November 2000: first day. Many people from the Ocarina of Time board migrate to the Social board, including McGray, Rachel the Goron and LikeWhoa2000 (a full list when enough people whine "That's not fair, I was here then too.")
Most of the topics have to do with storylines, as LikeWhoa started a
Zelda novel that got to over 300 posts before it was deleted for being "off-topic." One post said, "This must be what CJayC had in mind!" Of course, the board would change.

January 2001: Many veterans, including moi, make their first trips to the board now. Topics include "Who do you consider your.....friends?" and "The Gold Sword doesn't have enough wheat," which became the first 500-post topic in the history of the board(and it was entirely undeserving too, but whatyagonnado.)

Several times throughout the course of the month, the board and several others are plagued by a 7-year-old menace known as Stop-N-Swop, who constantly types lies and bugs people. Stop-N-Swop turns out to be the little brother of another poster named "Super Secret Mario," and SSM stops his posts. Stop-N-Swop is never seen again, but by then he had so many imitators with similar names (SNS, "Swop-N-Stop," "Stop-N-Swoppp,") that he had left his mark. Wherever Stop-N-Swop resides now, he had made his mark as the ZSB's very first n00b.

February 2001: The RPGs start at the ZSB. They remain popular for several months.
Valentine's Day: Some girl who called herself Riana starts posting, and becomes so popular in the course of 24 hours that she returns in the morning to find three posts devoted to her. Angel also shows up at this time...we got a lot of girls here this month, interestingly.
A new trend catches fire: "bar" topics. A "milk bar" is started (as in the bar in Majora's Mask) where you can enter as whatever character you want to. I was Skull Kid.
Faery Ben leaves, and causes a commotion.

March 2001: Faery Ben comes back, then leaves and then comes back and says he's staying, then comes back and then leaves and then comes back. Several people imitate him.
Kane starts the "MUST GET TO 500" fad, where about a billion posts are trying to compete to get to 500 just like the Wheat Topic. None make it.
Somebody announces that, from now on, he will speak in third-person only. I point out that a GameFAQS poster named Polas started that trend, NOT him, and Polas immediately shows up ten minutes later to back up that statement, and then stays. Polas stops talking in third-person around July, and goes on to win numerous PCA awards.

April 2001: Around Easter, posters such as Willis and Hand of Thrawn start to show up. Admiral, Mike and a few others drive out DarkLink for a time, angering Riana and others and starting a mini-war. Eventually it all blows over and is forgotten, and sure enough, DarkLink shows up again. Willis had better start getting used to the fighting, because this was only a taste of things to come.

May 2001: The third version of the board's RPG goes into a lull; but the PCA debuts, making something else for people to take part in. Angel leaves and Firecrotch drops the RPG and leaves as well. Croco comes to the rescue, making FC and Angel heads of making a new RPG, Version 3.0 Res Novae. They come back.

June 2001: Someguy(actual name), Warrior Chicken and another person somehow get Riana's phone number, and call her. WC accidentally mentions he met her through the internet---TO HER DAD. He goes nuts and she's parentally banned from the ZSB, only to show up on rare occasions.

July 2001: Hooboy, where do I begin with THIS month?
Gamequeen and Nintendo Queen(not the same queen) start posting, and people start to "marry" each other, starting with Charlie'sAngel27 and Goaliedrac. This is what a life on the internet will do to some people....after THAT, GAMEQUEEN married SMOKEY. Smokey "divorces" her 2 weeks later, and GQ posts she's going to kill herself. This prompts a huge debate about how something this stupid can even be catching on, and adding to those woes is Admiral's decision to create the Abadox, a ZSB-veteran-only club, which makes newbies furious. This makes two very noisy fights going on at once, and it was about to get a lot worse...
POPULAR POSTER WARRIOR CHICKEN GETS SUICIDAL--FOR REAL!! Someguy spent a whole night trying to talk him out of it (since they lived in the same state and he had his phone number). This went on for a day and nobody really knew the fate of WC. Trust me, this was scary.
Somehow, news of this leaks out, and posters from boards unknown like "The Last Soldier" arrive to "console" the ZSBers. This also attracted an annoying little gnat who called herself "Dead Girl" and mocked the whole thing; which didn't help the situation at all. Later the next day, it's confirmed that WC is still alive, but being put on medication for severe depression. Sighs of relief.....

To read about something ELSE that happened at the ZSB that month, click this:
GREAT QUOTES of the past
MIGHTY CLUBS of yore...
Oh yeah, and my birthday was in July, too, but no one cared.

August 2001: Compared to July this was like watching the BBC(in other words, not very exciting). CJayC's "Karma System" of moderation comes to him after a night of yoga and drinking prune juice with his good friend Sally Struthers. Oh yeah, and remember RPG Version 3.0 Res Novae Whatever? It finally starts...and crashes on takeoff. Firecrotch gets fed up and leaves permanently. Croco tries a version FOUR, on an EZ-Board, since he doesn't think doing an RPG under karma will work. This flops before it even gets a chance.
Someguy almost gets Gamequeen banned; it turns out she wasn't exactly 13 yet(the required age to post at GameFAQS).

September 2001: Well, you know what month this is. Only one person was at the board at the exact time the attack happened, and he made a post screaming in capital letters, "THE WORLD TRADE CENTER TOWERS HAVE JUST BEEN EXPLODED!!!" or something.
This hit pretty close to home for a lot of ZSBers, who happened to live in New York or close to it.

October 2001: The Great N00b Invasion of October! A horde of fanatical n00bs who call themselves Toucan Sam, "Mary Poppins," "Princess Zelda" and "Impotent" (seriously, he called himself Impotent) blast into the ZSB to try and drive everyone crazy. It was time for war, Admiral-style; as he and several others tried to ferret out an organized attack. But this whole mess really ends with the n00bs just getting bored and going away.

November 2001: Angel, Firecrotch, Kane, Mommopher, Sage of Light and others come back all in one week, "Most certainly due to a withdrawl from the frightening yet addictive oddities of the ZSB." --Hand of Thrawn's words, not mine.
Also, PerfectDarkLink becomes the first ZSBer ever to get the worst form of moderation ever, the KoS(Kill on Sight)! He was banned from even accessing the site at all, but he found ways around that....
For more info on the KoS, check the archive section for the full story, w/pictures.

December 2001: Bender convinces his girlfriend Lisa to visit the ZSB. She does, under the name Naix. Admiral, MacDaddy Mike and Coolguy461 all decide to harass her; causing her to leave on the spot....and Bender to leave as well in a rage. After the whole thing blows over, Coolguy offers an apology for his behavior(but MDM and AV don't). Bender would be back within 24 hours, but the effect was immense and exposed the persecution problem some people here have.

As Christmas comes, people from boards all over GameFAQS come to wish the ZSB a merry christmas, making topic after topic "Merry Christmas from the SSBSB; merry christmas from the HMSB; merry christmas from the PMS;" on and on and on. Naturally, this annoys some of the Scrooges here at the ZSB, and they vent their frustration rather rudely...
A Faery Ben post also shows up at the same time, but it is still not known if the post was a hoax or not....

January 2002: Something sinister starts happening at GameFAQS: CJayC starts shooting down people who "operate off private servers," whatever that means. Oblivion Viruses is falsely accused, and risks having all his accounts banned. Cribbs takes the bullet for him and says HE gave OV the "server," in a brave act of heroism. He is banned instead. Then Kane is banned for even TALKING about private servers! What the heck??
The Miss Zelda Beauty Pageant starts! Most of the gals of the ZSB enter as contestants, and most of the boys enter as judges. This dies out before the votes even begin, however, so we never knew who won(but it would have been SaiyanGirl....)
Cribbs finds a way back, and comes back with a vengeance: he wins a free Gamecube! That's right, Cribbs won the N-Crew contest at Wal-Mart, and you can see this amazing fact by clicking here. And if THAT wasn't enough, at the end of the month Coolguy461 wins ANOTHER one by peeling back a Dr. Pepper label. So far, the record for total number of ZSBers winning Nintendo game systems by chance, in one month, is two....but who knows, we could break that record in the future.....
Another dumb topic gains a lot of attention, "Link vs. Mario." You can see this and a lot of other things of January on the Archives page....

February 2002: Another n00b invasion hits! There is little resistance this time, strangely......the TAB does not rise again like Admiral wanted. But people still hate it....
The trend of the month is.....ZSB SITCOMS! Also, after months of complaining that she always wins nothing, SaiyanGirl wins her first award, as "favorite person to instant message with"! A few days after, she has a big argument with Bender and leaves forever, giving her GameFAQS account to Ryoko and dumping her IM address. Well,
that award went to waste....but she comes back under "Shirinkato."
An unknown terrorist named "XAnarchistX" actually finds out Gamequeen's and Ducky's FULL NAMES and POSTS THEM for all to see!! Shortly after he is declared the "most evil person at the ZSB".

March 2002: Anarchist proves his evilness in the following days. Nobody knows who he is still, but he targets several ZSBers(he had a long list here) and vows to get them banned. He also floods the ZSB several times and blames other people for it. Bender and some others try to formulate some theories on who he could be.....he turns out to be King of Games later.
The biggest trend to hit the ZSB in months is.....the RATING TOPICS! This is a topic where someone posts "Come here and I'll rate what I think of you on a scale of 1 to 10." Within a week these stupid things are all over the board, and very old.
And wow....a car crashes into Lisa's kitchen!! Even worse, it was driven by her 16-year-old sister. So much for a license. You can catch the action
Meanwhile, Cribbs has to go to the hospital because of heart problems. Three days after he leaves, an Email is sent to MacDaddy Mike that is supposedly from his parents and says he died. The whole board grieves--and it turned out to be a joke the next morning. It is still not known who did it, but whoever it is, he's dead when we find out.....
Before the month is over, ANOTHER trend catches fire...the FriendTest(from Also, Donkey Kong Song rips me off! See the Archives to witness that.....

April 2002: Nothing happens. I mean it, nothing happened this month. Okay, so this guy named Beefer showed up for a week, and a mod posted here for the first time, but both of those are also in the Archives(except for the mod thing) so why waste my breath. So, nothing happened. Why are you still reading this paragraph?? Move on already!
Move on already
Don't move on already