who would win? link vs...            page 2
From: Vivi Ornitier 28
Link vs cloud strife now thats interesting. Cloud can just cut Links his sword in half or his stupid dagger.And he could do Braver then he cloud could do his omnislash till his eyes can see is a bunch of sword with his eyes are blurry he could do omnislash and boy how much blood is coming out. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!
Note: these are printed as-is, no corrections

From: josh777amon
Link vs Joanna Dark

Joanna pulls out her Farsight XR-20, points it at link!!! Link guards himself with the mirror shield, Joanna pulls the trigger!!!!! Goes right through the shield, and kills Link instantly!!!!!!!

From: MEGA Articuno
How about Link vs Red XIII (aka Nanaki)

While trying to slash red up, red casts big guard. While having speed advantage, red casts Ultima, knocking link to the floor, red uses sled fang, and the FF7 cast has dinner!

From: Triforce Master
What's with you all making Link lose?

From: harvestingguy

From: Triforce Master (He owns the topic, remember?)
Ha Ha. Very cute, you crack me up. <being sarcastic>

From: SilverDraco
[This message was deleted by a GameFAQS Moderator]

From: SilverDraco
Sorry, slight typo in my last message, instead of saving the dead, I mean saving the DAY

From: aguywithabroom
Nice battle ideas! But none of those would be nearly as spectacular as: Link vs The hamburglar. That's right, I said hamburglar.
That's right, he said hamburglar. Sure Link has excellent fighting skills but it is no match for the hamburglar's stealing steath. poor link.

From: I Shall Be There
I'd say a sure bet would be Link vs. Cloud from FF7

Cloud: Which sword shall I use?
Link: Hurry up!
Cloud: Here's one!
*stabs Link in the side, Link falls*
Cloud: There!
*Link puts on Fierce Diery mask and kills Cloud*
The End.

From: phantomditto
Link vs. the Teletubbies!!

Link gets on a field and is blinded by the babyface sun. The teletubbies waddle up. Link, who has almost no strength from the utter babyishness, heaves up his mirror shield. The teletubbies see their reflection and run away screaming.

From: Tejayes
Link vs. the Roadrunner

Duh! The Roadrunner ALWAYS win!
My idea for a fishing anime: Sakura Carp Captors!

From: Q007
LINK vs. ELVIS (the alien from Perfect Dark)

From: Rubee64
-----Link vs a goldfish-----


the goldfish would jump in links mouth and suffocate him HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!
Duh! The goldfish ALWAYS win!

From: mcdembDDM
How about this...Link vs. Oni Link!!

I was assembled in China
That's all it said.

Blast to page 3!