How can I top that poem by Mars? Hmm.....I can't.
All your base belong to us! And stuff. This website rulz!

The One and Only Official Original Mentally Unstable RPG Fanatic SPS-Wielding Randomness Initiator Chaos Catalyst Coffee Loving Weirdness and Insanity Goddess Welsh Psycho Angel Girl of the ZSB.

Simply put, I love a good battle. Attacking, defending, dying, killing, it's all good. Challenge me, and I will likely reply.
My favorite game series would be the Mega Man series, although Luigi would have to be my favorite character of all time.
Letsee, a post could be considered uncommon, and a topic from me can be considered rare, which constitutes the next part. So although I have been at the ZSB for a long time, I am often forgotten or left out of various things, and it kind of fits me, so it's not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, it can be most rewarding at times.
So, that's pretty much me, myself, and that strange guy in my head.

GF name: Sage of Light, Sage of Shadows, Sage of Light II
IRL name: Scooby Doo
Age: 14
Location: Kelethin, Norrath
Occupation: Cleric of Breil
Life's purpose: (like a lot of these people) Nintendo, internet, GameFAQS, Everquest....hmm.......oh yeah, school.
Other info: Came to the board around December 2000; created the Clan of Light and the OOTRPG.

Note: Sorry I had to bring RPing for EQ into this. I went and ran out of ideas.

AIM name: Samtabrick
Age: 1,300,000,000,000 (13 in human years)
LOCATION: somewhere in Ohio
OCCUPATION: evil demi-human cat
SPECIAL FEATURES: has a scythe
MOST IMPORTANT THINGS IN MY LIFE(here we go again): Playstation, N64, Chrono Cross, GB, Valkyrie Profile, Majora's Mask and many other things.
OTHER INFO: What, I need other info???.........uuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh.......
.....Bender is my lord?, that wouldn't work.....err, I give up.....AIM me if you got the chance.......

Hi. I like black. My real name is---ughhhh.....I forgot most people call me "you in the black." All my teachers in my school are out to get me. Like a few days ago, when I was in detention(no surprise there) and I cleared my throat and the teacher started yelling at me for "laughing." How mean is that?
Want to hear a funny story that happened to me when I was on this overnight camping thing? It was fun. Well, anyway, the story: My friends and me snuck out of our cabin. We snuck by the boys cabin and started banging on the windows, then ran. I was the first one to run and guess who I ran into smoking pot: My science teacher. Well, as luck may have it I was carrying my camera and I was pretty fast, so I ran up to him and took a picture, then ran as fast as I could. Since the picture came out, I've been wondering what to do with it.
(Note that she may be making this part up......)

Age: 16
Names I'll answer to: Spike, Angus, Matt
How long on GameFAQS: User since 3/8/01
How long on ZSB: Lurked till about 8/01
People that are ok/cool: Cribbs, Mars, GQ, Ellimist, HoT, AV (err...)
People that I'd rather beat the living **** outta than talk to: Grand Dragon, PDLink

Name: Jeff
Age: 13
Sex: Last time I checked, Male.
Accomplishments: I learned how to tie my shoes once. I forgot since then.
Location: Seattle
Time I came to GameFAQS: Oh, uh, I dunno. Late 99, probably. My only active names right now are Eminent Domain and Bandeti, so....yeah.
Theories on life: Shoot me now. Please?
Hobbies: Actually, I play the drums and skateboard. People either call me a surfer or a gangster. It depends on how I feel that particular day.
ZSB: It's too slow(compared to the Random Insanity board). But, it has more worthwhile topics. So hey, it's cool.