May 2002: Polas celebrates his 20th Polas Day, and several other birthday people copy him shortly afterward(I among them, but my real-life parties are sorry so what else could I do.....)
Ducky opens a successful cookie shop business. She branches out into muffins the next month.

June 2002: The ZSB is attacked by invaders from outer space! Actually, they were really fron the RE board. But they're blasted away by none other than WILL SMITH!!! Well, it was really Bender....
Soon after, Bender followed the sinister invaders to their hideout, an EZ-Board, and rallied a small army to squish them out once and for all! That's what makes the ZSB special--we can do all the raids we want, you just can't do them to US.

To the annoyance and disgust of everyone, Donkey Kong Song "marries" PZ and they bother the ZSB for a while. If you didn't know, DKS is an underage user and PZ is 18. Eww.....

July 2002: My birthday happens again. Jukester starts the ZSB Sitcom, featuring the wacky frat adventures of us all. Jukester also gets into a huge fight on the board with Bender and Lisa and several other people, leaving Lisa angry, and then sobbing, and then leaving....for a while anyway. Bender also cried, but he stayed. Or maybe I'm not supposed to mention he cried....

August 2002: Nothing happened.

September 2002: Lisa leaves for good this time. Jukester finishes the sitcom(see Archives). Link wins the GameFAQS Character Battle, but most people on the ZSB wanted Mario.

October 2002: Everybody makes their own stories and copies Jukester; over 5 people leave out of boredom. Most of them come back later.

November 2002 - February 2003: Nothing much happened, obviously due to the fact that I didn't update the site at all during that time. However, DarkLink took on the entire Super Smash Bros. Social Board--and won, then declared himself God and demanded that everyone
bold his name. Then Admiral insulted his girlfriend, which made him go insane and close all the RPG topics that everyone was involved in. There's a third-world country that's just screaming for your dictatorship, DL.

March 2003: Quite possibly the greatest n00b invasion in ZSB history took place this month. This was Nintendo's fault, because they released Wind Waker, and Jeff Veasey's fault, because he included a link to the ZSB from the official Wind Waker help board. Estimating roughly, over 50 new people had shown up on the page by April first. Add to that the fact that any topic posted on the WW board that was considered "off-topic" was moved to the ZSB by moderators, and you had an avalanche of clueless topics and ceaseless posts about Link, the Zelda timeline, the System of a Down Zelda song(it's actually by Rabbit Joint; get it right people!), which Korok is the hottest-looking, etc, etc, infinitium.
It got so annoying, Admiral(who's usually the first to speak up in events like these) made a topic that boldly yelled, "IF YOU WANT TO TALK ABOUT ZELDA, GO SOMEWHERE ELSE." The newbies balked at that and a huge argument began. You can see this argument on the Archives.

April 2003: The newbie invasion showed no signs of slowing....people just learned to live with it. Ducky returned and set up her Cookie Shop once more. I brought back the Milk Bar and reprised my role as Skull Kid, but not enough people participated this time. I kept it going anyway. Ducky would leave again shortly, this time for good.

May 2003: Never mind about the Milk Bar; it fell off like all my topics do. But in more important news....
One of the biggest events in ZSB history happened this month: the LUE INVASION!!! News of Admiral's "go elsewhere to talk about Zelda" topic reached someone on the Life, Universe and Everything Board; who went there and yelled at him. After a long argument, the man stomped back to LUE, rallied his troops and the ZSB was swamped by over 30 LUEsers, all posting endless Zelda-related topics nonstop. This lasted all of 45 minutes, until they attracted the attention of...CJAY HIMSELF; who made a personal post on LUE saying he was considering shutting it down. He didn't, but he did raise the level limit to post there, shutting lots of people out. This was our greatest victory. Go us!

June 2003: AdmiralViscen creates the Abadox boards, and actually has a hit--the first time a seperate board was created that wasn't forgotten about in one week.

August 2003: Polas becomes the first ZSB member to get two 500-post topics to appear on the same page. MacDaddy Mike got the final post in both. Polas also initiates the Mystery Contest, which defies description. Basically, there were sixteen entrants and all but one were eliminated through a process of answering Mario/Mega Man trivia, board scavenger hunts, and the final challenge: being the last person to quit posting once an hour. The winner was "Im Canadian."

September 2003:From the boards that brought you the teh millionth post("heh he said wood") comes....the hundred millionth post! This time, however, CJay bends the rules and makes the post himself, claiming he did it as a birthday present for himself. Bah....

October 2003: Out of nowhere comes the biggest CJay meddling yet: he changes the format for the boards and eliminates all boards covering more than one game, with the exception of the most popular ones(like the ZSB). And in an attempt to put an end to the numerous flooding wars that had occurred between the bigger boards over the years, he closes off all links to them, making the only way to get to them having them already marked in Favorites, or getting the address from someone else.
One of the weirder offshoots of this: a new baby ZSB, the Wind Waker Social Board. The night of its premiere, it's given the nickname "ZSB Junior" and we vow to teach our "son" the ways of the ZSB. This could be either good or bad....