From: Bender1616 | Posted: 1/26/2002 1:13:29 AM | Message Detail
I like how LTH completely ignored the post by OV which would
simultaneously prove him wrong AND blow up his brain.

From: oblivion viruses | Posted: 1/26/2002 1:23:13 AM | Message


From: Goshawk | Posted: 1/26/2002 1:24:19 AM | Message Detail
Question(s), Are Mario and Luigi part of the italian mafia? Is
bowser actully a secret agent? That would make Bowser a good guy
and Mario and Luigi bad guys right? ANYWAY, Mario would probably
win if it was a one on one fist fight. C'mon, Mario is now a

From: Mars | Posted: 1/26/2002 1:36:51 AM | Message Detail
Imagine.....if Geocities actually allowed cut-and-paste to go into
PageBuilder, I could have this whole darn conversation on the ZSB
site right now. But only Page One exists on it right now and
there's nothing I can do about that...

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/26/2002 1:51:28 AM | Message

"Meaning the Tribunal can be more powerful than the Infinity
Gaunlet itself."

I read your stupid post. And even if he could that doesn't mean he
is. How would he beat the Triforce then? Tell me. How do you know
if the gauntlet is limited to just that and the Triforce isn't?

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/26/2002 1:52:52 AM | Message

Question(s), Are Mario and Luigi part of the italian mafia? Is
bowser actully a secret agent? That would make Bowser a good guy
and Mario and Luigi bad guys right? ANYWAY, Mario would probably
win if it was a one on one fist fight. C'mon, Mario is now a

will you stop with Mario? He already lost.

From: scientist pg | Posted: 1/26/2002 2:03:07 AM | Message Detail
This is the most hilarious topic I've ever read on gamefaqs in my

I was thinking a winner should perhaps be declared, but now I
realize the case was closed way back on page 1.

:Tries to stop laughing, but cannot:

From: Explicit ASCII | Posted: 1/26/2002 2:03:38 AM | Message

Yes, Mario is italian, and therefore he can beat Link in any
lasagna eating contest... so there!

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/26/2002 2:06:01 AM | Message

"In a realm beyond sight,
The sky shines gold, not blue.
There, the Triforce's might
Makes mortal dreams come true"

Bender1616: a persons dream could also be having their dreams
fulfilled always and right away. And if the Triforce cant do that
than it cant make them come true. So in which case the booklet
would be be wrong....but its not so you are.

From: Polas | Posted: 1/26/2002 2:06:07 AM | Message Detail
Mario never lost, mon ami. Link found out that Bombos only works
on Gidbos and similar foes, not the most famous plumber of all
time, so then he cowered like a little green pansy while Mario
stomped his pointy little hat with Kuribo's Shoe. And like I said,
they then went out for pasta. And guess who ate more bowls? That's
right - Mario wins again.

From: Black Rider | Posted: 1/26/2002 2:08:22 AM | Message Detail
OH! Everyone seems to have forgotten... why did they make a
cartoon show on TV for the Mario Brothers? Actually it was a
couple, and I'll name em all:

1. Super Mario Bros. Super Show
2. Super Mario World

TV shows for Link:

<insert any TV show Link had ever been in (none) here>

From: Polas | Posted: 1/26/2002 2:09:25 AM | Message Detail
No, Link did have a cartoon. But he was a major dork that was
always hitting on Zelda and getting rejected.

"Exxxccuuuuuuse me, Princess!"

I wish I were making that up.
I'm Polas .... and you're not.
Polas' Goodtime Retro Cafe:
From: Buckwheatz Return | Posted: 1/26/2002 2:11:27 AM | Message

Oh yea Polas!

*memory comes back to him*

But wait... that was a mini cartoon INSIDE the Mario Brothers

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/26/2002 2:12:45 AM | Message

"Mario never lost, mon ami."

yes he did.

"Link found out that Bombos only works on Gidbos and similar foes,"

it works on all foes except bosses. And only because Nintendo
didn't want the game to be too easy.

not the most famous plumber of all time,"

If would kill him. You have no proof that it wouldn't

"so then he cowered like a little green pansy while Mario stomped
his pointy little hat with Kuribo's Shoe."

Link would have all the time in the world to cut his head off
while mario was trying to climb in. Better yet just fire an arrow
into his neck.

And like I said, they then went out for pasta. And guess who ate
more bowls? That's right - Mario wins again."

no comment

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/26/2002 2:14:19 AM | Message

No, Link did have a cartoon. But he was a major dork that was
always hitting on Zelda and getting rejected.

"Exxxccuuuuuuse me, Princess!"

I wish I were making that up."

the guy who made that was a idiot and where talking about the
video games.

From: Buckwheatz Return | Posted: 1/26/2002 2:14:29 AM | Message

How bout the Super Mario Bros. Movie?

*wonders when Link was in a movie anytime*

Mario Mario and Luigi Mario! LoL! That was a good nintendo lovers
movie. Link wishes he had a last name! :-P

From: Polas | Posted: 1/26/2002 2:14:35 AM | Message Detail
I actually think it was part of Captain N, but I could be wrong.
And by the way, Captain N would waste Link, Mario, OR Samus, and
Mega Man was one of his SIDEKICKS. Also, Captain N actually teamed
up with Link in a crossover cartoon, and Captain N TOTALLY
outclassed him.

The most important fact is this:

Guys who played Link in real life: No one.
Guys who played Mario in real life: CAPTAIN LOU ALBANO.

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/26/2002 2:16:34 AM | Message

I dont care about the stupid TV show. Anyone could make one of
Mario acting stupid too. That proves nothing other than some idiot
got to make a Zelda cartoon. If you could call it "Zelda".

From: Polas | Posted: 1/26/2002 2:20:05 AM | Message Detail
Heh heh:

You have no proof that Bombos would work. Mario is equivalent or
higher to any boss. Also, if you duck with the Hammer Bros. suit,
fire is repelled off the shell. I like how you base your entire
knowledge of gaming on A Link To The Past and Ocarina of Time.

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/26/2002 2:20:52 AM | Message
I actually think it was part of Captain N, but I could be wrong.
And by the way, Captain N would waste Link, Mario, OR Samus, and
Mega Man was one of his SIDEKICKS. Also, Captain N actually teamed
up with Link in a crossover cartoon, and Captain N TOTALLY
outclassed him."

who the hell is captain N? and where not talking about the
cartoons. I dont count those as part of the series. Stick to the
video games.

From: Polas | Posted: 1/26/2002 2:21:47 AM | Message Detail
You also don't count Zelda GCN as part of the series, therefore
negating any merit your opinion may have.

From: Buckwheatz Return | Posted: 1/26/2002 2:22:16 AM | Message

Ok. Lets say your toilet gets clogged up. Now it's overflowing all
over your bathroom floor. Plunger v. sword... which would do the
trick here? Heck, if you like Link that much, maybe you wouldn't
mind him swooshing through your nasty dirty toilet with a sword...
moral of the story is that Link is no plumber.

Who are ya gonna call?

*Mario picks up phone*

"Mario Bros plumbing, you flush em we fix em!" ~Mario.

From: Polas | Posted: 1/26/2002 2:23:20 AM | Message Detail
This is fun and funny as hell, reminds me of last summer when I
had "King of Late Night" contests with people and just posted crap
all night. By gum, it's been awhile.

From: Buckwheatz Return | Posted: 1/26/2002 2:24:00 AM | Message

LMAO Polas!!!! XD

*Captain N uses pause button on Link*


From: I5Spiders | Posted: 1/26/2002 2:26:00 AM | Message Detail
Ha hahahahahaha! I like Link and Mario. I bet everyone does, but
who Wouldn't oppose Link in this battle? With a representative
like LTH, Link would be banging his head on a wall... And come on!
You cast out any pride for Link or any Zelda game when you
considered LoZ GCB not a game... Polas DOES know all, get used to
it, or get out!

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/26/2002 2:28:11 AM | Message

"You have no proof that Bombos would work. If it can kill all the
enemies on the screen it could certainly kill mario. You could be
dead and ride in a boot. Which is all Mario could do. And Link
would just kill him with an arrow as he tried to get in."

"Mario is equivalent or higher to any boss."

yeah in the the Mario games. I dont consider him higher than a
regular enemy.

"Also, if you duck with the Hammer Bros. suit, fire is repelled
off the shell."

Its more than fire. the air all around you explodes. It would
destry the shell and kill Mario. It would still kill Mario anyway
because he would be breathing in an explosion.

I like how you base your entire knowledge of gaming on A Link To
The Past and Ocarina of Time."

those where the best ones. I have also played Links Awakening, the
two NES ones, and Majoras Mask. I just dont remember much about
the first two.

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/26/2002 2:32:43 AM | Message

that cartoon stunk, and captain N would get his ass kicked in a
second. A video game kid against Link? yeah right

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/26/2002 2:34:22 AM | Message

You also don't count Zelda GCN as part of the series, therefore
negating any merit your opinion may have."

because its not. I dont consider that a Zelda game because it has
nothing to do with Zelda. Can we return to the beaten mario now?

From: I5Spiders | Posted: 1/26/2002 2:35:54 AM | Message Detail
Get out! Get out! Get out! You dare defy the one who knows all and
who has repeatedly proven you wrong?! Get out!

From: Buckwheatz Return | Posted: 1/26/2002 2:37:08 AM | Message

NES trivia proving final point:

Which game for the NES was made and released first!?

a. Legend of Zelda
b. Super Mario Bros.

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/26/2002 2:37:54 AM | Message

Ha hahahahahaha! I like Link and Mario. I bet everyone does, but
who Wouldn't oppose Link in this battle? With a representative
like LTH, Link would be banging his head on a wall... And come on!
You cast out any pride for Link or any Zelda game when you
considered LoZ GCB not a game... Polas DOES know all, get used to
it, or get out!"

try and make me. Anyone who likes the Game Cube game isn't a real
Zelda fan in my opinion. its the worst thing Nintendo has ever
done. And I do consider the Game Boy Color Zeldas games...they
just had a horrible plot and didn't really fit in well with the

From: I5Spiders | Posted: 1/26/2002 2:39:04 AM | Message Detail
I think you have misunderstood... Shigeru creates Zelda, hon. He
created the Zelda on GameCube. Just because he's not that
strapping young lad from N64 in which you would have loved to
fondle, doesn't mean you should hate him! Where's your pride?! Oh
yeah, MARIO flushed it down the toilet and guess who's swimming in
their own excretement now?!

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/26/2002 2:39:09 AM | Message

"Get out! Get out! Get out! You dare defy the one who knows all
and who has repeatedly proven you wrong?! Get out!"

he hasn't proven me wrong once. And I dont have to leave. That
battle was over before it began. Link would beat them all easily.

From: Polas | Posted: 1/26/2002 2:39:25 AM | Message Detail
1) Captain N and Link are the same age.

2) Let's see, you say Zelda GCN isn't part of the series, and its
creator, the man behind the Zelda series, Mr. Miyamoto, says it
is. Gee, this is a tough one, who's right?

3) Link never had his own dance. Do the Mario!

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/26/2002 2:40:18 AM | Message

"NES trivia proving final point:

Which game for the NES was made and released first!?

a. Legend of Zelda
b. Super Mario Bros"

that doesn't effect who would win in a fight.

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/26/2002 2:42:11 AM | Message

"I think you have misunderstood... Shigeru creates Zelda, hon. He
created the Zelda on GameCube. Just because he's not that
strapping young lad from N64 in which you would have loved to
fondle, doesn't mean you should hate him! Where's your pride?! Oh
yeah, MARIO flushed it down the toilet and guess who's swimming in
their own excretement now?!"

its not Zelda. And I heard Miyamoto was thinking of changing it
because almost all of the Zelda fans hate it.

From: Polas | Posted: 1/26/2002 2:43:29 AM | Message Detail
"its not Zelda. And I heard Miyamoto was thinking of changing it
because almost all of the Zelda fans hate it."

Someone sig that. Who told you, your friend's cousin's uncle that
works at Nintendo? That's such a crock of BS that's it isn't even
funny .... wait, yes it is.

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/26/2002 2:44:24 AM | Message

Let's see, you say Zelda GCN isn't part of the series, and its
creator, the man behind the Zelda series, Mr. Miyamoto, says it
is. Gee, this is a tough one, who's right?"

what makes it part of the series other than Miyamoto claiming it
is? Nothing. Not one Zelda aspect is in there. And most of the
Zelda fans feel the same way I do.

From: Rykin | Posted: 1/26/2002 2:44:25 AM | Message Detail
Flaming: Posting a message that
personally insults another message board member. You are free to
disagree with the opinions of other people, but name-calling is
not tolerated.
Examples:: "You are dumb" is a flame. "Your last post was
incorrect" is not.
Trolling: Posting a message that is intended to annoy and/or
offend other posters or creating topics on a board for the purpose
of starting a flame war (i.e. a series of insults).
Examples:: Posting "Pokemon Sucks" on the Pokemon board, where you
will obviously get nothing but disagreements.

This topic reminds of the "what happened to the border the
platforms" thread on the SSBSB. The second post doomed the entire
topic to hell, where people argued for pages on whether or not you
could dig half of a hole.

Quotes such as, "Yeah, but they'll come along and see the hole,
and think, 'Hey, that's a hole!'" and "Then you just show the
blueprints, and they'll say, "Hey, you only have half of your
hole. Better get to work.'"

That, along with this one, remain as the two funniest topics I
have ever read.

From: I5Spiders | Posted: 1/26/2002 2:45:40 AM | Message Detail
You're not a ******* Zelda fan! Shigeru can do whatever he wants!
You are a stupidhead! You're not a fan! Why don't you like the
Zelda on GCN? If its for what he looks like, then you are denying
the 2 NES Zeldas and LttP! It's the same Zelda, resurrected! Get
your fax straight! And you never commented on your loving of
fondling n64 Linky boy!

From: Polas | Posted: 1/26/2002 2:45:51 AM | Message Detail
I'm glad everyone digs this topic. Next
time the PCA rolls around, remember what I had to endure for the
entertainment of you people!

From: Polas | Posted: 1/26/2002 2:47:30 AM | Message Detail
I5Spiders going ultra-hyper and completely blasting LTH = even
more hilarity.

From: VForm RH | Posted: 1/26/2002 2:48:12 AM | Message Detail
"3) Link never had his own dance. Do the Mario!"

LOL Polas!!! Very true though!

From: I5Spiders | Posted: 1/26/2002 2:48:54 AM | Message Detail

From: UltiMike | Posted: 1/26/2002 2:49:54 AM | Message Detail
Anyone who likes the Game Cube game isn't a real Zelda fan in my
opinion. its the worst thing Nintendo has ever done

THANK YOU! You just proved that not only are you a Link fanboy who
knows nothing about great classics, youve also proved that you are
NOT a true Zelda fan, and actually know extremely little about the
upcoming Zelda, claiming its not a Zelda game!

I officially declare this topic owned: Link gets his ass kicked by
LtH's useless arguing driving him to the brink of insanity, by
which he kills himself!

From: Rykin | Posted: 1/26/2002 2:53:20 AM | Message Detail
Link The Herpies, your posts r33k of fanb0yism, man.

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/26/2002 3:07:58 AM | Message

you guys have been totally wrong on everything. Arguing with you
is pointless because your to stubborn to comprehend with anything
I've said. Go to the Celda board and you'll see what I think of
it. I'm closing this topic. If you cant tell the difference
between this piece of crap for Game Cube and other Zeldas besides
the graphics your not worthy of a real Zelda game. I hope you
enjoy your looney tunes rip off.

From: VGman2 | Posted: 1/26/2002 3:09:51 AM | Message Detail
Arguing with you is pointless because
your to stubborn to comprehend with anything I've said.

I could say the exact same thing for except for one little

...Id be right.

(NOTE: Blade Of Evils Bane = Link The Hylian)

From: Blade Of Evils Bane | Posted: 1/26/2002 3:13:18 AM | Message

I haven't been wrong on practically guys take
everything as a joke and make yourselves look like total jerks

From: Polas | Posted: 1/26/2002 3:17:01 AM | Message Detail
Then how come you're the only one that thinks so?

From: Blade Of Evils Bane | Posted: 1/26/2002 3:28:21 AM | Message

Then how come you're the only one that thinks so?"

because the people who would have agreed with me all went to bed.
And most of them dont come here. I cant say I blame them.

From: Polas | Posted: 1/26/2002 3:28:24 AM | Message Detail
For the record, this entire thread has been documented and
archived by me for the future amusement of ZSB'ers old and new
alike. I've only done that for two topics since I started at
GameFAQs, and this is one of them.

From: Polas | Posted: 1/26/2002 3:29:43 AM | Message Detail
Speaking of going to bed, didn't you first say "Good Night" like 4
hours ago?

From: Blade Of Evils Bane | Posted: 1/26/2002 3:35:40 AM | Message

1. the GCN Zelda WILL BE a Zelda game, whether you like it or not--
------its going to take more than just the name in the title to
convince me. Everything else I've seen so far is about as far from
Zelda as you can get.

2. Anything you mentioned about Metriod. Play the game to
understand.---I have. I used to Play it for Game Boy. It was kinda
boring. The mirror shield would easily reflect her blast.

3. You based at least 90% of your arguments on opinions, not
facts. This concept, the usage of facts instead of opinions, is
critical in an argument such as this.----I stated plenty of facts.
Most of what you would call opinions WHERE facts.

4. Your whole Mario concept is completely untrue to the games.
Again, learn about them.----I have. It would be impossible for him
to win. I have played and beat Super Mario 1, 2, and 3 for game
boy. 3 was the best

5. A simple metal shield will not work against high powered blasts
such as Samus's or Mega Man's.----if they can deflect those blasts
from Twinrova and the lasers from ALTTP it could. How would you

6. Wishing to destroy the Mushroom Kingdom would be a wish of an
impure heart. Link has a pure heart.-----whats your point? This is
a battle. Like I stated before, the Trifroce would still carry it

7. Maybe when youre allowed to buy games without parental
supervision, youll understand some of these concepts and come out
into the real world of video gaming.-----I have. You need to play
Zelda more often if you really think Mario would win.

From: Rykin | Posted: 1/26/2002 3:37:46 AM | Message Detail
Still, for someone who proclaims himself to be right, your grammar

Quit being so credulous about this whole deal, and listen to
things that, let us say, are proven. What a novel concept, eh?

From: Blade Of Evils Bane | Posted: 1/26/2002 3:37:51 AM | Message

Speaking of going to bed, didn't you first say "Good Night" like 4
hours ago?"

I won way before then. You guys refused to accept the fact that
you lost and continued on and on. If I had left you would have
claimed you won when you really didn't like last time. Your way to

From: Polas | Posted: 1/26/2002 3:41:12 AM | Message Detail
When you're the only person who thinks you've won, I hate to tell
you, but you don't win. And you stayed up 4 extra hours just so a
bunch of people on a message board with nothing better to do than
have hilarious fun at a fanboy's expense couldn't claim an obvious
victory? No comment.

From: Blade Of Evils Bane | Posted: 1/26/2002 3:43:44 AM | Message

"Still, for someone who proclaims himself to be right, your
grammar stinks.

Quit being so credulous about this whole deal, and listen to
things that, let us say, are proven. What a novel concept, eh?"

I have proven over and over again that Link would win. I have
listened and given pretty good responces to everything you have
said. You ignore every point I try to make, and make fun of me for
reasons that are totally untrue. But your just going to continue
to deny it until this topic gets closed. The problem with you guys
is that you never EVER admit it when your wrong. You go on and on
and waste everyone who tries to make you see the lights time.

From: Rykin | Posted: 1/26/2002 3:44:38 AM | Message Detail
its going to take more than just the name in the title to convince
me. Everything else I've seen so far is about as far from Zelda as
you can get.

Yes, I am sorry for your delusions. If your misconceptions were
not so far fetched, I would have stopped laughing long ago.

Far from the series? The whole premier series is based on "anime-
ish" characters, and you are just a bit cantankerous because Link
no long looks human.

All of the beginning Zelda games started out this way, and
Miyamato what's his name wants it to go back to his roots, in an
attempt to refresh the series. Majora's Mask was not well liked,
for your information. Case in point, the series was taking off in
a direction he felt was wrong, so he took his authority and
changed it to a more reminiscent, "old school" form.

From: Rykin | Posted: 1/26/2002 3:48:39 AM | Message Detail
Wow, your grammar improved slightly when I made an allusion to it.
How odd.

Is there a misunderstand here? It is "you're," a contraction,
not "your," a possessive pronoun, if I remember correctly. Proving
someone wrong is much simpler when you present yourself in a more
educated manner.

Advice = good. [Good] Grammar + [good] argument = proven case.

From: Blade Of Evils Bane | Posted: 1/26/2002 3:53:51 AM | Message

the characters look nothing Like they did in the original game.
And cel shading just doesn't mix with Zelda. I think it should
have been used on mario. In my opinion it fits marios style
better. Link runs from enemies, winks at you, and stabs pigs in
the foot. Do you honestly think Link would act that stupid (for
Zelda made by Miyamoto). Also the enemies look and act incredibly
stupid. And even with Cel shading Link could look a hell of a lot
better than he does now. He in no way resembles Link, or any human
being still alive.

From: UltiMike | Posted: 1/26/2002 3:57:13 AM | Message Detail
1. Its going to take more than just the name in the title to
convince me. Everything else I've seen so far is about as far from
Zelda as you can get.

Ill use Mega Man soccer as an example. Mega Man, strangely enough,
actually has his own soccer team and battles teams of robot
masters from earlier games. Did it play differently? Yes. Was it a
major twist on the series? Enough of one. Now here comes the big
question... Was it part of the series? Hell yes. It was also
addictive fun and the only soccer game to ever grab my attention.
This would be the case of the new GCN Zelda. It has Link in it,
and Im guessing Ganon and other familiar characters will still be
in it. Style does not matter, its still following the series, just
in a slightly different approach.

2. I have. I used to Play it for Game Boy. It was kinda boring.
The mirror shield would easily reflect her blast. 

No it wouldnt, it only reflects special kinds of light and magic.
Play OoT or MM to find this out. I havent played the second
Metroid yet, but I absolutely loved the SNES one.

3. I stated plenty of facts. Most of what you would call opinions
WHERE facts.

Lets look back here...
Link would defeat Mario... -OPINION
Mario is slow and stupid (basicly) -OPINION
Link is faster than Mario FALSE -STATEMENT
You have no proof -DENIAL
The star rod being as powerful as the Triforce -UNDETERMINED FACT,
you insist on the Triforce
...the list goes on, but laziness is kicking in...

4. I have. It would be impossible for him to win. I have played
and beat Super Mario 1, 2, and 3 for game boy. 3 was the best.

Thats nice, now go play and beat the ones on the NES so you can
learn about the Tanooki and Hammer suits and the almighty shoe.

5. if they can deflect those blasts from Twinrova and the lasers
from ALTTP it could. How would you know?

Twinrova casts Magic. Those eyes cast magic. Now, examine the
Beamos, who shoots high-powered energy. Can those be reflected?
Nope, no reflectability at all. Next...

6. whats your point? This is a battle. Like I stated before, the
Trifroce would still carry it out.

My point is that in the Zelda series, Link fights on the side of
good. Causing great amounts of terror, destruction, and pain falls
under the evil category. Link would be locked up in the Sacred
Realm with Ganon if he did that.

7. I have. You need to play Zelda more often if you really think
Mario would win.

Ive played and beaten them all but the 2nd one on the NES. Ive
played most of Marios games, including the sports ones. I know
what hes capable of, I know all about Samus's moves from Super
Metriod, and Ive played all Mega Man games except for the ones not
on Nintendo systems. Id say my knowledge can greatly surpass yours
in this unsettled matter

From: Blade Of Evils Bane | Posted: 1/26/2002 3:58:23 AM | Message

"Wow, your grammar improved slightly when I made an allusion to
it. How odd.

Is there a misunderstand here? It is "you're," a contraction,
not "your," a possessive pronoun, if I remember correctly. Proving
someone wrong is much simpler when you present yourself in a more
educated manner."

I'm not going to waste my time when no ones going to bother to
read and actually think about it before sticking it in their post
screen to try unsuccessfully to shoot it down with a series of put
downs and nonsense. Its what I've come to expect around here though

From: Blade Of Evils Bane | Posted: 1/26/2002 3:59:00 AM | Message

strange how no other board does when I make a topic

From: Rykin | Posted: 1/26/2002 4:01:33 AM | Message Detail
You are not exempt from insulting people, either. Do not set
double standards or loopholes for yourself to slip though.

From: VGman2 | Posted: 1/26/2002 4:05:28 AM | Message Detail
Its 4 AM here, and the caffiene I consumed is wearing off...
*Scratches his ass*
Good night...I might be on to respond to LtHs comebacks this
Polas, clean up after the flaming with some suave speech on how
enjoyable yet pointless arguing late at night can be.

From: Rykin | Posted: 1/26/2002 4:12:20 AM | Message Detail
the characters look nothing Like they did in the original game.
And cel shading just doesn't mix with Zelda. I think it should
have been used on mario. In my opinion it fits marios style
better. Link runs from enemies, winks at you, and stabs pigs in
the foot. Do you honestly think Link would act that stupid (for
Zelda made by Miyamoto). Also the enemies look and act incredibly
stupid. And even with Cel shading Link could look a hell of a lot
better than he does now. He in no way resembles Link, or any human
being still alive.

So what if he looks like a Power Puff Girl? If you had half of the
loyalty you proclaim to have for this series, you would just grin
and bear it. Really, hypocracy gets you no where fast.

From: Blade Of Evils Bane | Posted: 1/26/2002 4:30:43 AM | Message

"Ill use Mega Man soccer as an example. Mega Man, strangely
enough, actually has his own soccer team and battles teams of
robot masters from earlier games. Did it play differently? Yes.
Was it a major twist on the series? Enough of one. Now here comes
the big question... Was it part of the series? Hell yes. It was
also addictive fun and the only soccer game to ever grab my
attention. This would be the case of the new GCN Zelda. It has
Link in it, and Im guessing Ganon and other familiar characters
will still be in it. Style does not matter, its still following
the series, just in a slightly different approach."

I just dont like it at all okay? if you do, fine. That doesnt make
you a bigger Zelda fan. Its your opinion.

"No it wouldnt, it only reflects special kinds of light and magic.
Play OoT or MM to find this out. I havent played the second
Metroid yet, but I absolutely loved the SNES one."

In ALTTP the Mirror shield reflected those lasers that the beamos
like creatures shot. If it can block those it can block a blast
from Samus. Bombos would kill her before she could though.

Lets look back here...
Link would defeat Mario... -fact
Mario is slow and stupid (basicly) -OPINION
Link is faster than Mario ---fact
You have no proof -fact (for the situation)
The star rod being as powerful as the Triforce -UNDETERMINED FACT,
you insist on the Triforce
...the list goes on, but laziness is kicking in..."

most of those where obvious facts. You just wont accept them. Like
the Link beating Mario thing. I proved he could a million times.
But again you ignore them.

Thats nice, now go play and beat the ones on the NES so you can
learn about the Tanooki and Hammer suits and the almighty shoe."

the Gold sword could cut through those suits like jell-o. And Link
would kill Mario with a single arrow shot before he could use the
shoe, which wouldn't make much of a difference.

"Twinrova casts Magic. Those eyes cast magic. Now, examine the
Beamos, who shoots high-powered energy. Can those be reflected?
Nope, no reflectability at all. Next..."

in ALTTP they could. And I still think they can with the Mirror

My point is that in the Zelda series, Link fights on the side of
good. Causing great amounts of terror, destruction, and pain falls
under the evil category. Link would be locked up in the Sacred
Realm with Ganon if he did that."

No he wouldn't. Do you think Hyrules going to care about the
mushroom kindgom? They would post likely congradulate him for
destroying it.

7. I have. You need to play Zelda more often if you really think
Mario would win.

"Ive played and beaten them all but the 2nd one on the NES. Ive
played most of Marios games, including the sports ones. I know
what hes capable of, I know all about Samus's moves from Super
Metriod, and Ive played all Mega Man games except for the ones not
on Nintendo systems. Id say my knowledge can greatly surpass yours
in this unsettled matter"

How would Mario win then? Theres no way. Saying he could win is
just pure ignorance.

From: Polas | Posted: 1/26/2002 4:42:27 AM | Message Detail
Lesson of the day: Pure ignorance = thinking that opinions prove
facts, as well as being out-argued and made to look like a
complete fool by a substantial number of people that are obviously
better and more seasoned gamers than you are, and still thinking
you did anything close to winning.
Whatever you did in this topic, it wasn't winning. But it was
extremely funny.

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