WAITERBOT: I tell you, Snowman, I've met a lot of Mares. Good Mares, bad Mares...even giant rabbit Mares.
MISTA SNOWMAN: What's your point?
WAITERBOT: What I'm saying is, I know my Mares.
WAITERBOT: ...and this one here is absolutely out of her fucking mind.
WAITERBOT: Santa isn't paying me enough for this shit.
MISTA SNOWMAN: I guess we could try to introduce ourselves?
WAITERBOT: I've heard worse ideas. Okay, let's do it.
WAITERBOT: CHARLES, go over to that Mare and CONVERSE.
WAITERBOT: Fuck you, Charles!
WAITERBOT: Will you hurry it up already?! Get her to stop firing pink lightning everywhere!
CHARLES: Uh, excuse me...Miss Mare? I was just wondering if you might be interested in--
WAITERBOT: CHARLES! You brickbrained, excrement-laden stalagmite! Where's your gift of gab?!
WAITERBOT: Great, NOW what do we do? Stand here and watch her shoot hand energy for the rest of the month?
MISTA SNOWMAN: Hold on, Waiterbot...I think I have an idea!
MISTA SNOWMAN: We're back, Santa!
SANTA: I see we're still adhering to that "hey let's make Santa sit around and wait entire days and nights" rule.
SANTA: Can't tell you how much I appreciate it.
SANTA: So what's this on your shoulder, now? The Advent Calendar gave us a cat?
MISTA SNOWMAN: Not just any cat! This is the official stupendous calico CHRISTMAS cat!
SANTA: Is he friendly?
MISTA SNOWMAN: No! Also, he came with rats.
SANTA: I can see that!
SANTA: That doesn't explain why you took so long to get back with yesterday's gifts, though.
MISTA SNOWMAN: These aren't yesterday's gifts, Santa! They're today's!
SANTA: What are you talking about? Then what did we get yesterday?
WAITERBOT: Bitch is still unconscious. Did you load that ham with lead or something, Snowman? Because that I can get behind!
SANTA: Is that a Mare? Please tell me that it isn't a Mare.
MISTA SNOWMAN: I can't lie! It's a crazy, psychotic Mare!
SANTA: Fucking wonderful.
SANTA: Now I'm never gonna get out of here. Jesus.
MISTA SNOWMAN: That's the LORD'S name, Santa! You just vained THE LORD'S name!
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