Have you been reading the Residents page and been wondering, "WHAT DOES THAT GUY MEAN WHEN HE SAID "ZMS"? If so, then you want to know about the CLUBS. A lot of these were fairly early in ZSB history and some were even before its time, on the OOT board.
Clubs are what we divide ourselves into whenever we feel like beating each other up. It started back in Fall 2000, with the first one....and I will now turn the microphone over to Sapphire since he knows a lot more about these than I do.
We'll start with the original, the Zelda Mystery Solvers. ZMS was formed by an old user, Triple-D, in order to search for answers to the many mysteries of the awesomeness that is Ocarina of Time. They raised the rumor of the Triforce being in there, and then TNIGC was formed, but we'll get into that later. I believe it was Triple D as president, then when he disappeared, Cribbs took over, leaving PerfectDarkLink as vice president. I was still a small member when the war broke out. Flame after flame in every topic. Any attempts made toward peace were eventually foiled by arguments. This kept going on until the Social Board was formed, and everything on the OOT board was moded for being off-topic. We eventually moved into the Social Board, where ZMS slowly merged with TNIGC/MARK into ORTAK(making sense so far, right? Now he'll explain.....)

This stood for the Triforce Not In Game Club, the answer to the ZMS who was always trying to prove it was in there. Key people in this club were AdmiralViscen and DarkLink. AV founded the club, and DL was vice I believe. After some people in the ZMS began rumors, TNIGC was forced to stop them. After all hope of finding the Triforce was demolished, AV decided that the TNIGC was a little old. So DL made

                                                                                          , as well as the slogan "we always hit our MARK." They used both names during the big war. Eventually, AV invited Someguy to come to the club. And we eventually all moved to the Social Board, and everything just kind of merged into.......

ORTAK stood for "Official Rumor Testers and Killers." DL had to leave for a bit, and when he came back, he discovered the two clubs had merged into ORTAK. This got him really ticked off, since he didn't want to join forced or have to share a bathroom with the ZMS, the very club he worked so hard to destroy. He argued with AV, AV kicked him out, he got all cranky and started yelling at AV for using the name MARK, and then the whole thing just sort of died. ORTAK was a failure before it began. We had an EZBoard, we had a Cabinet, we had members, and we had goals. Nobody was interested at all, though, so we all just left, and that was the end of it.

But that wasn't the end of the clubs.....soon, there was......


........what, no graphic? Okay, fine then.....
TAB history will be covered by Strider. Here he is....

The TAB was started by Admiral Viscen to get rid of some annoying people he disliked. He called the club "The Annoying Bastards," or TAB for short. The main goal was to annoy some n00bs off the board. TAB was begun around the time that supern00b "Princess Zelda" and her gang of idiots appeared. The basic goal of TAB was to turn off PZ, ZiH and some other people I can't remember. The club didn't last long, and contained only 7 or 8 members.