From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 11:15:23 PM | Message

even if The Tribunals power was equal to (it cant be more theres
nothing more than infinite) the Triforce (which I seriously doubt)
they wouldn't be able to do anything to each other, and would be
forced to quit.

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 11:21:34 PM | Message

"Mario can use the Star Rod to wish for the same thing reversed.
One does not have power over the other. And neither one could
defeat a dog food eating oompa loompa midget."

what do you mean the same thing reversed? There is nothing that
reverses the Triforce. Link asks for whatever reverses the Star
Rod, reverses it, destroys it, destroys Marios reality. If Link
uses Triforce and Mario uses Star Rod Link wins. If they dont,
Link still wins...Because Mario has nothing that can block Bombos.
The shoe cant stop his insides from exploding. The Star Rod might,
but then Link can use the Triforce which beats the Star Rod.
Either way Mario loses. Super Marios okay, its just not as good as

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 11:23:05 PM | Message

and the Tribunal has nothing to do with Mario, who cant win no
matter what.

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 11:28:11 PM | Message

Link with Triforce > All
Link without Triforce > Mushroom kingdom - Star Rod
Triforce > Starrod

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 11:29:36 PM | Message

*is going to bed knowing he beat Mario*

From: oblivion viruses | Posted: 1/25/2002 11:31:01 PM | Message

The Tribunal is the GOD of the Marvel universe-------the Triforce
is not of his universe so he cant do anything to it. The Triforce
was given the power to grant "ANY"
wish. Therefore Link can do whatever the hell he wants. He could
make The Tribunal his slave if he wanted to with the Triforce.

I said the Tribunal can stop the power and energy or energy source
of an object of another universe but cannot destroy it. WOW! What
good is the Triforce if it does not work?

even if The Tribunals power was equal to (it cant be more theres
nothing more than infinite) the Triforce (which I seriously doubt)
they wouldn't be able to do anything to each other, and would be
forced to quit.

Did you read the part where I said that the INFINITY Gaunlet which
draws power from everywhere and has INFINITE power didn't do
NOTHING to the Tribunal.

You don't back up your statements. Your only argument is that the
Triforce can wish this and that. Sorry it doesn't work that way.

From: Polas | Posted: 1/25/2002 11:33:08 PM | Message Detail
I like how he constitutes a "win" as being able to steal my "< >"

From: oblivion viruses | Posted: 1/25/2002 11:33:33 PM | Message

No you didn't prove anything just like you did in your last
argument which was Link vs.Megaman I believe.

You think the Triforce has the most powerful wishing powers which
you have no proof of. You do not know what you're talking about at

From: DarthNemo | Posted: 1/25/2002 11:34:25 PM | Message Detail
you guys have way too much time on your hands

From: oblivion viruses | Posted: 1/25/2002 11:40:36 PM | Message

Let me add something.

I don't even think Link with the Triforce can beat some other
video game character or villians from other games. I don't even
think that the Triforce is nearly as powerful as you said and even
if it was, many of us proved that it can still that the user can
still be beaten.

End of story.

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 11:41:01 PM | Message

I proved Link could beat Mario no matter what he did. I suggest
you sit down and reread the topic

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 11:43:09 PM | Message

you never proved the Triforce can be beaten. Link > Mario. Thats
the way it is and it the way it always will be. Just accept it.
Triforce can grant ANY wish. now how would that be beaten? It
cant. Good night.

From: oblivion viruses | Posted: 1/25/2002 11:43:56 PM | Message

Ok I just said that Link with Triforce is not the most powerful
thing in the universe and I don't even think it can match some
other game heroes and villians.

I really don't see your proof as I find most are just opinions and

From: oblivion viruses | Posted: 1/25/2002 11:46:32 PM | Message

you never proved the Triforce can be
beaten. Link > Mario. Thats the way it is and it the way it always
will be. Just accept it. Triforce can grant ANY wish. now how
would that be beaten? It cant. Good night

Tribunal can wish for anything as well. Is immortal,omnipotent

It can stop the Triforce from working on him and he cannot be
wished to be killed or out of existance. He has proved that even
Infinite power does nothing to him.(Another wishing object too.)

Good night.

From: Polas | Posted: 1/25/2002 11:49:11 PM | Message Detail
It keeps managing to get funnier and funnier.

From: oblivion viruses | Posted: 1/25/2002 11:51:42 PM | Message

The day the Living Tribunal would fall to something like the
Triforce would be opposite day.

From: Bender1616 | Posted: 1/25/2002 11:53:44 PM | Message Detail
Ecco the Dolphin could destroy Link with his sheer badassness.
That bottlenose is damn lethal.

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/25/2002 11:54:12 PM | Message

I won because Mario lost to Link which is what this topic was
about. And you will never have proof Tribunal can stop the
Triforce, which just grants wishes. It was made by goddesses who
have infinite power. They pass down their infinite power to the
Triforce in a form of wish granting. So Link can wish for
anything. Which means no Tribunal. and Polas, < and > are math
signs and dont belong to you :p.
The Triforce cant have power taken from it. Its an object that
grants any wish. It could wish for Tribunal not to be able to get
power from it, and Link could wish for permanent power equal to
the Triforce :p

From: oblivion viruses | Posted: 1/25/2002 11:57:22 PM | Message

Man I think I have repeated myself over 15 times but the Infinite
power doesn't help. The Infinite gaunlet with Infinite power and
wishing power didn't do anything to the Tribunal.

DO you understand that or am I going to repeat this until it
reaches 500 posts?(If this topic even does.)

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/26/2002 12:03:04 AM | Message

"In a realm beyond sight,
The sky shines gold, not blue.
There, the Triforce's might
Makes mortal dreams come true."

there. thats also from the ALTTP booklet. Basically, if Link has
the Triforce, he can wish for anything he can think of. which
means delete the Tribunal. Happy now?

From: oblivion viruses | Posted: 1/26/2002 12:04:45 AM | Message

The Living Tribunal has been "Deleted" or erased out of existance
and he blinked himself bank. Sorry, that can't happen. It has been
proven and he has gone through that.

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/26/2002 12:05:15 AM | Message

yeah it says mortal dreams. Anything Link can think of can be
wished for. You lose.

From: Polas | Posted: 1/26/2002 12:05:50 AM | Message Detail
Everything belongs to me, silly pants, including your nonsensical
logic-defying ass. See, all sorts of entities in comics, TV,
movies, and of course video games, have the power to grant any
wish and contain infinite power. Just because the Link to the Past
manual has a cute little poem in it doesn't mean the Triforce is
more powerful than all of these. And yes, Ecco would probably kick
Link's ass, and so would Bonk.

From: oblivion viruses | Posted: 1/26/2002 12:06:59 AM | Message

Triforce=Infinite power and wishes

Infinity Gaunlet=Infinity power(Also has some abilities like
erasing others from existance so I'll count that as a wish)

Infinite power does nothing to Tribunal meaning

Tribunal > Triforce

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/26/2002 12:07:40 AM | Message

anything. he could wish for the Tribunal to permanently lose his
power and then delete him from all existence everywhere. He
couldn't come back because his power would be gone. Good night.

From: Polas | Posted: 1/26/2002 12:08:31 AM | Message Detail
How many "good nights" is that now, eight?

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/26/2002 12:10:53 AM | Message

ecco would die of arrow wounds in about five seconds. If thats
what the book says, thats what it means. What more ****ing proof
do you want? Do you want me to call Miyamoto and ask him if
somehow the instruction booklet was misprinted?! huh?! Your in
denial now.

From: oblivion viruses | Posted: 1/26/2002 12:11:11 AM | Message

Tribunal can also make wishes and take away the powers of the

Don't say it isn't possible because Tribunal has done it before
and if you rpely by saying something like

"The Triforce cannot get its powers removed from it", then same
with the Tribunal.

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/26/2002 12:11:52 AM | Message

I won the Megaman fight the same was as this one (Triforce) but
Macdaddy refused to accept it.

From: Polas | Posted: 1/26/2002 12:12:35 AM | Message Detail
I wasn't aware that Miyamoto was God, and his writings are the be
all end all of the entire universe. And I bet he'd agree with me
on the Star Rod/Triforce thing. Calm down there, Doctor Octorok.

From: oblivion viruses | Posted: 1/26/2002 12:13:02 AM | Message

You didn't win one any argument. You didn't show any proof of

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/26/2002 12:13:10 AM | Message

fine. there equal. will you shut up now? That still has nothing to
do with Mario of the fact that Link beat him.

From: Bender1616 | Posted: 1/26/2002 12:13:56 AM | Message Detail
LTH, have you realized that the Triforce has NOT always granted
wishes? And some it does grant take come true over a long period
of time. It depends on the size of the wish, and the intentions of
the person making the wish.
So the Triforce's power is in no way infinite.
I'm pretty sure the Tribunal wins.

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/26/2002 12:15:07 AM | Message

yes I did. That poem was in the instruction manual. And it means
the Triforce can grant any wish you can think of. Its thats not
proof I dont know what is. Your being totally unreasonable.

From: Polas | Posted: 1/26/2002 12:15:21 AM | Message Detail
I don't remember Link beating him. I remember Mario doing some
ROMPIN' STOMPIN' with Kuribo's Shoe, and then Link was all "no
Mario, please, spare my insignificant life!", and Mario said "It's-
a-ok Link, no hard feelings. We-a go out for pasta." Happy endings

From: oblivion viruses | Posted: 1/26/2002 12:16:05 AM | Message

No its not. If an infinite power did nothing to tribunal, then the
Triforce won't.

End of story on that.

Anyways you haven't really proved that the Triforce's power is
infinite but whatever.

Also stick to his own stuff(Bow,Arrows,swords and whatever) Don't
bring the Trifoce against Mega Man or Mario.

From: Bender1616 | Posted: 1/26/2002 12:17:48 AM | Message Detail
I'm not talking about a poem from an instruction manual, I'm
talking about events that occured IN the game, and things you
learn IN the game.

From: oblivion viruses | Posted: 1/26/2002 12:17:50 AM | Message

No doubt that the Tribunal wins and same with Lain and many others

From: Bender1616 | Posted: 1/26/2002 12:19:09 AM | Message Detail
And was the line "ALWAYS makes mortal dreams come true"? I think

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/26/2002 12:23:38 AM | Message

"LTH, have you realized that the Triforce has NOT always granted
wishes? And some it does grant take come true over a long period
of time. It depends on the size of the wish, and the intentions of
the person making the wish"

read the ****ing poem. It means just as much as the person who
made Tribunal infinite. And how would you know what the Triforce
can and cannot do. The booklet said the Triforce cant judge
between good and evil and just does what its holder tells it to.
Any wish. Link could ask that he would have equal power with
Tribunal and then wish Tribunal destroyed. I'm just telling you
what the ALTTP instruction book said. Link can ask for the wish to
be carried out as fast as he wanted it. You have no proof the
Triforce is not infinite and I have proof that it is (the poem).
You lose.

From: Bender1616 | Posted: 1/26/2002 12:26:43 AM | Message Detail
Once again. Does the poem say it ALWAYS makes mortal dreams come
true? No. It simply says "Makes mortal dreams come true". Oh. And
also, if it had infinite power, it could make immortals' wishes
come true too. Booyah.

From: oblivion viruses | Posted: 1/26/2002 12:28:17 AM | Message

The Tribunal cannot be hurt by a power that is infinite being it
surpasses it.(I can also prove it too if you want.)

Also the Tribunal can ALSO MAKE WISHES!!!How many times do I have
to repeat myself?

How can the Triforce which has "infinite" power do what another
item with infinite power couldn't do against a power that
surpasses it.

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/26/2002 12:32:05 AM | Message

Link won with Bombos. Its IN the game. It makes the air burst into
flames and explode. Mario must breathe, shoe he explodes. He
loses. The shoe could do nothing to Link because it cant chatch
him, and Mario cant even use his shoe BECAUSE BOMBOS TAKES A SPLIT
mentioned Ether the first time. But you guys denied and denied and
this stupid pointless fight went on and on. The Mushroom kingdom
ultimately loses and the Triforce beat lain. You guys can deny it
all night, but the fact is that I won.

From: oblivion viruses | Posted: 1/26/2002 12:33:52 AM | Message

You won nothing. The triforce hasn't beat Lain and you can't prove
to me that an item like the Triforce can do what the Infinity
gaunlet which has infinite power and "wishes" like the Trifoce
couldn't do.

Go on and explain.

From: Bender1616 | Posted: 1/26/2002 12:34:28 AM | Message Detail
What does Ecco the Dolphin say?

"Eek eek eek! Blow me Link! Eek eek eek!"

MODERATORS: C'mon, have a sense of humor. That was just plain

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/26/2002 12:34:46 AM | Message

The Tribunal cannot be hurt by a power that is infinite being it
surpasses it.(I can also prove it too if you want.)

Also the Tribunal can ALSO MAKE WISHES!!!How many times do I have
to repeat myself?"

so can the Triforce. they are even, and Lain and Mushroom Kingdom
lost. Same with Samus. You lost.

From: Polas | Posted: 1/26/2002 12:35:14 AM | Message Detail
Bombos and Ether don't work on bosses. I'd rank Mario ahead of
King Helmasaur. Mario also has the swanky Hammer Bros. suit
(credit for reminder: Bender), and Link would just have a heart
attack due to Mario's ultra-superior sense of fashion. Zora Tunic?

From: oblivion viruses | Posted: 1/26/2002 12:37:13 AM | Message

How are they even.

By what you're saying.

Infinity Gaunlet and Triforce are EQUAL but not the Triforce and

From: Polas | Posted: 1/26/2002 12:37:54 AM | Message Detail
Ecco & Conker should do a buddy game.

From: Bender1616 | Posted: 1/26/2002 12:39:42 AM | Message Detail
I agree, Polas.

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/26/2002 12:46:15 AM | Message

"You won nothing. The triforce hasn't beat Lain and you can't
prove to me that an item like the Triforce can do what the
Infinity gaunlet which has infinite power and "wishes" like the
Trifoce couldn't do."

first of all, Mario lost to Bombos. I explained it a thousand
times. Second Lain cant delete the Triforce because its a symbol
of the goddesses and has infinite power. Something Lian obviously
doesn't have if she is able to be deleted. Thus the Triforce beats
Lain. And third, if the gauntlet powers dont work it must not be
all that infinite. Link wishes that the Triforces power surpasses
Tribunals and cant be destroyed. Whats the Tribunal gonna do then
huh? And Link beats Ecco with arrows. I win.

From: oblivion viruses | Posted: 1/26/2002 12:49:38 AM | Message

Sorry but what you're saying doesn't make sense.

And third, if the gauntlet powers dont work it must not be all
that infinite. Link wishes that the Triforces power surpasses
Tribunals and cant be destroyed. Whats the Tribunal gonna do then
huh? And Link beats Ecco with arrows. I win.

Yes it is Infinite. The only problem is that the Living Tribunal's
power is far above it. The Triforce which has infinite power
cannot wish Link the power to be passed its own power. How can it
grant more power then it itself has?

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/26/2002 12:49:52 AM | Message

I think Tribunal and Triforce are equal. Because I dont see how
Tribunals going to win. They both seem to have the same power.
Link beats everyone but Tribunal and they tie okay? All Link has
to do is make one wish from the Triforce and everyone but Tribunal
dies. And thats equal power with the Triforce.

From: Bender1616 | Posted: 1/26/2002 12:50:30 AM | Message Detail
Ecco deflects the arrows with his pimpness.

From: oblivion viruses | Posted: 1/26/2002 12:51:03 AM | Message

Triforce=Infinity Power

Infinity Gaunlet=Infinite power

Tribunal=Above both.

From: Polas | Posted: 1/26/2002 12:52:12 AM | Message Detail
Mario didn't lose to Bombos, because Bombos doesn't work on major
foes. The laws of physics suggest that arrows dramatically
decrease in velocity as they travel through water. Ecco can just
wait till Link runs out, then dive out and give him a FIN SLAPPIN'.

Good night.


From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/26/2002 12:54:28 AM | Message

Yes it is Infinite. The only problem is that the Living Tribunal's
power is far above it. The Triforce which has infinite power
cannot wish Link the power to be passed its own power. How can it
grant more power then it itself has?"

Because it can grant ANY wish. and there is nothing above infinite
so if the Gauntlet loses to Tribunal it cant be infinite. The
Triforce however is infinite due to the fact that it can grant any
wish and is equal to Tribunal.

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/26/2002 12:56:03 AM | Message

"Ecco deflects the arrows with his

hes got nothing to deflect the arrows with. hes dead. go away.
thank you for giving me the easiest fight ever.

From: oblivion viruses | Posted: 1/26/2002 12:56:15 AM | Message

This is going to take a while to type up but this shows that its
possible for Tribunal to be more
powerful than the Infinity Gaunlet which IS INFINITE POWER. It
also describes its omnipotence.

From: Polas | Posted: 1/26/2002 12:56:31 AM | Message Detail
I just remembered something.

Doesn't anyone remember that Simpsons Halloween Special?

Dolphins > Humans.

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/26/2002 12:57:08 AM | Message

whatever it is the Triforce can do the same. Just cut and paste.

From: Bender1616 | Posted: 1/26/2002 12:57:13 AM | Message Detail
When does your precious poem say the Triforce can grant any wish?

"Makes Mortal Dreams Come True"

Not ANY Mortal Dream. And not ALWAYS come true, either.

From: Bender1616 | Posted: 1/26/2002 12:58:49 AM | Message Detail
You doubt Ecco's pimpness? Don't make him fin-slap you, boy.

From: Polas | Posted: 1/26/2002 12:59:41 AM | Message Detail
Mars, you need to add this topic to the ZSB Archive, post haste.
Hilarity for all.

From: oblivion viruses | Posted: 1/26/2002 1:01:09 AM | Message

Deals with what I said earlier along with the sets of
Infinity,Irrational and rational numbers

You can count the natural numbers - 1,2,3,4,5 and so on. But
they're infinite. You can count the integers - the natural
numbers, their negatives, and zero. In fact, let us go so far as
to define countable.

A set is countable if there is a bijection between it and the
natural numbers.

Did I go too fast for you? Well, hang on, because it's going to
get better.

Now, let's just say that the rational numbers were countable. If
so, you'd be able to put them in a list, correct? Well, would it
suffice for me to show a method to order the rational numbers that
would eventually count all of them? I think so.

1,-1, .5, -.5, 1/3, -1/3, 2/3, -2/3, 1/4, -1/4, 3/4, -3/4, 1/5, -
1/5, 2/5, - 2/5, 3/5, -3/5, 4/5, -4/5, et cetera. This would
suffice to count all the rational numbers between -1 and 1, and
you can just add two to all of them to count between 1 and 3, and
so forth.

Thus, the rational numbers are "countable." Suppose, however, that
the irrational numbers were countable. Then, I'd be able to put
them in a list x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7, and so on, right? So, if I
can find a number that's not in the list, I've shown that the list
isn't complete, right? But I had already specified that I put them
ALL in the list, so if I show one not in the list, I show that
they cannot be ordered, and are thus not countable.

Let's take a look at the decimal expansions of x1, x2, and so on.

x1: .(a1)(a2)(a3)(a4)(a5)(a6)(a7)(a8)(a9)...
x2: .(b1)(b2)(b3)(b4)(b5)(b6)(b7)(b8)(b9)...
x3: .(c1)(c2)(c3)(c4)(c5)(c6)(c7)(c8)(c9)...
x4: .(d1)(d2)(d3)(d4)(d5)(d6)(d7)(d8)(d9)...

where the stuff in parentheses is a digit. So, let's look at the
number I can form by having its first digit be anything other than
a1, its second digit anything besides b2, its third digit not c3,
its 4th digit not d4, and generally it's nth digit not the nth
digit of the nth number. Would you agree that it's not any one of
those numbers in the list?

Good. Thus, irrational numbers are uncountable (props to Cantor).
Also, since they can't be put into a list (there are just too many
of them!), they are bigger than the rational numbers.

Credit to Ridii

From: oblivion viruses | Posted: 1/26/2002 1:02:26 AM | Message

Meaning the Tribunal can be more
powerful than the Infinity Gaunlet itself.

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/26/2002 1:07:15 AM | Message

Mario didn't lose to Bombos, because Bombos doesn't work on major
foes. The laws of physics suggest that arrows dramatically
decrease in velocity as they travel through water. Ecco can just
wait till Link runs out, then dive out and give him a FIN

It works on anything but bosses and I would hardly call that fat
little man a boss. He maybe just maybe would be equal with any
regular monster that spits fire but thats about it. Mario is a
person. And if a person is bursting into fire and exploding hes
gonna die. No matter how much fat is shielding him. And you can
forget about his shoe. He wont have time to pull it out/get in.
And all Link would have to do is run up and hack his head off with
his sword. And when Mario shoots fire balls stick out the Mirror
shield (which deflects fire) and shove it in front of him and then
at the same time cut his head off. Its impossible for Mario to
win. And Ecco would be in the water and Link on land. Link
harpoons him with his hookshot, reels him in, cuts his head off,
and has dolphin for dinner.

From: Link The Hylian | Posted: 1/26/2002 1:08:49 AM | Message

Links a Hylian. :p And theres no way the dolphin can win. Hes
already dead.

From: Polas | Posted: 1/26/2002 1:10:54 AM | Message Detail
Mario's a New Yorker. We have powers far greater than big ears and
telepathy. Plus, Mario's full of Italian food, so any effect
Bombos has on Mario's breathing is countered by his garlic breath.

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