In the aired version Winnie says "Then wherever you go you'll always have a place to sit down." Winnie never mentions a hippie past for Thomas in the final. A lot of this was shortened, and Thomas says it's "moot," not "academic." And there's "Not necessarily," for the very first time. If you can believe it, this is actually the only place those two words appear in this script (and misspelled, no less). In the aired version, Winnie says the line four times. That's a good question -- maybe Gene should have asked that in the final. Winnie's answer, however, is very Winnie. Not as interesting as the hutch falling over, and probably harder to set up. Weird spot to cut to commercial. The episode cuts right as Thomas comes home, which makes sense. More stuff that's not in the episode. Winnie goes to Thomas's office immediately. "Honey" is not a word that would sound right coming out of Corinne Bohrer, but nobody had been cast yet. |