Now we'll all introduce ourselves with a short paragraph.
I go first.....

The name's Poochie D
And I rock the telly,
I'm half Joe Camel
And a third Fonzarelli,
I'm the kung fu hippie
From Gangsta City,
I'm a rappin' surfer,
You da fool I pity!!

Admiral's profile coming soon...

IDIOTBX(she's a girl)
I don't
I don't know
I don't know why
I don't know why the
I don't know why the hell
I don't know why the hell I'm
I don't know why the hell I'm writing
I don't know why the hell I'm writing like
I don't know why the hell I'm writing like this
I don't know why the hell I'm writing like this if
I don't know why the hell I'm writing like this if it's
I don't know why the hell I'm writing like this if it's so
I don't know why the hell I'm writing like this if it's so friggin'

Name: Scott
Age: 15
Height: 3'8"
Weight: 350 lbs.
Quote: "Hey! I'm not that fat!"

Name: Brian (prefer Wacky)
Age: 18
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Quote: "Stop being a troll, man!"
Famous For: Constantly pwning ZiH and various other newbies. Also for starting the Cabinet for ORTAK or something. Lotza fun times there.
Hated For: Pwning eveyone constantly and their jealousy is at an all time high. Likes: Walks on the beach, bike-riding, holding hands, sharing a nice milkshake, and especially playing video-games.
Hates: People who get pwned easily, girls who are stuck-up, guys who are lazy, and everything in between.
Bye Bye, boyeee!

Alissa's Profile:
I worked very hard on this profile. I hope you liked it.


Name: Brian
Age: 16
Height: 5'7"
Likes: you
Dislikes: you
Comments: Yep, this is me. That's it....... Really. That's it.

ScreenName: Jman009
Real name: Jamie
Birthday(DD/MM): 09/05
Passtimes: Video games, Football(soccer), drawing, amatuer game making, Action/Martial Arts Movies.
Stuff I dig: Multiplay!!! (nothing like a little 4play), milkshake(chocolate), silky football skills (currently attempting the Rainbow kick), Walking(hiking in countryside where I live roxzers!!), Steven Seagal Jack Chan Nicolas Cage movies.
Stuff I don't: FF & other story-orientated RPGs, boring single player games, narrowminded people, fanboys(maybe thats they're the same thing) and Real Time strategies.
Quote of the moment: "So I says to Mable... Mable don't need this"

GameFAQS names: KoG, Gamepunk, ryknow
I've been at the ZSB since early August 2001, and I have a decent history. My gimmicks are harassing people with different names. My first prank was Grand Dragon, where I was using standard forms of flaming, harassment, trolling, and just being mean. Next came Anarchist, the most well known prank. I posted Ducky and GQ's full name and tried to get people banned. The ZSB people were trying to stop me until Ellimist let the secret out that I was Anarchist. After that, I still annoyed people with n00b names, but it wasn't anything special. Another famous thing I did/do is make the poll of the days. I usually stopped at 60 though. When I'm not doing any of the above things, I'm usually the ZSBer that's just, well, there. I try to make intelligent posts, occasionally something funny, but I don't make too many topics. I've been banned a few times, but now I'm too careful to make posts that violate the TOS.
Here's some other info:
Favorite show: The Simpsons
Favorite bands: Metallica, Mudvayne, In Flames, Soilwork, The Offspring.
Respect level: Pretty good
AIM: bcilmnk02120
I think that's all you need to know
(watch I'm the only person who makes a serious post)

Username: XxDrusillaxX
Known as: Ducky
Birthday: 4/20
Weight:104 lbs
Nationality: Italian/Spanish/Indian/American
Location:New York City
Favorite color: Black
Favorite food: salad/candy
Favorite animal(s): cat/dog/wolves/foxes
Favorite video game(s): FF7-10/OoT/MM/WW/Halo/GTA3/Splinter Cell
Favorite Bands: Linkin Park/StoneSour/Slipknot/Ayumi/others I forgot...
Favorite Movies:Vampire Hunter D/Bloodlust,Resident Evil, Oh! My Goddess The Movie, Princess Mononokie, Spirited Away
Favorite Quote: Love makes you do the wacky... -Buffy

screen name: screen name
been here: i would say about half a year, some people know im here
real name: Kai
age: 16
weight: 160
height: 6'0"
enjoys: skateboarding, golf, chess, not eating meat

Name: Chris Browning
Birthdate: 1st October 1987
Nationality: British
Been here since: July 2002

I'd just like to say "IT" by Stephen King is a very good book. Also, football is the best sport ever. Thank you and good night.

DARKLINK(or just "DL)
God of the ZSB.

Name: Josh
Birth date: Sept 21, 1983
Died: May 12, 2003
Interest: Video Gaming, Weight Lifting, etc..
Favorite movie: The Rock
Favorite video game: Timesplitters 2
Favorite sport: Football
AIM: JeatonZ

(Insert Witty Comment Here)

Rather than try to describe myself, let's see what fellow ZSB'ers have to say...

Duel says: The Scientist knows best...
Sage of Light says: He's entertaining, clever, and wears a white jacket... Just like the nice people at the home.
Wacky says: You suck. ...sorry man, lol, jk. Smarter than Duel, but still sucks at choosing cool games. [and] Your wang is a very splendorous thing, thus you SHOULD NOT let Duel touch it even if he offers you 50 bucks. YOU CAN RESIST THE TEMPTATION!
ZiH says scientist is: A smart, friendly, helpful, Metroid fan.
Coolguy says scientist is: my babies momma
Jukester says: He took the banana and made it a hammock faster than the Austrians could tweek a nipple.
Syrax says: Scientist PG- The only person I know who would attach bolts to a GameCube and zap it with so much electricity it comes to life.
Alissa says scientist is: a smart guy, a good friend, and if you mess with him, he'll stomp on you with kuribo's shoe!
Mars says: Sci is a sly spy guy. Bye.
Polas says scientist is: Only ZSB'er whose gaming knowledge rivals Polas
Jman009 says: Sci is the authority on Video Games if he doesn't know about it then its probably not Nintendo/worth reading.
AV says: ScientistPG is an up-and-coming porn starlet with a ham fetish, and is also intelligent and cool and I like him a lot and would like to touch him.
Bender says: Scientist knows best

Known as: VGW/Andy
Name: Andrew
Age: 17
Birthday: 9/4
Height: 6'
Weight: 154 lbs
Hair: Brown/Black
Eyes: Kinda blue/gray with a hint of green.
Nationality: Cajun/American Indian
Location: Louisiana
Favorite color: Black
Favorite food: pizza, boudin, and anything else spicy
Favorite animal(s): wolves
Favorite video game(s): Zelda/Mario/DDR
Favorite Bands: Sublime, Rancid, Grateful Dead, Van Der Graaf Generator, Tool, etc...
Favorite Movies: Any movie with Jay and Silent Bob, Airplane!, any Mel Brooks movie, Caddieshack, UHF, any Star Wars/Trek
Favorite Quote: "Get off my kool-aid mutha ****a!" ~Jason Mewes
Favorite TV show: Any WWE programming besides Tough Enough
Favorite ZSBer: Beefer
AIM: Mrdude25000
YIM: vgw36
Profile: I came to the ZSB about a week after the Rogue Leader Board died, 6/10/2002. I was really annoying in the beginning, but now I rarely post. I was never banned. I have a gimmick account running around the boards, although I doubt many people have ever seen him. If they have, they don't pay him much attention.

Thorougly nice bloke.

"You know that was in my mouth, right?" SPOOKAY!™

Name: Aaron
Lives: Chicago-land area.
Likes: Funny-ness
Dislikes: People who try to be something they aren't, i.e. funny.
Favorite Games: RPG's mainly
Quote: The way I see it, there are 3 types of people in this world. Those who can count and those who can't.

is a skinny geek
Often referred to
As "lamer" or "freak"

He has no life,
But nobody cares
Today he spent 16 hours
In the computer chair

I knew this poem would suck
From the minute I started
So I'm sorry and stuff
That it sounds so retarded

Hello...I'm Lance Shirey; I've been at the ZSB for about a year now. My first account was hero of time 34. That name was banned. I then created hero of time 43, which is what I've been using since then. I do have alternate accounts though, including Flying Cow 96574 and Evil Bob 756. I don't really know what most of the ZSBers think of me, as I keep a low profile most of the time. I thought I should do this though... One last thing, the show 24 kicks ass, and not watching it should be against the law.

Username: Captain Vegetable
Alt: Oracle of Donuts
Name: some French name
Age: More than 12, less than, say, 80
Gender: Male
Nationality: Canadian
Location: Fredericton, NB
Favorite color: Blue
Theme song:
Quote: "I thought the Generals were due!"
Best known on ZSB for: Not much, apparently, other than being a lurker. Supplying the TPT with many choice M*G*SB topics, maybe.

An Element Haiku:
Mass humor he brings to all
Man or Astro-Man?

Username: DoctorPhil/Orange Fantastic
Name: Amanda
Age: 16
Local: Kentucky, USA
Likes: Music, intelligent people, flowers, ER
Dislikes: Hmm... a lot of stuff. Too much to list!

Be stupid, I'll educate you. Mess with my girl, I'll teach you manners. Be an ass, I'll show you how much bigger of an ass I can be than you.
...although I am told that my education and lessons in manners somewhat resemble the last thing I said.

I've been here for quite some time (almost 2 years) and yet I'm not well known, because I'm quiet. Although somehow I've created the image of being Wil's mini-me.

The greatest person in ZSB history, and most other histories as well.

"This is my swimmin' ham!"

I'm a good guy.

Name: that asian guy
Age: 20
Quote: Yarrrgh

BLISTERED OTTER(in contrast to the previous three, this guy apparently needed all the space he could gobble up)
This is the Blistered Otter's profile-type thing of doom and stuff. My hobbies include catching evil people on fire as well as some other things. If I deem you evil, you will most likely be caught on fire unless your name is Strider or some other random name I can't remember. Now I will show you how people have summed me up in one word or less.

Blistered Otter (2:44:07 PM): sum me up in one word or less NOW
MagusX1125 (2:44:08 PM): s
Blistered Otter (2:44:08 PM): please
Blistered Otter (2:44:15 PM): great
MagusX1125 (2:44:17 PM): interesting
Blistered Otter (2:44:18 PM): I'll post that
MagusX1125 (2:44:18 PM): lol
MagusX1125 (2:44:20 PM): ok
Blistered Otter (2:44:24 PM): the "s"
Blistered Otter (2:44:27 PM): or the "interesting"
MagusX1125 (2:44:27 PM): aye
Blistered Otter (2:44:38 PM): which would be better?
MagusX1125 (2:44:47 PM): whatever you see fit

Blistered Otter (2:47:01 PM): sum me up in one word or less NOW
Blistered Otter (2:47:03 PM): please
bcilmnk02120 (2:47:09 PM): what
bcilmnk02120 (2:47:13 PM): ok
bcilmnk02120 (2:47:27 PM): Otter
Blistered Otter (2:47:29 PM): "what"? what kind of summage of up in one word or less is that?
Blistered Otter (2:47:36 PM): hmm... Otter, eh?
bcilmnk02120 (2:47:40 PM): yes.
Blistered Otter (2:47:45 PM): very interesting
bcilmnk02120 (2:47:54 PM): Yes.
Blistered Otter (2:48:15 PM): we are in agreement here
bcilmnk02120 (2:48:20 PM): K

Blistered Otter (2:43:39 PM): sum me up in one word or less NOW
Blistered Otter (2:43:50 PM): please
JeatonZ (2:45:22 PM): incompetent
Blistered Otter (2:45:33 PM): sounds good
JeatonZ (2:45:39 PM): indeed
Blistered Otter (2:45:46 PM): yes
JeatonZ (2:49:05 PM): im kidding
Blistered Otter (2:49:19 PM): damn you
Blistered Otter (2:49:41 PM): you are not allowed to kid
JeatonZ (2:49:49 PM): but i did
Blistered Otter (2:49:59 PM): okay
Blistered Otter (2:50:06 PM): so you're giving me another word?
JeatonZ (2:50:13 PM): i cant think of one
JeatonZ (2:50:15 PM): oh, EVIL
Blistered Otter (2:50:42 PM): me?
Blistered Otter (2:51:41 PM): oh, I am the only other person in this box

Blistered Otter (2:48:44 PM): sum me up in one word NOW
Blistered Otter (2:48:46 PM): please
g RAPE fruit LOL (2:48:55 PM): 13
Blistered Otter (2:50:13 PM): why 13?
g RAPE fruit LOL (2:50:24 PM): that's your age
Blistered Otter (2:50:39 PM): or is it?
g RAPE fruit LOL (2:50:49 PM): it is
Blistered Otter (2:51:02 PM): okay
Blistered Otter (2:51:50 PM): so you're describing me in one word or less by saying my age?
g RAPE fruit LOL (2:52:00 PM): yeah
Blistered Otter (2:52:08 PM): okay

Blistered Otter (2:52:55 PM): sum me up in one word or less NOW
Blistered Otter (2:52:58 PM): please
xXRob461Xx (2:53:06 PM): a
Blistered Otter (2:53:14 PM): good word

Blistered Otter (2:53:33 PM): sum me up in one word or less NOW
Blistered Otter (2:53:35 PM): please
Blistered Otter (2:54:48 PM): evil, speak

Name: Frank
Age: 17
Location: VT
I dunno, been at the ZSB for over two years. Seen alot of stuff, but perhaps in reality it is but a small amount. If you really want to know about me, talk to some of the guys who have been around at the ZSB. Make your own conclusion if you chose. Me writing this is a one sided veiw of the good. So go talk to any person thats been on the ZSB for awhile. Don't ask me.