From: MacDaddy Mike | Posted: 1/25/2002 9:52:26 PM | Message


Play one of the games or shut up already, because this is the most
pointless argument ever!

From: oblivion viruses | Posted: 1/25/2002 9:55:38 PM | Message

Ok we are listening to your posts but you aren't you ours.

That whole post was mostly based on opinions.

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 9:56:59 PM | Message

I've already won against Mario and Luigi. Theres nothing they can
do to beat Link. Link uses Bombos, Samus dies. its over.

From: Juggling Joker | Posted: 1/25/2002 9:57:53 PM | Message

Bombos only works on weak, lesser enemies, of which Samus is not.

From: oblivion viruses | Posted: 1/25/2002 9:59:50 PM | Message

"Um no because it wouldn't make sense. How would you know who
attacks first or if Link has HP. I mean Link would have to hit for
HP if the FF characters are using their own Battle system."

It makes plenty of sense to me

How can it make sense? How can Link dodge their attacks. How do
you know hes fast enough?YOU DON'T. How do you know that Link
would just cut their heads off. If the FF characters go by their
way of battling and have turns and such, then they get hit for HP
so too BAD.

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 10:00:28 PM | Message

You don't know that"

yes I do. Bombos take a split second to work and kill all enemies
on the screen. Theres no way Samus can survive that.

From: Polas | Posted: 1/25/2002 10:01:20 PM | Message Detail
Haha, this is still going. I love how he says we can't prove
intelligence, then he goes off on moronic assumptions about
Mario's smarts based on a game that first appeared before even I
was born.

And I'm more of a Zelda fan than practically anyone here, and have
been since 1986, Mr. "GCN Zelda isn't part of the series".

From: Juggling Joker | Posted: 1/25/2002 10:01:45 PM | Message

If Tifa can take a hit from the Buster Sword (not a normal
occurrence) any FF character could take a hit from the Master
Sword without even flinching.

From: oblivion viruses | Posted: 1/25/2002 10:02:04 PM | Message

Also where is Lain from? It can't be the one I'm thinking about
Because Link wouldn't be able to beat her.

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 10:02:35 PM | Message

"Bombos only works on weak, lesser enemies, of which Samus is not."

As far as I can remember it works on everything except bosses, and
only because Nintendo doesn't want the game to be too easy. Theres
no way she can survive the air around her bursting into flames and
exploding repeatedly. Shed die.

From: oblivion viruses | Posted: 1/25/2002 10:04:12 PM | Message

So if you are going by FFs battle system for their characters, the
Master Sword won't do much.

From: MacDaddy Mike | Posted: 1/25/2002 10:04:41 PM | Message

Didn't you say you'd leave?

From: Juggling Joker | Posted: 1/25/2002 10:05:07 PM | Message

If she can survive jumping around in molten lava, Bombos has
nothing on her.

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 10:05:20 PM | Message

"If Tifa can take a hit from the Buster Sword (not a normal
occurrence) any FF character could take a hit from the Master
Sword without even flinching."

you dont know that. I bet the Master Sword is stronger. And Link
has swords much stronger than that.

From: oblivion viruses | Posted: 1/25/2002 10:06:53 PM | Message


Keyword there.

Also answer my question on Lain please.

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 10:07:29 PM | Message

"Also where is Lain from? It can't be the one I'm thinking about
Because Link wouldn't be able to beat her."

I already told you. I said he could beat her with the Triforce.

From: oblivion viruses | Posted: 1/25/2002 10:08:33 PM | Message

You said Link can beat her but you
didn't tell me where she is from.

From: MacDaddy Mike | Posted: 1/25/2002 10:09:06 PM | Message

And WE told you you can't use the Triforce. If you can't use it in
gameplay, it's not valid.

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 10:11:03 PM | Message

If she can survive jumping around in molten lava, Bombos has
nothing on her."

it causes explosions everywhere. theres no way she could live. And
Goron Link can survive lava too.

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 10:14:50 PM | Message

viruses: Lain Iwakuraa. And he could beat her with the Triforce.
happy now? If you would of read my posts you would of known I;ve
already said that.

From: Polas | Posted: 1/25/2002 10:15:13 PM | Message Detail
If Link can use the Triforce, Mario can use the Star Rod from
Paper Mario to make himself permanently invincible, since...
...he gets it back from Bowser at the end. The only thing that can
make Mario uninvincible at that point are the Star Spirits, so
unless they're on Link's side for some odd reason, Star Rod
cancels out Triforce.

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 10:17:36 PM | Message

nothing Mario has cancels out the Triforce. Link could wish the
star spirits did whatever he wanted, destroy the star rod, and
kill mario. The Triforce could instantly turn the Mushroom Kingdom
into nothing.

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 10:18:20 PM | Message

Basically, If Link can use the Triforce, you lose.

From: oblivion viruses | Posted: 1/25/2002 10:19:55 PM | Message

Um you still did not tell me WHERE IS
SHE is from but I'm sure we are talking about the same Lain.

Lain can simply say that the Triforce and Link do not exist.

Next thing I am going to hear is that Link can beat the Living

From: Polas | Posted: 1/25/2002 10:20:01 PM | Message Detail
I'm of course assuming you haven't played Paper Mario, since you
apparently haven't played much of anything outside of some Zelda
games. The Star Rod works in the exact same fashion as the
Triforce as far as wishes are concerned, and there's no way to
prove which one is more powerful, so they cancel each other out.

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 10:21:24 PM | Message

the Triforce can do anything. It could turn SSJ4 Gogeta into horse
poo in a split second. It could make Lain Iwakuraa lose every
fighting ability she had and turn her into dust. It can grant any
wish and do anything. No character from any series could stop it.

From: oblivion viruses | Posted: 1/25/2002 10:23:40 PM | Message

Lain can also destroy the Triforce and do the samething/

Now you're counting in everything. You are saying that NOTHING can
stop the Triforce?

So Triforce can beat the Living Tribunal?

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 10:26:03 PM | Message

dont you get it? Nothing Lain Iwakuraa can do will effect Link if
he had the Triforce. THE TRIFORCE CAN DO ANYTHING.

Lain thinking: dont exist

Link with Triforce: *yawn*

Lain thinking: dammit! Dont exist dont exist dont...

Link with Triforce: kill her

*lain dies a horrible death*

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 10:26:57 PM | Message

"So Triforce can beat the Living Tribunal?"


From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 10:27:45 PM | Message

what part of *can do anything* do you
guys not understand?

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 10:29:25 PM | Message

Lain cant do **** against the Triforce

From: Juggling Joker | Posted: 1/25/2002 10:31:27 PM | Message

One cannot command the Triforce to do impure things without an
impure heart. And Link, believe it or not, does not have an impure
heart. If he did, he wouldn't be the Hero of Time.

From: Polas | Posted: 1/25/2002 10:31:57 PM | Message Detail
What part of "The Star Rod is the exact same omnipotent entity as
the Triforce represented in another game and changed to a more
Mario-ish object to create a plot" do you not understand? Again,
there's no way to prove which is more powerful. Note that I'm not
saying the Star Rod could beat the Triforce, I'm saying they
cancel each other out. At least TRY to be objective.

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 10:33:48 PM | Message

The Triforce can grant any wish/wishes from the one who has it.
And can not be destroyed. Its never been totally destroyed. I
think Ganon managed to break it somehow once, but it wasn't
destroyed and it didn't lose its power.

From: oblivion viruses | Posted: 1/25/2002 10:34:51 PM | Message

Ok I don't even have to bring in someone as powerful as the Living
Tribunal but you have showed me that you know nothing of what you
are talking about.

Before I talk about the Living Tribunal.

How do you know Lain's powers are weaker than the Triforce? Maybe
the Triforce doesn't have as much power.

Now onto the Living Tribunal. A character named Thanos got hold of
an item known as the Infinity Gaunlet which draws powerful from
everything in the universe and has infinite power and can do
anything. He used it to kill half of the Marvel universe.

Another character got hold of it and used it to erase The Living
Tribunal from existance and the Living Tribunal simply blinked
himself back. The Living Tribunal is
immortal,Omnipotent,Omniscient and whatever the hell you want to
put in there. He knows everything thats going on and has the power
to stop everything. He can destroy a universe is he thinks it is
becoming more powerful than another, he can take away the powers
of the Q race,Galactus,Lain or anything you want to put in there.

The Infinity gaunlet is far more powerful than the Triforce
because you don't even know if the Triforce has as much power as
you're giving it. You don't know if its wishing powers can work on
such powerful beings.

Anyways the Triforce cannot take the Tribunal's powers. The Living
Tribunal can give himself back those powers, bring himself back
from something as to wish him out of existance or complete destroy

Anyways the Triforce is nowhere near the Tribunal's power, nor
Lain's,nor Q race,nor Galactus,nor Beyonder,Nor DBZs.

From: Polas | Posted: 1/25/2002 10:36:33 PM | Message Detail
Didn't Silver Surfer and Adam Warlock kick Thanos' ass? I never
found out how that one turned out.

From: oblivion viruses | Posted: 1/25/2002 10:36:56 PM | Message

Wow something as weak as Ganon broke it.

Also the Tribunal can defeat Omnipotent beings and take away their
powers. Oh and the Tribunal also has the power to stop the power
of the Triforce or the power of another universe from working
against him. He has done it before and he can do it with the

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 10:38:19 PM | Message

One cannot command the Triforce to do
impure things without an impure heart. And Link, believe it or
not, does not have an impure heart. If he did, he wouldn't be the
Hero of Time."

from the instruction booklet of A Link To The Past

The Triforce, being an inanimate object, cannot judge between good
and evil. Therefore, it could not know that Ganon's wishes where
evil; it merely granted them.

So your wrong.

From: Juggling Joker | Posted: 1/25/2002 10:39:57 PM | Message

Okay, I was wrong on one point. Where does it say that it can
grant any wish conceived of?

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 10:41:54 PM | Message

like I said, it can grant any wish. It was created by goddesses.
Wish the Infinity Gaunlet was destroyed forever, boom its done.
The Triforce doesn't really have power you can take from it. Its
three triangles that grant any wish you ask it to. With no
exception. Ganon, being an idiot, did not know this.

From: Polas | Posted: 1/25/2002 10:42:11 PM | Message Detail
If it isn't in the LttP instruction manual, he can't tell you,
because that seems to be the only one he's played through outside
of the 64 ones, which everyone has played.

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 10:43:34 PM | Message

the Triforce cant be totally destroyed and does anything you ask
it to if your the one who holds it.

From: oblivion viruses | Posted: 1/25/2002 10:45:29 PM | Message

like I said, it can grant any wish. It was created by goddesses.
Wish the Infinity Gaunlet was destroyed forever, boom its done.
The Triforce doesn't really have power you can take from it. Its
three triangles that grant any wish you ask it to. With no
exception. Ganon, being an idiot, did not know this.

YOU don't get it right? Lain can wish the Triforce to be gone just
like you're saying the Triforce can beat Lain by wishing. Also how
do you know its power cannot be taken away from. Read my post on
the Tribunal. He can neglect and make objects that powerful from
other universes useless. Too damn bad.

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 10:46:34 PM | Message

how would you know how much Power the Triforce has? The booklet
says it can grant any wish. The Living Tribunal can change reality
to whatever the **** he wants but the Triforce will remain. And
all Link has do to is say "kill The Living Tribunal" and BOOM.

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 10:47:17 PM | Message

and if Link has the Triforce, he can wish for The Living Tribunal
to not be able to do anything to him either.

From: oblivion viruses | Posted: 1/25/2002 10:47:29 PM | Message

Read my post again. Whoever said anything about the Infinity
gaunlet being in this. I just described how an object that has
infinite power and can erase things from existance etc....
couldn't do anything to the Tribunal.

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 10:49:04 PM | Message

The Triforce has as much power as Link wants it to. Dont you get
it? Triforce > anything other than God.

From: Polas | Posted: 1/25/2002 10:50:26 PM | Message Detail
Again, the Star Rod is the exact same thing as The Triforce in a
different form. You still haven't provided any arguments for that.

From: oblivion viruses | Posted: 1/25/2002 10:50:43 PM | Message

This proves it. You didn't read my posts.

And all Link has do to is say "kill The Living Tribunal" and BOOM.

Guess you have to pay attention and read my post again.

and if Link has the Triforce, he can wish for The Living Tribunal
to not be able to do anything to him either.

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 10:57:54 PM | Message

"If thou hast a strong desire or dream,
wish for it..."

in ALTTP thats what Ganon heard when he got close to the Triforce
after killing his followers. He wished, it granted. Theres also a
verse that says it makes dreams come true. It can do anything.

From: oblivion viruses | Posted: 1/25/2002 11:04:45 PM | Message

Read my Tribunal post before making those posts.

The Tribunal is the GOD of the Marvel universe. No item of power
like the Infinity Gaunlet can work on him. And he can make items
from other universe(Triforce) also useless when used against him.
He cannot be wished to not exist or be killed because it is shows
the it isn't possible when Adam Warlock used the Gaunlet to erase
him from existance and Tribunal blinked himself back. The Tribunal
can "wish" for universes to be destroyed and for others immortal
races to be mortals etc..... How is it that the Triforce has more
powerful and can even pass the wishes of the Tribunal.

Now quit trying to say stuff like the Triforce can wish for
anything when it Cannot work against the Tribunal.Lain can wish
for stuff like the Triforce can but somehow, The Trifoce is
more "powerful".

I don't understand you at all.

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 11:05:13 PM | Message

you said there was something you could use to cancel out the Star
Rod. Link just asks for that and uses it and then destroys the
star rod. Link could wish for 1000 Triforces with the same power
as the first one. If Link has the Triforce he can do whatever he

From: oblivion viruses | Posted: 1/25/2002 11:06:28 PM | Message

Tribunal is all powerful and cannot be

Sorry it isn't possible

From: krosser | Posted: 1/25/2002 11:09:49 PM | Message Detail
would a midget make any diff. in this fight

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 11:09:50 PM | Message

The Tribunal is the GOD of the Marvel universe-------the Triforce
is not of his universe so he cant do anything to it. The Triforce
was given the power to grant "ANY"
wish. Therefore Link can do whatever the hell he wants. He could
make The Tribunal his slave if he wanted to with the Triforce.

From: Polas | Posted: 1/25/2002 11:12:51 PM | Message Detail
Mario can use the Star Rod to wish for the same thing reversed.
One does not have power over the other. And neither one could
defeat a dog food eating oompa loompa midget.

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