNOWMAN: Santa! You of all people should know that there are no such things as problems! "Problems" are illusionary plagues spread by blasphemous Christmas haters!

SANTA: I think it's time for your review, Mista Snowman.

MISTA SNOWMAN: Wait, hold on! Before we do that reviewing thing, I have something to show you!

SANTA: Ugh, Mista Snowman...I'm on a tight schedule here.

MISTA SNOWMAN: Santa PLEASE this will only take a minute!

MISTA SNOWMAN: In celebration of the epicness that is you, I drew up these "pro-Santa" propaganda posters!

SANTA: Hey, these are pretty sweet!

MISTA SNOWMAN: Look at that second one! Inspired by the film Santa with Muscles!

SANTA: Wow! I'm taking that home!

MISTA SNOWMAN: Santa, obviously, you can see that everything here is going great. We don't really need to do that review stuff, right?

SANTA: Afraid we do, Mista Snowman. I've been hearing things. I've liked some of the things that I've been hearing, but not all of them. I need to like 100% of the things I hear to know that you're doing a good job. Do you understand?

MISTA SNOWMAN: Not sure I'm following you.

SANTA: I got an e-mail yesterday...something about how you're mistreating animals and yelling at them about carrots?

MISTA SNOWMAN: WHAT! Who told you?!

SANTA: That's not important.

MISTA SNOWMAN: It's important to me!

SANTA: No, what's important is me being confident that the person running this year's Advent Calendar isn't wasting time yelling at animals about year-old carrots!

MISTA SNOWMAN: You're right Santa, you're right. It was the stress. There's all this pressure. I wanna run a good Advent Calendar, so freakin' bad.

SANTA: Mista Snowman, anyone would be stressed. It is stressful. But you need to be stronger than this. All of the great calendar-openers were.

MISTA SNOWMAN: Will you give me another chance, Santa?

SANTA: Yes, stop blubbering, I'm not firing you. This was just a friendly warning.

MISTA SNOWMAN: Thanks, Santa! Still, gotta admit, I'm pretty ticked that Horsey would sell me out by sending you an e-mail like that.

SANTA: Who said it was from Horsey?

MISTA SNOWMAN: If it wasn't from Horsey, who could--


HORSEY: ....

HORSEY: ???????

HORSEY: ....

HORSEY: ....

HORSEY: ....


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