Hey, I was thinking, what better way for this beloved site to excite your pants off than to offer an interactive game? That's right, at the Zelda Social Board anything can happen, and to illustrate that, it's time to play the thrilling.....
Make choices to change the way the story goes--it's different every time! BUT....here's the twist! Only TWO paths can lead you to happiness! The rest will lead you to....DEATH!!! YA HA HA HA HAAAAA!! Okay, I'm calm now....

To choose which way to go, click on the dancing Arabian woman that's standing by your choice! What could be simpler than that? OK, get ready to play!......
Our story begins with all you guys just lounging around the ZSB, waiting for something to happen, or for two people to get in a tiff, or for a newbie to come so they have something to beat up, or SOMEthing. Then you get a brilliant idea that could really make everyone's day. Yes, if there was a degree for brilliant ideas, this one would win it without having to take the course or pay the tuition!! Your brilliant idea that the whole ZSB can participate in IS: what?
If your idea is to gang up and attack CJayC in some form, click her.
If your idea is to just still sit around and do nothing, click her.