From: McGray | Posted: 1/25/2002 4:27:34 PM | Message Detail
LTH, I want to smack you right now.


I'm so impulsive.

Man, seriously, if you think that Link is faster than Samus, you
obviously haven't played Super Metroid. Once she gets her Speed
Booster power-up, her speed is insanely fast. She's so fast she
leaves shadow figures behind her, man. If that isn't enough for
you, I'd suggest taking 17 of these pills and calling me in the

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 5:41:28 PM | Message

Samus's stupid gun bullets would bounce right off Links shield.
And Link could easily take on both Luigi and Mario and win. Samus
is one thing, Mega Man is another. Plus, that was a long time ago
and I can do better this time. And I know Samus doesn't stand a
chance in hell. And you have no proof shes faster than Link. I
dont care about Smash Brothers. And is Samus really a girl? She
looks like a boy to me.

From: Ganondork 2K | Posted: 1/25/2002 5:48:24 PM | Message Detail
Link is the HERO OF TIME!

I dunno about Samus, she/he/it isprobably just a rebel fighter or
something, I dunno.

Anyways, link has the Gods and people who made the world on his

From: Ganondork 2K | Posted: 1/25/2002 5:49:21 PM | Message Detail
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]

From: MacDaddy Mike | Posted: 1/25/2002 5:50:15 PM | Message

And of course this would be a one on one, so that wouldn't matter.

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 6:04:14 PM | Message

with the Triforce Link could beat almost anyone. Even Lain would
go down in a matter of seconds. The Triforce can do anything. But
anyway, Samus will need more than speed and a gun to win.

From: MacDaddy Mike | Posted: 1/25/2002 6:08:35 PM | Message

Too bad Link doesn't have the TriForce in any game, so sorry, you
can't use that.

From: Ganondork 2K | Posted: 1/25/2002 6:14:32 PM | Message Detail
Actually Link gets the Triforce in the first Zelda game on the NES.

Tubby plumber < Hero of Time

From: MacDaddy Mike | Posted: 1/25/2002 6:15:40 PM | Message

If you can't use it in gameplay you
can't use it.

From: Sapphire | Posted: 1/25/2002 6:21:24 PM | Message Detail
What's with the sudden rush of you Link fanboys? Link is NOTHING
compared to Mario. Mario has taken on waves and waves of Goombas,
dinosaurs, wizards, dragons, the undead, even gigantic slabs of
STONE. Link fights giant pigs, wizards, zombies, and women.

BTW, Link fanboys, I have every Zelda game and beat them. So,
don't say I don't know what I'm talking about.

From: Ganondork 2K | Posted: 1/25/2002 6:21:35 PM | Message Detail
As i recall, Link got a Magic Rod and a Magic Book, both of which
he used and they were powerful.

From: MacDaddy Mike | Posted: 1/25/2002 6:23:03 PM | Message

And as I recall, Mario got Kuribo's Shoe, which made him

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 6:23:21 PM | Message

It could still beat Lain :p. And Link doesn't need it against
Samus. Link would block her attacks and use Bombos, which would
kill her. If the Mirror shield can block those huge lasers from
ALTTP a bulllet would be nothing. Bombos works the instant its
used, freezes time, and kills all enemies on the screen. And Goron
Link would beat the living hell out of her. A Goron is like a
living boulder. The only reason Goron Link could get hurt by
enemies in Majoras Mask is because Nitnendo didn't want the game
to be too easy. If you shoot a boulder with a bullet it does
nothing. Goron Link would wait till she got close, swing his fist
(which can crush a brick wall without any effort) and Samus would
be gone. And I bet Goron Link could go about as fast as Samus
after drinking cheatu romani (whatever its called)

From: Sapphire | Posted: 1/25/2002 6:26:09 PM | Message Detail

You think Link can beat SAMUS!?!?!?! Ladies and gents of the
board, we have ourselves a real fanboy here! *points to LtH* Link
would stand no chance against Samus' Morphing Ball, Ice Wave,
Missles, or Bombs.

From: Polas | Posted: 1/25/2002 6:26:56 PM | Message Detail
Karnov'd waste all y'all sorry asses, boy-ee.

From: Ganondork 2K | Posted: 1/25/2002 6:27:34 PM | Message Detail
Link coud use the bunny hood aswell.

And what about those weird clocks you could get on some Zelda
games which made Link invincible until he left the screen and
stopped all the enemies.

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 6:28:39 PM | Message

"What's with the sudden rush of you Link fanboys? Link is NOTHING
compared to Mario. Mario has taken on waves and waves of Goombas,
dinosaurs, wizards, dragons, the undead, even gigantic slabs of
STONE." all of which where increadibly stupid and weak if they
could lose to a dumb little plumber with a jumping attack. How
would Mario win then?! Huh?!

"Link fights giant pigs, wizards, zombies, and women."

He fights far more than that. And Link has plenty of things to
make him invincible. Mario cant stay in his stupid shoe forever,
much less get in there before he dies in the first place.

From: Sapphire | Posted: 1/25/2002 6:29:03 PM | Message Detail
Trust me, Mario and Samus could beat Link, Ganondorf, Zelda,
Sheik, all them combined. Mario or Samus could take on Link alone.

Yet, as we all know, Snake would beat the **** out of all of them.

From: Sapphire | Posted: 1/25/2002 6:30:22 PM | Message Detail
And what about the Power Stars? How would Link kill mario if he
had those? Huh? HUH!?! What about now FANBOY!?!

From: MacDaddy Mike | Posted: 1/25/2002 6:30:52 PM | Message

It could still beat Lain :p. And Link doesn't need it against
Samus. Link would block her attacks and use Bombos, which would
kill her. - You've obviously never played ANY Metroid game, so
this point is crap.

If the Mirror shield can block those huge lasers from ALTTP a
bulllet would be nothing. - Once again, you've obviously never
played ANY Metroid game. And those lasers were weak magic, where
Samus is advanced technology. Link doesn't stand a chance.

Bombos works the instant its used, freezes time, and kills all
enemies on the screen. - So does Kabal's move.

And Goron Link would beat the living hell out of her. A Goron is
like a living boulder. The only reason Goron Link could get hurt
by enemies in Majoras Mask is because Nitnendo didn't want the
game to be too easy. - Since when is Samus fighting more than one
person? And Gorons can bleed, so bullets can kill them.

If you shoot a boulder with a bullet it does nothing. - ONCE AGAIN
you've shown you've never played Metroid.

Goron Link would wait till she got close, swing his fist (which
can crush a brick wall without any effort) and Samus would be
gone. And I bet Goron Link could go about as fast as Samus after
drinking cheatu romani (whatever its called) - Samus would attack
from long range.

Now don't say anything about Samus from now on, because you've
obviously never played any of the games.

From: MacDaddy Mike | Posted: 1/25/2002 6:33:22 PM | Message

He fights far more than that. And Link has plenty of things to
make him invincible. - So now Link needs to be invincible to
fight? Makes him look like a wuss.

Mario cant stay in his stupid shoe forever, much less get in there
before he dies in the first place. - You've obviously never played
Super Mario Bros 3.

From: Polas | Posted: 1/25/2002 6:34:18 PM | Message Detail
Karnov could easily defeat Link or Samus. Samus has the misfortune
of being female, which means all Karnov would have to do throw his
hands back and wiggle his massive belly, and Samus would throw
down her helmet and get a load of Karnov's plasma beam back at
Karnov's Love Shack. I guess it'd kinda be a draw then, but then
Karnov would promise to call her and never make good on it, so
that means he wins.

From: Polas | Posted: 1/25/2002 6:35:45 PM | Message Detail
Someone should do Samus vs. MegaMan, that'd be a good one.

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 6:36:15 PM | Message

I've played Smash Brothers. And I want the ten minutes of my life
I wasted on that back. Tell me everything Samus can do. Luigi and
Mario already lost. And Solid Snake is just a loser with a gun.
I've played Metal Gear Solid. Link would kick his ass. Snake knows
he cant even beat those soldiers. So he has to sneak by them like
a little wuss. So what all can Samus do then?

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 6:39:02 PM | Message

come on! post what all Samus can do! Mario and Luigi lost a long
time ago.

From: Polas | Posted: 1/25/2002 6:39:29 PM | Message Detail
You should actually play some of these
games before you pretend to be informed about them.

From: McGray | Posted: 1/25/2002 6:39:43 PM | Message Detail
Link the Hylian, play some Super Metroid and get back to me. Until
then, you are considered to me as nothing but an ignorant person,
who is now ignored and forgotten.

From: Ganondork 2K | Posted: 1/25/2002 6:41:07 PM | Message Detail
Being a rather sensible person, I say we call it a 3 way tie.

Link would beat Mario, coz of Mario having very limited weaponry.

Mario would beat Samus because (insert lame reason here)

Samus probably would beat Link because she has guns and weird
shields and stuff so his weapons would not be as affective against
her as they would be against his enemies in Hyrule.

From: Polas | Posted: 1/25/2002 6:41:30 PM | Message Detail
Mario never lost, because Link has no counter for Kuribo's Shoe.
It lets him jump on Spinys, for goodness sake. Spinys!

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