From: Sapphire | Posted: 1/25/2002 6:42:44 PM | Message Detail
Yes, he is a pathetic and disturbed person who knows nothing about
the games. The point of the Metal Gear series is stealth, Snake
could kick all their asses. Link can't take on a gigantic robot
with lasers, missles, rail guns, and all that good stuff. Link
would bow to Mario, in fear of getting his ass kicked. And Link
would quiver in fear in front of Samus' blaster. You need to study
these things and actually play the games before you run your mouth.

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 6:43:30 PM | Message

"Samus probably would beat Link because she has guns and weird
shields and stuff so his weapons would not be as affective against
her as they would be against his enemies in Hyrule."

Until someone tells me all Samus can do, the order goes like this

1. Link
2. Samus

1000. a fly
1001. Mario

From: MacDaddy Mike | Posted: 1/25/2002 6:45:35 PM | Message

Until you play any of the games you will be ignored.

From: MacDaddy Mike | Posted: 1/25/2002 6:46:10 PM | Message

And don't forget that the #1 slot was already taken by Mega Man...

From: I5Spiders | Posted: 1/25/2002 6:46:44 PM | Message Detail
LTH! Get over it! Don't make me get out my paddlin' stick and give
the ol' speech... Sleepin'.. yeah, that's a paddlin', Laughin',
that's a paddlin'.. Breath? You better believe that's a paddlin'...

From: Codfish | Posted: 1/25/2002 6:47:33 PM | Message Detail
No, I think Link would win. He has more weapons and is fast and
nibble. His sword attacks are very devastating, and because Link
just RULES!!!

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 6:50:55 PM | Message

1. Mario wouldnt have time to use his shoe
2. jumping on Link isn't going to do anything. If Mario can still
jump, its not going to hurt Link.

3. Even if Mario had time to use his shoe, he still wouldn't be
able to hurt Link, who would turn into a Goron, pick up Mario, and
chuck him down a pit, or into a pool of lava. If a Goron can step
on lava and not get hurt a crappy shoe wont hurt him either. Link
owns the sorry mushroom kingdom for free. Just admit it so we can
go on to Samus.

From: Polas | Posted: 1/25/2002 6:56:22 PM | Message Detail
You don't seem to understand.

Kuribo's Shoe = greatest item ever. Anything that gets jumped on
by said shoe is wiped from the face of the earth and stomped into
the oblivion beneath Level 5-3, Link included. End of story.

From: Polas | Posted: 1/25/2002 6:58:00 PM | Message Detail
Oh yeah, and Mario's from Brooklyn. Anyone from Brooklyn could
kick Link's ass, slap around Samus before the cops came, or flip
off Snake and run before he could shoot them, then get him in a

From: Ganondork 2K | Posted: 1/25/2002 6:59:31 PM | Message Detail
If just by chance, Link decided to put ihs sword in the air at the
right time he could impale Mario on it so shoe or no shoe, hes
still dead.

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 7:05:08 PM | Message

"Yes, he is a pathetic and disturbed person who knows nothing
about the games."

If you think Mario can beat Link, then you've obviously never
played ALTTP.

The point of the Metal Gear series is stealth, Snake could kick
all their asses."

Snake is a loser with a gun. Bombos would kill him

"Link can't take on a gigantic robot with lasers, missles, rail
guns, and all that good stuff."

Nayrus Love+Bombos a few times= a giant heap of scrap metal that
used to be the giant robot.

"Link would bow to Mario, in fear of getting his ass kicked."

Link would kill him in an instant with Bombos. Hell hed win with
nothing but his sword. Once Mario saw what Link could do, Mario
would piss himself and run to Peach.

"And Link would quiver in fear in front of Samus' blaster."

Link isn't afraid of anything, and the Mirror Shield would just
deflect it, and Goron Link would take that blaster, break it in
two, and watch as Samus ran away in terror.

"You need to study these things and actually play the games before
you run your mouth."

look whos talking. If you honestly think Mario could win then I
doubt you've played Zelda.

*is getting bored*

you can go ahead and flame me all you want, but it wont change
anything. You still haven't listed what Samus can do.

From: I5Spiders | Posted: 1/25/2002 7:05:20 PM | Message Detail
Yeah, but cool **** like that NEVER happens... *sniff-sniff*

From: MacDaddy Mike | Posted: 1/25/2002 7:07:17 PM | Message


From: Polas | Posted: 1/25/2002 7:11:53 PM | Message Detail
The sword cannot impale the shoe. Nothing can impale the shoe. The
shoe is indestructable. Greatest item ever.

From: MacDaddy Mike | Posted: 1/25/2002 7:14:32 PM | Message

Polas knows all. Polas decides winner. Polas say Mario. Mario win.

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 7:16:04 PM | Message

"Kuribo's Shoe = greatest item ever. Anything that gets jumped on
by said shoe is wiped from the face of the earth and stomped into
the oblivion beneath Level 5-3, Link included. End of story."

Mario couldn't catch Link, and Mario would not have time to get
in. Bombos would fling his insides all over mushroom land before
Mario could even move. Whats he gonna do when the very air hes
breathing is exploding repeatedly? the Shoe is nothing compared to
Bombos. Even in the shoe Mario would still have to breathe and the
instant he did his insides would burst into flames and explode.
I'd love to see how the hell the Shoe would prevent that. Face it
Mario/Luigi cant win.

So in conclusion Marios world was beaten by a piece of metal with
magical powers. heh. And flaming me isn't going to do anything.

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 7:17:39 PM | Message

I dont care if Polas likes Marios shoe. Mario still cant win.

From: MacDaddy Mike | Posted: 1/25/2002 7:18:24 PM | Message

You've never played the game so don't try to tell us what Mario
can and can't do.

From: Ganondork 2K | Posted: 1/25/2002 7:21:16 PM | Message Detail
Fine then he'd impale his butt!

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 7:22:57 PM | Message

prove Mario doesn't have to breath. and I never played that one
game because I hate the character Mario. You seriously
underestimate Links abilities. And what is Snake going to do? Huh?
Fire his little gun? I've played Metal Gear Solid and Snake would
lose. You may think Snakes cool, but tell me, what is a gun going
to do against Bombos?

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 7:24:06 PM | Message

Ganondork 2K have you ever played ALTTP? Link has far more than a

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 7:26:29 PM | Message

Do you guys give up on Mario yet? Because I'm starting to get
kinda bored. And if Mario cant win then neither can Luigi.

From: Polas | Posted: 1/25/2002 7:26:37 PM | Message Detail
Mario's butt is in the shoe. It's a GIANT GREEN WINDUP SHOE that
Mario crawls into. Is this lost on you people? And the comment
about Mario's breathing regimen is the stupidest I've seen yet, so
I won't even address that. If a fat Italian plumber doesn't get
winded running around through 8 levels a game, Bombos isn't worth

From: Ganondork 2K | Posted: 1/25/2002 7:29:26 PM | Message Detail
I see.......

From: Polas | Posted: 1/25/2002 7:31:50 PM | Message Detail
The one way Link might be able to win is if he chanted "Spell"
(something that's probably lost on you "die-hard" Zelda fans) and
turned Mario into a blob. Blobs are easy to kill, but it doesn't
work on all enemies, so it depends.

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 7:32:04 PM | Message

It doesn't matter if Mario gets tired or not. Have you even seen
Bombos? It kills everything on screen in an instant. Mario doesn't
have to breath to die. It makes the air explode. Even if he didn't
breathe there would be explosions all around him and he would be
torn to bits. Mario has to breathe to live. You have no proof he
doesn't. If you think my comment is so stupid then what is Mario
gonna do then huh? I think your in denial. May we move on to Samus
now? Because no one from the mushroom kingdom is going to cut it.

From: Polas | Posted: 1/25/2002 7:33:38 PM | Message Detail
Doesn't Link have to breathe too? The air he breathes in the same
as Mario. You can't say how Bombos affects the air, because it's
never even mentioned, you're making stuff up.

From: Ganondork 2K | Posted: 1/25/2002 7:35:17 PM | Message Detail
Special items arent the characters skill anyway, i mean wheres the
skill in runnning at people with a star coz your invincible or
deflecting everything with your magic shield.

If they both had nothing other than their starting items, Link
would win. Even without a sword, Link would win because he's an
agile young man whereas Mario is a fat Italien plumber.

From: Polas | Posted: 1/25/2002 7:37:01 PM | Message Detail
Mario is a fat Italian from Brooklyn,
Link is a skinny punk teenager. Please rethink that.

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 7:39:01 PM | Message

what are you talking about? He doesn't need to do that. The shoe
protects Mario from enemies and kills them. Fine. But Bombos would
kill him shoe or no shoe. And how is he going to use his shoe when
his insides/air around him, and exploding and turning into flames?
Theres no way he can live through that. none of the regular
enemies on ALTTP did (as far as I can remember) so how is Mario
going to? The battle starts, Link uses Bombos, the battle ends
with Link winning. Mario has about a fourth of a second to do
something before he dies. What is he going to do?

From: Polas | Posted: 1/25/2002 7:42:24 PM | Message Detail
He can use the Tanooki suit to turn into an invincible statue
(SMB3) while Bombos takes effect, then leap to victory with THE
SHOE. Don't be upset because Link has no wonderful shoe. He gets a
guy named Bagu in Zelda II, which is almost as good.

From: Ganondork 2K | Posted: 1/25/2002 7:42:55 PM | Message Detail
How is Link a skinny punk teenager? Skinny maybe but punk?!?
I dont think they have punk music in Hyrule.

SO...Overweight Italien plumber from Brooklyn (irrelevant) who's
main attack is to jump on his enemy OR skinny teenager who's main
attack is to slash with his sword.

From: Polas | Posted: 1/25/2002 7:44:36 PM | Message Detail
You're not from around here, are you?

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 7:46:38 PM | Message

"Doesn't Link have to breathe too? The air he breathes in the same
as Mario. You can't say how Bombos affects the air, because it's
never even mentioned, you're making stuff up."

It obviously doesn't effect the user. Otherwise Link would have
died when he used it and it didn't effect him one bit.
I'm not making it up. I tell you what. Play ALTTP and use Bombos.
Everything around you turns into flames and explodes repeatedly.
And it doesn't do it when its touching something, it does it
everywhere. If thats not the air turning into flames and blowing
up then what is it then huh? dust? Theres nothing Mario can do
against that. And if Link pulled that off before Mega Man
used "gravity hold" the same would have happened to him. But NO!
You guys where to busy making fun of me to listen.

From: Ganondork 2K | Posted: 1/25/2002 7:47:58 PM | Message Detail
No, I live in England so I'm well tired.

But just coz he lives in Brooklyn doesnt make him hard. The WHOLE
of Brooklyn can't be hard. You can't have a whole city of well
tough people because sombodies go to do the wussy jobs like flower
aranger shop assisstant or plumber.

From: Polas | Posted: 1/25/2002 7:50:56 PM | Message Detail
And there's nothing Link can do against the power and might of THE
SHOE. Mario can just curl up and doze off in the mighty,
invincible shoe until Bombos finishes. I've likely forgotten more
about the Zelda and Mario series than you'll ever know (not just
LttP and the 64 games, either). And everyone makes fun of you
because you actually seem to take this seriously.

From: Sapphire | Posted: 1/25/2002 7:51:32 PM | Message Detail
[This message was deleted by a GameFAQs Moderator]

From: Polas | Posted: 1/25/2002 7:52:00 PM | Message Detail
No Brit is allowed to say that to a New
Yorker. Bugger off, ya bloody tart.

From: MacDaddy Mike | Posted: 1/25/2002 7:53:02 PM | Message

The shoe make Mario invincible. The shoe destroy anything in one
hit. The shoe doesn't wear out. The shoe is unbeatable. As long as
Mario is in the shoe, he's unstoppable. And no, you can't take him
out of the shoe.

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 7:53:27 PM | Message

"Mario is a fat Italian from Brooklyn, Link is a skinny punk
teenager. Please rethink that."

I dont care where Mario comes from. Hes fat and short and moves
very slowly. Link is skinny and can move much faster. Link is also
a hell of a lot tougher. One hit and Mario shrinks EVEN MORE. Two
hits and he dies. Link must be hit 80 times to die. And this is
without armor. Its not possible for Mario to win in either case.

From: Polas | Posted: 1/25/2002 7:58:31 PM | Message Detail
Super Mario Bros. vs. Legend of Zelda - Mario moves faster.

Mario 2 vs. Zelda 2. - Mario moves faster.

Super Mario World vs. Link to the Past - Mario moves faster.

Even on N64 they move at about the same speed, although Mario
again seems to move a bit faster when you tilt the stick all the
way. Also, Mario's "shrinking" is replaced by energy in SM64.
Don't you get tired of being wrong?

From: Ganondork 2K | Posted: 1/25/2002 7:58:43 PM | Message Detail

And i think I am allowed to say that not everyone is well tough in

And I'm quite sure that tart either means an open top pie or a
woman who wears too much make up.

From: Polas | Posted: 1/25/2002 8:00:08 PM | Message Detail
Yeah, probably. I just think saying "bloody tart" in any instance
is funny.

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 8:02:03 PM | Message

And there's nothing Link can do against the power and might of THE
SHOE. Mario can just curl up and doze off in the mighty,
invincible shoe until Bombos finishes."

He wont be able to use the shoe. He would have been dead before he
could even think to use it. He would be experiencing absolute
torture in the one or two seconds he has before Bombos finishes.
He wouldn't be able to do anything.

"I've likely forgotten more about the Zelda and Mario series than
you'll ever know (not just LttP and the 64 games, either)."

I doubt it. Your insults aren't bothering me.

"And everyone makes fun of you because you actually seem to take
this seriously."

If I didn't take this seriously then why did I make the topic?

From: CTrunks | Posted: 1/25/2002 8:04:19 PM | Message Detail
*points to the shoe*


*points to the Tanooki Suit, then the Statue feature, which
protects him from Bombos*


*points to the fact the statue can do a stomp (he thinks)*

Link's death-ness.

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 8:05:49 PM | Message

Polas Link is much faster than Mario. The games run at different
speeds. It they had a race Link would win easily. And I'm not wrong

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 8:10:49 PM | Message

how many times do I have to say this? Mario wouldn't be able to
use anything before he died. And Link could easily step out of the
way of a stupid statue. Nintendo makes Mario go fast because if he
went at his actual speed no one would buy it. Who do you think can
move faster? A tall skinny teenager or a fat little plumber who
probably only goes up to Links waist?

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 8:13:07 PM | Message

WILL YOU GUYS LISTEN FOR ONCE? Marios not going to be able to use
anything before Bombos kill him.

From: Ganondork 2K | Posted: 1/25/2002 8:14:41 PM | Message Detail
Actually he only gets up to Links waist when he's super Mario. He
normally gets up to Links knee. THE SHOE really IS just some ones
shoe that Mario stole for a home. The enemies Mario faces are
actually deformed mice and Princess Peach is just a Barbie doll.

From: Polas | Posted: 1/25/2002 8:14:49 PM | Message Detail
Congratulations sir, you defy logic better than practically any
user I've ever seen here. I think I'm actually losing IQ points by
posting in this topic. I'm out for now, I can't wait to see how
stupid this topic has gotten when I get back later.

Karnov owns all of you.

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