From: Sapphire | Posted: 1/25/2002 8:15:51 PM | Message Detail
Who do you think would win? A plumber who's got the power of the
stars, who's taken on dinosaurs an unimaginable number of times,
who has destroyed all the Koopa Kids, rescued all the Yoshi eggs,
and conquered more worlds than Link ever could.


A teenager who is barely aware of his destiny, doesn't know how to
properly use the TriForce, and is always in need of the help of a

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 8:19:33 PM | Message

I'm not defying logic. I think its the opposite. You guys aren't
listening to me. You just sit there and flame me. I've shot down
all your points on Mario so far. You just wont accept the fact
that Link would kick his ass. Any Zelda fan knows that not only
would Link win, but Mario would be one of the easiest opponents
hes ever faced.

From: Ganondork 2K | Posted: 1/25/2002 8:24:05 PM | Message Detail
Stars don't count coz he doesnt actually use them in the game and
all they do any way is open doors. and even then he sometimes
needs a key aswell.

The only reason Mario has conquered more worlds than Link is
because Most of Marios of games have about 8 worlds each and Links
games are all set in the same world as Hyrule

From: MacDaddy Mike | Posted: 1/25/2002 8:26:29 PM | Message

Polas Link is much faster than Mario. The games run at different
speeds. It they had a race Link would win easily. And I'm not
wrong - So now the games run at different speeds? You shot down
your own point.

I'm not defying logic. I think its the opposite. You guys aren't
listening to me. - You talk as if you know what you're talking
about. You compare a character you like to that of one you know
nothing about. YOU HAVE NO POINT!

You just sit there and flame me.  - It's not hard to!

I've shot down all your points on Mario so far. - You've shot down
none. All you've said is "Mario won't have enough time to do
anything". If Mario won't have time to do anything, neither will
Link, and that completely shoots down your only point. In EVERY
MARIO GAME Mario is faster than Link is.

You just wont accept the fact that Link would kick his ass. Any
Zelda fan knows that not only would Link win, but Mario would be
one of the easiest opponents hes ever faced. - You're not a fan,
you're a fanboy. You ONLY like Zelda, and nothing else. That
completely discredits you. I'm sure everyone on this board thinks
you're a fool, and you haven't made your point. Please leave

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 8:27:20 PM | Message

"Who do you think would win? A plumber who's got the power of the


"who's taken on dinosaurs an unimaginable number of times,"

very crappy and weak dinosaurs. And they must not be real
dinosaurs if they could lose to Mario. Just step on him. Or are
you talking about mini lizards instead? Bowser is not a dinosaur.
Hes a freaking turtle. And a very dumb one at that. I know because
I used to own an old Nintendo/Mario book and it said he was a

"who has destroyed all the Koopa Kids, rescued all the Yoshi eggs,"


and conquered more worlds than Link ever could."

In your dreams.


"A teenager who is barely aware of his destiny,"

you have no proof of that. And who is?

"doesn't know how to properly use the TriForce,"

no one but the goddesses do.

"and is always in need of the help of a PRINCESS?"

I think you got it backwards. And that Princess could kick Marios
ass in a second.

From: Ganondork 2K | Posted: 1/25/2002 8:27:30 PM | Message Detail
I know withdraw from this topic until tomorrow as it is 2:30 here.
If History has taught us anything, it's what happened in the past.
Mario lives in a shoe!

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 8:32:37 PM | Message

"You've shot down none. All you've said is "Mario won't have
enough time to do anything". If Mario won't have time to do
anything, neither will Link, and that completely shoots down your
only point. In EVERY MARIO GAME Mario is faster than Link is."

I've shot down all of them. Your completely ignoring everything I
say. Just like you did before. Mario is extremely slow both
mentally and physically. Nintendo made him be able to move
normally so the games would sell. I have played his games before.
I just dont remember a lot about them because they stunk. I used
to own Super Mario 1 and 2 for Game Boy.

From: MacDaddy Mike | Posted: 1/25/2002 8:34:21 PM | Message

"and is always in need of the help of a PRINCESS?"

I think you got it backwards. And that Princess could kick Marios
ass in a second.


Oh god, you don't know anything about what you're talking about!!!
In EVERY Zelda game, Link needs help from Zelda to defeat Gannon.
In EVERY Mario game, MARIO SAVES THE PRINCESS!!! Damn kid, try
PLAYING ONE OF THE GAMES before starting something like this.

From: Rattlesnake1013 | Posted: 1/25/2002 8:36:49 PM | Message

This is OV on Rattlesnake's account.

there would be no fight shifts if Link thought a Final Fantasy
character. They would just stand there and use an attack. Link
would just step out of the way, run up, and cut their head off.

Um no because it wouldn't make sense. How would you know who
attacks first or if Link has HP. I mean Link would have to hit for
HP if the FF characters are using their own Battle system.

Oh and a note for Cribbs: Goku could turn Mega Man into ashes. He
could also beat Link (unless he had the power of the Triforce) but
thats beside the point :p.

LOL! Not going to do anything here but laugh some more. Goku would
beat Link NO MATTER what.

Samus, fully equipped

Gravity Suit
Ice Beam
Charge Shot
Plasma Beam
Power Bombs
Super Missiles
High Jump Boots
Space Jump
Screw Attack
Speed Booster
X-Ray Scope
Grappling Beam

Adult Link, fully equipped to best advantage

Mirror Shield
Kokiri Boots
Master Sword
Goron Bombs
Fire Tunic
Fairy Bow
Light Arrows
2 Fairies
2 Blue Potions
Bunny Hood

Now then, let's see.

Say Link fired a Light Arrow at Samus, Samus, being one of the
most agile characters Nintendo has created, would easily dodge it.
IF it hit her, let's say, her Gravity Suit would just absorb 75%
of the initial damage which is, needless to say, next to no damage
at all.
Say Link decided to slash her. For one
thing, Link is fast, but not near as fast as Samus. Samus could
jump right over him, drop a Power Bomb on him and land 30 feet
behind him before he knew what happened.
Say Link, however, DID manage to slash her. Gravity Suit once
again rules all.
Samus, with her Speed Booster, could charge and plow right through
Link leaving small Link shrapnel all over the ground.
Link is no match for Samus.


Enhanced with Chozo DNA
Enhanced with Metroid DNA
Enhanced with her Power Suit
Enhanced with long-distance Arm Cannon
Enhanced with various weapons and power-ups


Skilled with the sword
Skilled with various weapons
Has a shield

Therefore, my fanboy friend, Samus has speed advantage, distance
advantage, longer view range (with her visor), aiming
enhancements, more powerful weapons, and can jump much, much
higher: boundless height with her Space Jump ability, and
impervious to harm done in the air with her Screw Attack.

Once again, Link could not win, no matter what.

Here is what Samus can do.

with the Triforce Link could beat almost anyone. Even Lain would
go down in a matter of seconds. The Triforce can do anything. But
anyway, Samus will need more than speed and a gun to win.
What Lain are you talking about? If its the one I'm thinking, I
will laugh.

From: MacDaddy Mike | Posted: 1/25/2002 8:36:54 PM | Message

I've shot down all of them. Your completely ignoring everything I
say. Just like you did before. - If I ignored everything before
how come I totally chumped you?

Mario is extremely slow both mentally and physically. - How do you
plan to prove that? He's faster physically than Link in every
game, and Link needs a fairy to tell him what to do.

Nintendo made him be able to move normally so the games would
sell. - I could say the same about some 7 year old kid who stars
in the Zelda games.

I have played his games before. I just dont remember a lot about
them because they stunk. - You proved that. Listen, if EVERYONE is
against you, you must be doing something wrong.

From: Juggling Joker | Posted: 1/25/2002 8:46:29 PM | Message

Actually, if he was defending Link well, he might have more
supporters. Saying "Mario is extremely slow both mentally and
physically" isn't proving anything, let alone not being true. What
proof do you even have to support that? And thinking Link could
beat Samus, don't make me laugh. If you ever played and Metroid
game, and keep in mind Super Smash Brothers doesn't count, you
would see how that is completely false. Samus trumps Link in all
fields: speed, intelligence, weaponry.

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 8:50:19 PM | Message

Link doesn't need help. What the **** are you talking about?
In ALTTP and OOT she helped Link gain access to a castle. So what?
Link saved her tons of times. Mario wouldn't have been able to get
in either. Much less get that far. And what does this have to do
with anything? In Marios original game he could get killed because
a barrel rolled over him, or because a monkey picked him up and
chucked him across, the room. And when he got to the top he just
stood there and let the monkey take his girl to the next level.
And then on the last one he won by stepping on disappearing pegs.
wow. I find that far more pathetic. Link did much more than that
in his original game. Who seems like the dumber character to you?
Link would still be able to beat Mario no matter what he did.

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 8:51:32 PM | Message

I really dont care what you and your friends think Macdaddy.
Because I and very other Zelda fan knows I'm right.

From: MacDaddy Mike | Posted: 1/25/2002 8:53:42 PM | Message

In ALTTP and OOT she helped Link gain access to a castle. So what?
Link saved her tons of times. Mario wouldn't have been able to get
in either. Much less get that far. - Mario never needed help from
Toadstool. So ha!

And what does this have to do with anything? - What does anything
you post have to do with anything?!

In Marios original game he could get killed because a barrel
rolled over him, or because a monkey picked him up and chucked him
across, the room. And when he got to the top he just stood there
and let the monkey take his girl to the next level. And then on
the last one he won by stepping on disappearing pegs. wow. I find
that far more pathetic. - Completely different game, completely
different genre. You could put Link into a puzzle game and make
him look pathetic. Wait, he already does.

Link did much more than that in his original game. Who seems like
the dumber character to you? Link would still be able to beat
Mario no matter what he did. - You haven't proved anything, stop
while you're behind, and before you're roadkill.

From: Sapphire | Posted: 1/25/2002 8:54:38 PM | Message Detail
You just described a DONKEY KONG game, not a MARIO game. Mario was
a character, but that game was all about DONKEY KONG.

From: MacDaddy Mike | Posted: 1/25/2002 8:54:54 PM | Message

If you don't care close this topic.

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 9:22:27 PM | Message

"Um no because it wouldn't make sense. How would you know who
attacks first or if Link has HP. I mean Link would have to hit for
HP if the FF characters are using their own Battle system."

It makes plenty of sense to me.

"LOL! Not going to do anything here but laugh some more. Goku
would beat Link NO MATTER what."

The Triforce can do anything.

"Samus, fully equipped

Gravity Suit
Ice Beam
Charge Shot
Plasma Beam
Power Bombs
Super Missiles
High Jump Boots
Space Jump
Screw Attack
Speed Booster
X-Ray Scope
Grappling Beam"

Not impressive

"Adult Link, fully equipped to best advantage

Mirror Shield
Kokiri Boots
Master Sword
Goron Bombs
Fire Tunic
Fairy Bow
Light Arrows
2 Fairies
2 Blue Potions
Bunny Hood"

Link has far more than that.

Now then, let's see.

"Say Link fired a Light Arrow at Samus, Samus, being one of the
most agile characters Nintendo has created, would easily dodge
it." Then Link would use Bombos and she would be dead.

"IF it hit her, let's say, her Gravity Suit would just absorb 75%
of the initial damage which is, needless to say, next to no damage
at all."

not if its the light arrow

"Say Link decided to slash her. For one thing, Link is fast, but
not near as fast as Samus. Samus could jump right over him, drop a
Power Bomb on him and land 30 feet behind him before he knew what

Link would just jump out of the way and shoot her with a
Light/Ice/Fire arrow while she was landing. Or use the ice/fire

"Say Link, however, DID manage to slash her. Gravity Suit once
again rules all."

If it was anything above the master sword it could cut right
through her.

Samus, with her Speed Booster, could charge and plow right through
Link leaving small Link shrapnel all over the ground."

He would stick his sword out and she'd run right through that and
kill herself.

"Link is no match for Samus."

He could kill her with one hit if he used the right weapon.


Enhanced with Chozo DNA
Enhanced with Metroid DNA
Enhanced with her Power Suit
Enhanced with long-distance Arm Cannon
Enhanced with various weapons and power-ups


Skilled with the sword
Skilled with various weapons
Has a shield"

Link has far more than that.

"Therefore, my fanboy friend, Samus has speed advantage, distance

she doesn't have distance advantage

"longer view range (with her visor), aiming enhancements,"

Link doesn't need aiming enhancements. He does fine without them

"more powerful weapons,"


"and can jump much, much higher: boundless height with her Space
Jump ability, and impervious to harm done in the air with her
Screw Attack."

how long does her screw attack last? again she would be dead in an
instant with Bombos before she could use "screw"

And if Link was wearing the Golden Gauntlets he could stop her
with one hand if she tried to charge into him. Then cut her head

Once again, Link could not win, no matter what."

your wrong.

Here is what Samus can do."

not good enough

"What Lain are you talking about? If its the one I'm thinking, I
will laugh."

Lain Iwakuraa. The Triforce can do almost anything. With the
Triforces power, her attacks would do nothing. All Link would have
to do is wish her gone and she would be....wait she already is.

From: MacDaddy Mike | Posted: 1/25/2002 9:25:23 PM | Message

Link can't use the Tri Force. If you don't use it in gameplay,
it's not a valid item.

And you said you didn't care about this, so close the topic
already. You've already become roadkill.

From: Juggling Joker | Posted: 1/25/2002 9:26:48 PM | Message

If your retorts are "nope" "your wrong" and "not good enough" it's
no wonder that you're losing this debate, not to mention whatever
support you might have had before.

From: oblivion viruses | Posted: 1/25/2002 9:32:08 PM | Message

Where is Lain from?

Also the thing about Samus and Link did not come from me(If you
thought it did,DUH) It was a post earlier on and I'll let Mcgray
shoot down those posts(well you didn't even shoot down his but
what the heck.)

From: MacDaddy Mike | Posted: 1/25/2002 9:34:22 PM | Message

|.............|........... |__|....|
|.............|........... |...|.....|

The games before you post again.

From: oblivion viruses | Posted: 1/25/2002 9:39:40 PM | Message

Gravity Suit
Ice Beam
Charge Shot
Plasma Beam
Power Bombs
Super Missiles
High Jump Boots
Space Jump
Screw Attack
Speed Booster
X-Ray Scope
Grappling Beam"

Not impressive

Ok you hardly know what each of them does so you can't say

"Say Link fired a Light Arrow at Samus, Samus, being one of the
most agile characters Nintendo has created, would easily dodge
it." Then Link would use Bombos and she would be dead.

You don't know that.

"IF it hit her, let's say, her Gravity Suit would just absorb 75%
of the initial damage which is, needless to say, next to no damage
at all."

not if its the light arrow

Guess or opinion.

Say Link, however, DID manage to slash her. Gravity Suit once
again rules all."

If it was anything above the master sword it could cut right
through her.

We need FACTS. This is another opinion.

Samus, with her Speed Booster, could charge and plow right through
Link leaving small Link shrapnel all over the ground."

He would stick his sword out and she'd run right through that and
kill herself.

You think Samus is an idiot or something?

He could kill her with one hit if he used the right weapon.


Like Mac said, You cannot USE THE TRIFORCE IN a Zelda game.

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 9:50:47 PM | Message

Link isn't seven. And even if he where he could stil run faster
than Mario. Theres no possible way Mario would win. You haven't
given me a single one. And all Link would have to do is use Bombos
and Samus would be gone. And shes not smarter. You have no proof.

Bombos-----Samus bursts into flames and explodes

Ether----Samus becomes frozen solid and he kills her with his

Cape----- Link becomes invisible and stabs her to death.

Staff of Byrna----- Nithing Samus does effects him

Hookshot---- stabs her and pulls her forward so Link can kill her.

Magic Powder---if it touches her she could turn into a blob


Boomerang----stuns Samus Link runs forward and kills her.

Powder Keg-----kills Samus

Bombchu---kills Samus

Bow and Arrow----kills Samus if it hits her. Especially if its a
fire/ice/light type.

Firce Diety Mask----Link becomes much stronger and his sword
becomes powerful enough to slice through Samus like butter.

Goron Mask----Link becomes a living boulder that could crush Samus
with one hit. In return charging into Link would do nothing but
hurt Samus who would then be crushed by Goron Links fists.

Megaton Hammer-----kills Samus

Link also has several versions of a sword that can become strong
enough to stop Samus in her tracks and slice her to bits.

There. The weapons I didn't list either wouldn't help or Link has
one thats better.

Theres no way Samus could win. I'm going to bed. Link already beat
Mario and Luigi a thousand times over. And I dont see and possible
way Samus could win. I'll be back later. Hopefully then you'll
actually listen to my posts.

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