In November, PerfectDarkLink became the first ZSBer to get the worst form of moderation known to the GameFAQS universe: the KOS; the KILL ON SIGHT. He did it on purpose; don't ask me why.If you want to know how he got it, he ran around posting things like the following (Kane convinced me this was him, so ignore me in this....)

Anyway, the following is a perfect example of what NOT to say....
PDL did this on several boards and later on was Killed On Sight, which means his IP adress has been banned and if he even tries to log on now, he'll be refused access. The banning was confirmed here:
PDL is stuck like this until CJayC decides to give posters a "Clean Slate," or unban everyone to give them a second chance, which he once every extremely blue moon. But don't you worry about PDL; he always has sneaky ways to get back that CJay knows nothing about.....that is, unless you post about them, which will ban him AGAIN. Take the hint and if someone is confirmed as PDL, SAY NOTHING on the actual board!!